Dana Jackson-Hardwick
Program Director
Schedule an appointment here
Dana is coming to NMU from the University of Central Oklahoma. There, she was the Assistant Director of the Office of High-Impact Practices, managing the university's undergraduate research programs.

Lindsay Haukkala
Assistant Director
Lindsay Haukkala grew up in Ishpeming, Michigan, and then came to Northern Michigan University for a degree in Public Administration with a minor in Business Administration in 2012. She was lucky enough to be able to come back to Northern to work after graduation, in a job that is related to her major!

Office Contact
Campus Location
401 Cohodas Hall
Located within the College of Graduate Studies and Research
M-F, 8am-5pm during the academic year, 7:30-4p during the summmer
Mailing Address
McNair Scholars Program
Northern Michigan University
1401 Presque Isle Avenue
Marquette, MI 49855