Emergency Response Guidelines Policy
To enhance the protection of lives and property during declared emergencies. The concepts, procedures, duties, and responsibilities outlined here are intended to ensure effective use of University and community resources. Adherence to these guidelines should result in an orderly and reasoned response to emergencies which rewards and assures public trust and confidence in Northern Michigan University.
All University employees, full time, part time, temporary, casual labor, students.
It is the policy of Northern Michigan University that when any situation which has the potential to significantly disrupt the achievement of the mission of the University, the President or designate may implement the Emergency Guidelines. When an emergency has been declared, the Chief of the NMU Police Department (Emergency Coordinator) shall immediately place into effect the necessary procedures to deal with the emergency; activating the Emergency Response Team, Establishing the Emergency Command Post and the on scene Emergency Command Post.
In 2014 this Policy was split into Policy and supporting procedure.
Emergency Response Guidelines, Procedure
Emergency Response
Procedure Description
In 2014 this Policy was split into Policy and supporting procedure.
I. Definition
Emergency: A sudden, unexpected occurrence or set of circumstances which has the potential to significantly disrupt the achievement of the mission of the University and requires immediate action.
II. Scope
- These procedures apply to all members of the University community (students, employees, guests) and to buildings and grounds owned or controlled by Northern Michigan University.
- These guidelines are a realistic framework in which to manage problems likely to be encountered on campus during a declared emergency.
- These guidelines serve as a guide and checklist and they may require modification to meet the requirements of a particular situation.
III. Declaration of an Emergency
- The authority to declare an emergency rests with the President of the University or, in the absence of the President, his or her designate.
- In the absence of the President designates in order are: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Finance and Administration.
- Once an emergency has been declared, the Chief of the NMU Police Department, or designate, shall immediately place into effect the appropriate procedures necessary to meet the emergency. The Chief of the NMU Police Department shall immediately consult with the President of the University, or designate, regarding the emergency.
- Only those individuals who have been assigned emergency resource team duties or have an emergency pass issued by the Chief of the NMU Police Department will be allowed to enter the immediate area affected by the emergency.
IV. Types of Emergencies
Examples of emergencies covered by this guide are:
- Natural Disasters
- Blizzards
- Tornados
- Floods
- Ice Storms
- Disease/Epidemic/Mass Casualty
- Measles
- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
- Food Poisoning
- Mass Casualties
- Operational Disruptions: (Facilities & Utilities)
- Power Outage
- Telephone Outage
- Water Outage
- Fire or Explosion
- Heating Plant Failure
- Computer Center Equipment Failure
- Chemical Spill or Contamination
- Acts of Sabotage
- Nuclear Chemical Spill or Contamination
- Operation/Disruptions: (Disturbances/Disruptions)
- Demonstrations
- Riots
- Building or Office Takeovers
- Employee Strike
- Terrorist Acts
- Other Criminal Acts
V. Direction and Coordination of an Emergency
- Emergency Director: The President of the University is the Emergency Director. All emergency operations shall be directed by the President or designate.
- Emergency Coordinator: The Chief of the NMU Police Department is the Emergency Coordinator.
- Operational control of a declared emergency is the responsibility of the Chief of the NMU Police Department.
- All emergency operations shall be coordinated by the Chief of the NMU Police Department.
- The coordination and management of the Emergency Resource Team is the responsibility of the Chief of the NMU Police Department.
- Emergency Command Post: When an emergency has been declared, it is the responsibility of the Chief of the NMU Police Department to establish and staff an appropriate Emergency Command Post.
- The Emergency Command Post will be located at the Police Department.
- If this site is unavailable, the Chief of the NMU Police Department will select an alternate location.
- At least one uniformed officer will staff the command post at all times.
- A marshaling area for local agency assistance and the emergency resource team shall be established by the Chief of the NMU Police Department.
- A conference room with facilities for emergency teams designed to accommodate multiple telephone and electrical equipment, will also be provided.
