Northern Michigan University serves as a training center for Upper Peninsula and Upper Great Lakes law enforcement personnel.  The NMU Public Safety Institute coordinates these training programs, which include a 16-week regional training academy, basic and advanced law enforcement courses, programs and seminars.

The NMU Public Safety Institute is grant-funded and offers the following courses when funding is available:

Basic courses cover such topics as legal updates, firearms, precision driving, first aid and CPR, police tactics, defensive tactics, domestic violence, traffic enforcement, mountain bike patrol, criminal law and other law enforcement areas.

Advanced courses include advanced law enforcement training, tactical pistol course, first-line supervisor training, firearm instructor update and evidence technician training.

The state of Michigan now requires Continued Professional Education (CPE) requirements for each officer in the State.  The Public Safety Institute will help keep Law Enforcement in compliance by making sure all classes offered can be used towards the CPE requirement.

For more information, please contact Sgt. Adam Maynard, Training Director of the NMU Public Safety Institute and Regional Police Academy at 906-227-1408.

2025 Inservice classes

In 2022, after drug trafficking, human trafficking is the fastest growing, largest criminal activity worldwide.  This course will teach participants the prevalence, scope and nature of Trafficking in PERSONS (TIP). Since human trafficking often hides in plain sight, people working on the front lines, such as 911 operators, law enforcement, EMT’s, fire fighters or hospital staff play a vital role but unfortunately miss the signs or misidentify the crime or situation. Learn what to look for in both victim and trafficker profiles, where to find trafficking and how to respond and support potential human trafficking victims appropriately and safely. Local incidents will be shared. 


***This class meets and exceeds the State of Michigan mandate that all healthcare providers receive Human trafficking training for license renewal and covers new State of MI Legal law enforcement updates.***


CPE Registered Class - Eligible for CPE Funding

MCOLES Registered Training – Eligible For 302 Funding

PSI Consortium Members $25.00   Non-Members $75.00.



Iron River

Sault Ste. Marie


Sex trafficking and drug coercion incidents in the State of MI are present and increasing.  Law enforcement officers may unknowingly encounter sex trafficking when they deal with homeless and runaway juveniles; drug trafficking and other criminal gang activity; domestic violence calls; traffic violations and investigations at casinos and motels. Instructed by a team comprising of Chippewa County Sheriff's Office, Undersheriff Ryan Hering formerly from TRIDENT and Prosecuting Attorney Kristen Giommi, participants will glean insights on how to dig deeper and share strategic and tactical investigative techniques from their UC operations in identifying and successfully prosecuting sex traffickers, child sex predators and supporting their victims.     

***Exclusive to current LE officers, patrol, detectives, and prosecutors-ID at the door***

PSI Consortium Members $25.00   Non-Members $75.00.

CPE Registered Class - Eligible for CPE Funding

MCOLES Registered Training – Eligible For 302 Funding


Iron River

Sault Ste. Marie


A four (4) hour program designed to make officers aware of the latest changes in the State and Federal laws which they enforce and govern their actions. (4 hour combination material presentation, question and answer, and discussion)

MCOLES Registered Training – Eligible For 302 Funding and CPE


Tactical Warrant Service is designed to equip officers that are not part of a formal tactical team and those that have no tactical training but may be called to participate in a warrant service, with the underlying skills needed to safely execute hazardous search warrants. This would include planning, communication, rehearsals, and the safe execution and mechanics of movement during a tactical warrant service. 

Topics Included

 • Legal considerations of tactical warrant services

 • Planning, Intelligence Collection, Mission and Operation Orders

 • Equipment selection

 • Personnel selection

 • Tactical medic support/self-aid

 • Communication and Coordination

 • Rehearsals

 • Team movements 

• Breaching options 

• Clearing tactics 

• Less than lethal options, abort and rally points, breach and bunker options 

• Search techniques and prisoner handling 

• Evidence recovery and documentation • Critique, review, and training assessment

Required Equipment • BDU or warrant service uniform • Body armor • Boots/Gloves • Flashlight • Kneepads


CPE Registered Class - Eligible for CPE Funding

MCOLES Registered Training – Eligible For 302 Funding

Field Training Officers train and evaluate career candidates in preparation for solo duty in law enforcement, corrections, and communications.

This twenty four (24) hour course is a nationally recognized model for preparing experienced patrol officers for a career in field training. The course focuses on the FTO themselves, and how they can improve their interpersonal and instruction skills to increase Officer in Training (OIT) retention.

PSI Consortium Members $75.00   Non-Members $225.00.

***If Non-Members pay the Member fee, they may be invoiced for the remaining balance***

CPE Registered Class - Eligible for CPE Funding

MCOLES Registered Training – Eligible For 302 Funding

Created specifically to address the needs of experienced FTO's, this 2-day class will re-energize and focus Field Training Officers that have experience training and evaluating trainees in the fields of Patrol, Corrections and Communications. 

This class offers advanced remedial training techniques, insight into human behavior, discussion on leadership vs. management. The FTO’s role on socialization and the importance of proper documentation.

PSI Consortium Members $50.00   Non-Members $150.00.

***If Non-Members pay the Member fee, they may be invoiced for the remaining balance***

CPE Registered Class - Eligible for CPE Funding

MCOLES Registered Training – Eligible For 302 Funding

A four (4) hour program designed to refresh participants understanding of safe and competent emergency vehicle operation within the parameters of the motor vehicle code, state law and department policy.

Upon completion of the program participants will be able to:

●          Know Michigan Law as it relates to emergency vehicle operation

●          Operate a vehicle in conformance with the statutes

●          Demonstrate the ability to operate a vehicle within physical limitations

●          Operate a vehicle in a defensive manner, anticipating unusual or unexpected occurrences

●          Demonstrate the operational differences in a vehicle when operated during adverse environmental conditions.

