Wildcat Battalion Staff


LTC Scott Little

Department Head & Professor of Military Science

sclittle@nmu.edu (906) 227-1570
NMU Military Sci/ROTC Logo

CPT Thomas Bowe

Assistant Professor of Military Science

military@nmu.edu (906) 227-2754
NMU Military Sci/ROTC Logo

MSG Alfonso Valdez

Senior Military Instructor

military@nmu.edu 227-1566
MSG Donald Clemons

MSG Donald Clemons

Supply Technician

military@nmu.edu (906) 227-1568
NMU Military Sci/ROTC Logo

LTC (Ret.) John Moschetti

Contingent Senior Instructor-Military Sciene

military@nmu.edu (906) 227-2236
Lancer Gilliam

Lancer Gilliam

Human Resources Assistant

lgilliam@nmu.edu (906) 227-2237
NMU Military Sci/ROTC Logo

Kerry Hytinen

Principal Administrative Assistant

military@nmu.edu (906) 227-2236

More Information

LTC Scott Little, Professor of Military Science

LTC Scott Little was born in Dallas, Texas but spent the majority of his life in Canada prior to enlisting as a Combat Medic in 2002 after graduation from Providence College. While serving as an enlisted member of the Army while deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom with the 25 th Infantry Division, LTC Little was selected for a Green to Gold Scholarship to Texas Christian University. Upon graduation in 2007, LTC Little earned a commission in the U.S. Army as a Quartermaster Officer. 

As a Lieutenant, LTC Little was assigned to the 506 th Quartermaster Company in Fort Lee, VA where he served as a Platoon Leader and Company Executive Officer and deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. LTC Little was promoted to Captain during this deployment and was assigned as the 49 th Quartermaster Group Chief of Operations upon his return. After completion of the Logistics Career Course, he moved to Fort Irwin, CA where he served as the Squadron Logistics Officer for the 11 th Armored Cavalry Regiments Support Squadron prior to taking command of Maintenance Troop.

After a successful command tenure, LTC Little moved to attend graduate school at Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA. Upon earning his MBA, LTC Little was assigned to Fort McCoy, WI where he served as the Operations Officer of the 1-338th Training Support Battalion. During this assignment, he was selected for promotion to Major and attendance at the Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth.

After graduation from Fort Leavenworth, LTC Little was assigned as the Executive Officer for the 840th Transportation Battalion in Camp Arifjan, Kuwait followed by a three year assignment as the Executive Officer for the Los Angeles Recruiting Battalion. Four years of Kuwait and California proved to be too much year-round summer, so LTC Little was selected in 2022 as the Professor of Military Science at Northern Michigan University in the beautiful Upper Peninsula.

LTC Little’s awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal (two awards), the Meritorious Service Medal (four awards), the Army Commendation Medal (two awards), the Army Achievement Medal (two awards), the Combat Medical Badge, the Army Parachutist Badge, the Air Assault Badge, and multiple campaign/service decorations. He holds Bachelor Degree’s from Providence College and Texas Christian University and a Master of Business
Administration from Pepperdine University.

In the summer, you will find LTC Little with his family on the golf course, baseball diamond, lake, beach, or mountain biking trails that make Marquette a special place to call home. In the winter, he will be found at NMU hockey games, the pool/gym, or on the rink trying to find his  lost hockey skills. LTC Little has been happily married since 2007 and has three amazing children.

CPT Thomas L. Bowe

CPT Bowe was born in Minnesota and raised in the Midwest. He graduated from Illinois State University with a bachelor’s of science in construction management and received a commission as an Infantry Officer through the ROTC program.

CPT Bowe spent a year at FT. Benning, GA where he completed IBOLC and Ranger School. His first duty assignment was at Schofield Barracks, HI with  st Battalion 21st Infantry Regiment where he served as a heavy weapons platoon leader, rifle company
executive officer, and battalion assistant operations officer. During his time in Hawaii CPT Bowe earned his Expert Infantryman’s badge, air assault badge and deployed on pacific pathways rotations to Korea, Thailand and the Philippines.

