The Leadership Council consists of the president’s direct reports, the five academic deans and several other top administrators.
The group’s primary responsibilities are to keep the president informed of issues and situations facing the various areas of the campus the members represent, as well as to identify and share campus, community or discipline area opportunities for Northern. The Council helps to oversee the preparation of the NMU Board of Trustees meeting presentations and materials.
The Leadership Council meets every Monday.
Its current members are:
Brock Tessman, President
President's Direct Reports --
Gavin Leach, Vice President for Finance and Administration
Anne Dahlman, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Brad Canale, CEO of the NMU Foundation
Mike Bath, Chief of Police, NMU Police Department, and Director of Safety, NMU Safety Department
Shawnrece Campbell, Assistant Vice President, Diversity & Inclusion
Laura Glover, Executive Administrative Assistant to the President
Derek Hall, Chief Marketing Officer, University Marketing and Communications
Deanna Hemmila, Executive Director of Board and Government Relations
Cindy Paavola, Assistant to the President for Strategic Initiative
Rick Comley, Athletic Director
Academic Deans --
Lisa Eckert, Dean, College of Graduate Studies and Research
Carol Johnson, Dean, College of Business
Liz Wuorinen, Interim Dean, College of Health Sciences and Professional Studies
Steve VandenAvond, Associate Provost and Dean, College of Technology and Occupational Sciences
Leslie Warren, Dean, Library and Instructional Support
Rob Winn, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Other Top Administrators --
Jill Compton, Director of Internal Audit and Risk Management
Kari Garcia, Director of Admissions
Rhea Deaver, Director of Human Resources
Mary Brundage, Interim Dean of Students
Jason Nicholas, Assistant Provost and Director of Institutional Effectiveness