- On-scene Emergency Command Post: If an emergency involves only one building or a small portion of the campus, an on-scene command post will be established by the Chief of the NMU Police Department.
- A Police Department vehicle will be placed as near to the scene of the emergency as possible to serve as the on-scene command post.
- At least one Police Department Officer will staff the on-scene command post at all times. In certain instances, it may be necessary to identify office space, with appropriate furnishings and telephone communications, to serve as the on-scene command post.
- equipment shall include the following:
- Barricades, barrier tape, and signs.
- Two portable radios on Central Dispatch and Police Department Frequencies.
- Public Address System.
- First Aid/Trauma Kits.
- University Directory.
- Emergency Passes.
- Appropriate Office Equipment & Supplies.
VI. University Emergency Resource Team
When an emergency has been declared, the Chief of the NMU Police Department shall immediately begin notification of all necessary members of the University Emergency Resource Team. The team is composed of the following personnel.
- Emergency Director: University President or their designate.
- Emergency Coordinator: Chief of the NMU Police Department. (Alternate: Deputy Chief, Police Department).
- Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (Alternate: Associate Provost, Academic Affairs Student Services:
- Assistant Vice President/ Dean of Students Provost {Alternate: Associate Dean of Students/Director-Student Success Services)
- Vice President Finance and Administration (Alternate: Director -Budget/Finance) Public Information Officer: Director Communications (Alternate: News Director)
- CEO - NMU Foundation
- Assistant to the President for strategy
- Executive Director of Board and Government Relations
- Executive Assistant to the President
- Other University Officials as required by the Emergency Director or Emergency Coordinator.
VII. Responsibilities of Emergency Resource Team:
1. Emergency Director: The University President or designate.
- Responsible for the overall direction of the University Emergency Response.
- Works with the Chief of the NMU Police Department and others in assessing the emergency and preparing the University's specific response.
- Declares and ends the state of emergency.
- Conducts liaison activities with members of the Board of Control, governmental agencies and others as necessary.
2. Emergency Coordinator: Chief of the NMU Police Department or designate.
- Responsible for the overall coordination of the University emergency response.
- Determines the type and magnitude of the emergency and establishes the appropriate emergency command post.
- Initiates immediate contact with the President of the University and appropriate members of the President's Council, providing an assessment of the emergency.
- Deploys Police Department staff in order to maintain safety and order.
- Notifies members of the University Emergency Resource Team, advising them of the nature of the emergency.
- Notifies and conducts liaison activities with appropriate outside agencies: police, fire, emergency services, hospital, etc...
- Ensures that appropriate notifications are made to off campus staff when necessary.
- Performs other related duties as required by the nature of the emergency.
- In conjunction with the Emergency Resource Team Members, prepares and submits a final report to the President of the University. governmental agencies and others as necessary.
3. Provost and Vice President Academic Affairs: Academic Affairs: Associate Provost,
Academic Affairs or designate.
- Makes determinations on the necessity to cancel classes.
- Facilitates communications with faculty.
- Facilitates shutdown of laboratories and safeguarding of hazardous materials in accordance with established department plans.
- Work with the Damage control officer to ensure uninterrupted utilities or alternate sources of power for critical research needs.
- Implement policies for safeguarding of vital academic records.
- Works with the Chief of the NMU Police Department in the preparation and submission of a final report on the emergency for the President.
4. Assistant Vice President/ Dean of Students
- Establishes and maintains communications with on campus students and live-in staff apprising them of the nature of the emergency, the University's planned responses to the emergency, and what is expected of them.
- Coordinates, with the Associate Vice President Business Services and Facilities, if the emergency situation is such that on-campus housing is not habitable, or for critical life safety issues.
- Arranges for temporary housing for on campus residents as necessary.
- Arranges for temporary space in Housing and Residence Life facilities to accommodate other University departments whose space has been made nonfunctioning by the emergency.
- Coordinates live-in staffs'; implementation of evacuation procedures if such procedures become necessary.