●         Demonstrate the ability to operate a vehicle safely under emergency conditions.

●        Make informed decisions as to when to engage and disengage in high-speed pursuit




This course is designed as a fundamental essentials training program for Law Enforcement Officers who are assigned to Special Operations Teams, Narcotics Enforcement Units, Warrants Teams, and Patrol Units who wish to improve their tactical skills. This class emphasizes the physical mechanics of movement along with tactical decision-making skills. The student will participate in dynamic hands-on training in an environment that will require him/her to operate as an integral member of a team. Training days will be extended with a planned training week well in excess of 40+ hours. This course is not designed as, nor intended to be, a “Selections Course” or a “Boot Camp” style training. 

The Tactical Operations Course/ Basic SWAT is designed for the Law Enforcement Professional tasked with the planning and execution of elevated threat situations. The course will address the following areas:

• Team Composition & position duties 

• Risk assessment and operations design/planning 

• Weapons skills (live fire) 

• Contact and Cover 

• Room Clearing  

• Movement 

• Dwelling, business, school   

This is a Physically Demanding course with extended training days consisting of three 12+ hour days and an 4+ hour day on the last.  

Equipment Needed: Tactical apparel (BDU’s) ,Web gear, holster, flashlight, standard equipment  Ballistic vest Helmet (if issued) Eye and hearing protection Gloves   Appropriate clothing for outdoor training,  Handgun, 3 magazines and 350 rounds of training ammo Writing utensils and paper Water, protein snacks 

PSI Consortium Members $100.00   Non-Members $300.00.

***If Non-Members pay the Member fee, they may be invoiced for the remaining balance***

CPE Registered Class - Eligible for CPE Funding

MCOLES Registered Training – Eligible For 302 Funding

Technology saturates our everyday lives. Yet so many technologies are being developed with the specific purpose of targeting police officers or hiding criminal activity. This is a unique and eye-opening class for law enforcement personnel who want to learn more on how technologies are being used (or misused) to commit crimes, avoid or detect investigations, and to conduct counter surveillance. However, not only will this class examine and demonstrate how individuals are misusing these technologies, but it will also reveal simple, inexpensive ways to mitigate their success as well as provide some investigative tips. Although dealing with technology issues, this course is instructed in a manner that both the novice and the expert will understand and appreciate. The course utilizes a combination of lecture, multimedia examples, case studies, and live demonstrations involving the attendees. 


CPE Registered Class - Eligible for CPE Funding

MCOLES Registered Training – Eligible For 302 Funding

With new requirements from MCOLES, this class will make sure each department follows the standards required for the Active Violence training requirement. This class is not meant to change the way departments are doing the training, it is to make sure the departments training is meeting the standard. The goals below are what departments need to be able to instruct per MCOLES. Goal of the class will be to provide instruction on standards related to the law enforcement response to active violence events. The main focus of the training will be providing instruction to law enforcement responders to effectively put a quick and deliberate end to active violence events that they may encounter and improve the survivability of civilians and officers during these events. 

Upon Completion of this training, the officer will be able to: 

1.) Participate in a facilitated classroom discussion involving an active violence incident 

2.) Identify response and rescue tactics and techniques 

3.) Respond appropriately to use of force situations 

4.) Participate in force-on-force scenarios 

5.) Demonstrate an understanding of concepts and expectations related to response and rescue efforts.

Attending this class will complete the Mandated PA552 requirement. Please make sure you have your duty belt with you…NO FIREARM OR AMMO.


An eighty (80) hour program designed to prepare the participants for their role in locating, identifying, photographing, collecting, preserving and packaging evidence found at a crime scene. The program will also evaluate the participant's ability to process a crime scene correctly.

At the completion of the program participants will be able to:

 * Properly utilize their department s photographic and evidence collection equipment and supplies. 

* Understand how to process a crime scene to locate, photograph, collect, preserve and package evidence for use in the prosecution of the case. 

* Understand the legal considerations and limitations of crime scene investigation and search warrant requirements including the role search warrants play in the crime scene search. 

* Demonstrate proper techniques for photographing, measuring, collecting, preserving and packaging evidence found at a crime scene.


The Instructor Development Course (IDC) is a 3-day course instructed by law enforcement professionals and seasoned instructors. The course is for new and seasoned instructors who are looking to gain new skills and build upon current skills. Instructors will demonstrate skills required for preparing and delivering effective instruction and coaching and evaluating adult learners. This course uses adult learning theory and methods for learner engagement.



Basic RADAR and LIDAR Course.  Attend classroom/lecture. Complete 24 hours of hands on operation of RADAR unit. Attend the second day of LIDAR Classroom/lecture on October 31st, 2024.  Pass the post test with 70%.  Complete practical road test of department RADAR Equipment.

MCOLES Registered Training-Eligible for 302 Funding



Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) program is a community partnership of law enforcement, mental health and addiction professionals, individuals who live with mental illness and/or addiction disorders, their families and other advocates. It is an innovated first responder model of police-based crisis intervention training to help persons with mental disorders and/or addictions access medical treatment rather than place them in the criminal justice system due to illness-related behaviors. It promotes officer safety and the safety of the individual in crisis. CIT provides a forum for effective problem solving regarding the interaction between criminal justice and mental health care system and creates the context for sustainable change. Research shows that communities that prescribe to the CIT Program Model have higher success rates in resolving serious crisis situations.


The Michigan Incident Crime Reporting (MICR) training schedule is now available.  Please register through MI-Train at  Click the magnifying glass icon and search “MICR” in the Search TRAIN box.  Select the date you desire and click “Register” to reserve your seat.  Please register at your earliest convenience as attendance for these classes will be limited.