CPT Bowe is a graduate of the maneuver captains career course at FT. Benning, GA and simultaneously earned his master’s degree in organizational leadership from Columbus State University.

CPT Bowe served at FT Wainwright, AK in the 1st Battalion 5th infantry Regiment of the 1 th Airborne Division. CPT Bowe served as the battalion assistant operations officer then quickly took command of Charger Company 1st Battalion 5th Infantry
Regiment from March 2021 to May 2022 and then Hatchet Company 1st Battalion 5th Infantry Regiment from June 2022 to June 2023.

CPT Bowe’s awards and decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal (three awards), Army Achievement Medal (three awards), Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Korea Defense Service Medal, Oversea Service Ribbon, Ranger Tab, Army Parachutist Badge, Air Assault Badge, and the Expert Infantryman Badge.

CPT Bowe is married to the former Courtney Ballard of O’Fallon, IL and have one child, James (4mo). CPT Bowe is a licensed skydiver and he enjoys weight lifting, hunting, fishing, and spending time with his family in the outdoors.


Master Sergeant Alfonso Valdez, Senior Military Instructor

Master Sergeant Alfonso G. Valdez was born in Los Alamitos, CA. He entered the United States Army on 19 June, 2003. He attended Basic Training at Fort Sill, Oklahoma and Advanced Individual Training at Fort Bliss, TX. as 14T, Patriot Launching Station Enhanced Operator/Maintainer.

MSG Valdez’ assignments and duty stations include: D 5-7 ADA Babinhusen, Germany; TF 5-7 ADA Hanau, Germany; B 2-43 ADA Fort Bliss, Texas; B 3-4 ADAR Fort Bragg; North Carolina; A 2-1 ADA Kunsan Air Force Base, South Korea; The Noncommissioned Officer Academy, Hawaii; C 1-43 ADA Fort Bliss Texas and Northern Michigan University . MSG Valdez has deployed twice in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, once in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, once support of Operation Spartan Shield and once in support of Operation Inherent Resolve.

He has served in numerous leadership positions which include: Team Leader, Squad Leader, Platoon Sergeant, Battery Equal Opportunity Leader, Battery Victim Advocate, Battalion Victim Advocate, Small Group Leader, Senior Small Group Leader at the NCO Academy Hawaii, Battery First Sergeant and Senior Military Science Instructor.

MSG Valdez’ schools and military training include: Warrior Leader Course, Advanced Leader Course, Senior Leaders Course, Master Leaders Course, Unit Armorer Course, Unit Movement Officer Course, Integrated Computerized Deployment System Course, Master Resiliency Trainer Course, Equal Opportunity Leader Course, Sexual Harassment/ Assault Response and Prevention Course, Small Group Instructor Training Course, Army Basic Instructor Course, Army Basic Instructor Evaluator Course, Common Facilitated Development – Instructor Crouse and Master Educator Course.

MSG Valdez’ awards and decorations include: Bronze Star Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal (1 SOLC), Army Achievement Medal (4th OLC), Meritorious Unit Award, Joint Meritorious Unit Award, Army Good Conduct Medal (4th award), National Defense Service Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Service Medal (1 Campaign Star), Iraqi Campaign Service Medal (2 Campaign Stars), Operation Inherent Resolve (2 Campaign Star), Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, NCO Professional Development Ribbon (Numeral 4), Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon (Numeral 5), Combat Action Badge and the Drivers Badge.

MSG Valdez is single with two sons and one daughter.

LTC (Ret.) John Moschetti, Contingent Senior Instructor of Military History (Instructor for MS 279, 280 and 290)

Lieutenant Colonel Moschetti was born in Richmond Virginia on 30 July 1952.  he earned a Bachelor of Arts in History form the Virginia Military Institute in 1975 and a Master of Arts in Education from George Washington University in 1980.  Commissioned an Infantry Second Lieutenant in 1975, he is a graduate of the Infantry Officers Basic and Advance Courses, the Quartermaster Supply Management Course and the Command and General Staff College. In 2006, he attended the Military History Instructors Course offered by the Army's Combat Studies Institute at Fort Leavenworth.