- Coordinates with the Director, Dining Services for continuation of meal service or alternate arrangements as required.
- Coordinate with Health Services for medical and psychological services.
- If commuter students are unable to leave the campus, utilize the information from the Student Survey for appropriate notifications.
- Works with the Chief of the NMU Police Department to protect life and property within on campus housing facilities.
- Works with the Chief of the NMU Police Department on preparation and submission of a final report on the emergency for the President.
5. Vice President for Finance and Administration
- Facilitates communication on the emergency to staff.
- Assists in the evacuation and relocation of staff.
- Determines critical staffing levels for the workforce during the emergency.
- Identify critical payroll functions and establish appropriate backup procedures and post emergency payroll activities.
- Work with departments to determine which normal job functions can be deferred, allowing staff to address immediate needs after the emergency.
- Works with the Chief of the NMU Police Department on preparation and submission of a final report on the emergency for the President.
- Provides equipment and personnel to perform shutdown procedures, hazardous area control, barricades, damage assessment, debris clearance, emergency repair and equipment protection.
- Provides vehicles, equipment and operators for movement of personnel and supplies, assigns vehicles as required to the University Emergency Resource Team.
- Obtains the assistance of utility companies as required for emergency operations.
- Furnishes emergency power and lighting as required.
- Surveys habitable office space and relocates essential services and functions.
- Coordinates with the Director, Housing and Residence Life, for the relocation of residence hall or University Apartment residents as appropriate or necessary.
- Provides for storage of vital records at an alternate site as required.
- Coordinate with the Risk and Insurance Manager on assessment and insurance issues.
- Works with the Chief of the NMU Police Department in the preparation and submission of a final report on the emergency for the President.
6. Other University Officials: As assigned by the President of the University or Chief of the NMU Police Department.
- Works with the Emergency Resource Team as directed by the Chief of the NMU Police Department.
- Works with the Chief of the NMU Police Department in the preparation and submission of a final report on the emergency for the President.
VIII. Emergency Plans:
1. All emergency plans, policies or procedures, will be maintained by the Chief of the
NMU Police Department. These plans, policies or procedures are considered
attachments to this document. Examples of attachments are:
- Inclement Weather Policy
- Hazard Communication Plan
- Hazardous Material Management Plan
- Sudden Death Policy
- University Strike Plan
- Communicable Disease Policy
- Disaster Recovery Plan
- Crisis Communications Plan
- Workplace Violence Policy
2. The Chief of the NMU Police Department may require specific departments to draft
emergency response plans or recovery plans, pertaining to their area of
IX. Emergency Planning:
- Members of the University Resource Team will serve as members of the Emergency Planning Committee. The Chief of the NMU Police Department will serve as chair.
- The Emergency Response Guidelines will be reviewed at least annually by the Emergency Planning Committee.
- This committee will meet as required to review, update and prepare additional emergency plans.
- The committee will make recommendations on Emergency Planning to the President of the University.
X. Training and education:
- Each member of the Executive Management classification will be provided with Orientation and familiarization in the operational aspects of the Emergency Guidelines.
- Each member of the Emergency Resource Team, and designates, will be provided with Training in the operational responsibilities of the Emergency Guidelines.
- Each employee of the University will be provided with Awareness Information concerning the Emergency Guidelines.
- The orientation, training, and awareness will be provided by the Chief of the NMU Police Department.
- The Director, Human Resources, shall ensure that the Chief of the NMU Police Department is notified whenever personnel action requires orientation of an Executive Management employee, or training of an Emergency Resource Team member.
XI. Dissemination of the Policy:
The emergency response guidelines will be disseminated to Vice Presidents, Deans, Directors and Department Heads.
Approved on: September 20, 1989
Revision approved on: September 13, 2001
Revision: November 3, 2004
Revision approved on: November 22, 2004
Date Approved: | 9-20-1989 |
Last Revision: | 11-3-2004 |
Last Reviewed: | 11-3-2004 |
Approved By: | President |