He currently is serving as an adjunct instructor for the American Military History course, MS 290, and the Leadership Analysis, MS 279 and Battle Analysis, MS 280 courses.

His assignments include Platoon Leader and Company Executive Officer in the 1st Battalion 31st Infantry in Korea (1976-1977), Education Specialist at the Army Training Support Center, Fort Eustis, Virginia (1977-1980), Training Specialist at the Seventh Army Training Command, Grafenwoehr, Germany (1980-1982), Commander C Company, 1st Battalion 36th Infantry, Friedberg, Germany (1982-1983), Aide-de Camp to the Deputy Commanding General Second Army, Fort Gillem, Georgia (1983-1985), Director of Logistics (1985-1987) and Director of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security for the U.S. Military Community, Bad Toelz, Germany (1987-1989),   Brigade S-4 (Logistics) for the 1st Brigade 101at Airborne (Air Assault) Division and Battalion   S-3 (Operations and Training) 2nd Battalion 327th Infantry, Fort Campbell, Kentucky (1990-1992), Chief of the Plans and Operations Division, V Corps, G-4, Heidelberg, Germany (1992-1995), and Professor of Military Science and Commander of the Northern Michigan University Reserve Officers Training Corps Battalion, Marquette, Michigan (1995-1999).

His decorations and awards include the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star Medal, The Meritorious Service Medal (with Oak Leaf Clusters), the Army Commendation Medal (with Oak Leaf Cluster), The Army Achievement Medal, the Nation Defense Service Medal, the Korean Defense Service Medal, the Southwest Asia Service Medal (with two Battle Stars), the Kuwait Liberation Medal (from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), the Kuwait Liberation Medal (from Kuwait), the Silver Cross of Honour (from the Federal Republic of Germany), the Combat Infantryman Badge, and the Air Assault Badge.

Lancer Gilliam, Human Resources Assistant

Mr. Lancer Gilliam was born on 29 June, 1970 in Flint, Michigan.  He is a 1988 graduate of Swartz Creek High School, Swartz Creek, Michigan and he holds 2 Community College of the Air Force degrees. One in Electronic Systems Technology and the other as an Instructor of Military Science and Technology.

Mr. Gilliam Joined the United States Air Force on 12 October, 1988 when he attended basic training at Lackland AFB, Texas.  After completing Basic Military Training, he attended four months of technical training for Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE) Mechanic at Chanute AFB, Illinois.  As an AGE Mechanic Sergeant Gilliam served at Clark AB, Philippines from 1989 – 1991 and Wurtsmith AFB, Michigan from 1991-1992.  Due to career field saturation Mr. Gilliam was forced to cross-train where he selected Ground Radio Maintenance and he proceeded to Keesler AFB, Mississippi for six months of technical training for his new career choice.  Mr. Gilliam’s first assignment in the Ground Radio career field was at K. I. Sawyer AFB, Michigan where he served from 1992 until it closed in 1995.  After closing down K. I. Sawyer AFB, sergeant Gilliam was assigned to Fairchild AFB, Washington where he worked in the fixed radio shop.  After a year of working on fixed radios he transferred over to the Mobile Communications section.  He later worked in the Maintenance Support and Land Mobile Radio sections.  In 2005 Mr. Gilliam was assigned to Moody AFB, Georgia where he did a 4 year tour with the 820th Security Forces Group.  Finally in 2009 Mr. Gilliam arrived at Keesler AFB, Mississippi for his final assignment where he served as an Instructor Supervisor and Flight Chief of the Radio Frequency Transmissions Flight in the 338th Training Squadron.

Mr. Gilliam is the recipient of two Air Force Meritorious Service Medals, Joint Service Commendation Medal, two Air Force Commendation Medals, four Air Force Achievement Medals, Army Achievement Medal, Combat Readiness Medal, eight Air Force Good Conduct Medals, and the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal.  He has also received numerous quarterly awards and letters of appreciation.

Mr. Gilliam is married to the former Melissa Jean Osantowski of Cass City Michigan.  They currently reside in Marquette, Michigan and have two children:  Alexander and Melanie.