Title IX is a federal law that protects individuals from sex discrimination in any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.

Prohibited Conduct under NMU's policy applies to:  relationship violence (dating violence and domestic violence), sexual misconduct (sexual assault, sexual exploitation, and sex discrimination(which includes harassment based on gender identity, sexual orientation, sex stereotypes, pregnancy status, and sex-based harassment, which is harassment on the basis of sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or pregnancy status)), and stalking.

Yes, Title IX protects faculty, staff, and students from discrimination on the basis of gender (sex).

Sexual misconduct collectively identifies any acts of unwanted and/or unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that occurs without consent: sexual assault, (which can include rape, sodomy, sexual assault with an object, fondling, incest, and statutory rape), sexual exploitation, and sex discrimination (which includes harassment based on gender identity, sexual orientation, sex stereotypes, pregnancy status, and sex-based harassment, which is harassment on the basis of sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or pregnancy status)).

Depending on the circumstances, sex discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual assault may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Deliberate touching which does not contribute to or advance the work, service, or education activity being conducted.
  • Repeated brushing against or touching of another's body, which does not contribute to or advance the work, service, or education activity being conducted.
  • Pressure or demands for a date or for sexual activity with a subordinate by an individual in authority.
  • Repeated requests for a date or for sexual activity which are declined.
  • Pictorial or actual displays of obscenity which do not contribute to or advance the work, service, or education activity being conducted.
  • Written/electronic, verbal, pictorial (screen saver/wallpaper), or nonverbal communications of a sexual nature which do not contribute to or advance the work, service, or education activity being conducted. 

Yes. If you have been subjected to unwanted sexual contact or sexual harassment, your gender and the gender of the alleged perpetrator are irrelevant. Title IX prohibits such conduct. 

University officials will reach out to you and provide you with an opportunity to meet, as well as provide you with an informational brochure and resources.  During a meeting, University officials will explain the services, assistance, support, and options that are available to you. Any further action depends on your situation, your needs, and what you choose to do. By law, the Title IX Coordinator will always be informed of the complaint. 

Only those within the University with a legitimate need to know will have knowledge of the complainant's name and what occurred. All employees involved with the complaint/grievance process receive specific training about respecting and safeguarding private information. In no case will students or student-employees have access to information provided in a Prohibited Conduct report. 

Under the Clery Act, the University must send out a "timely warning notice" to alert the campus community to security and safety threats, which includes information regarding these incidents. This will not include the complainant's name. 

Please see the NMU Relationship Violence, Sexual Misconduct and Stalking Policy to review further information regarding confidentiality, anonymity, and legal exceptions. 

Reports and Complaints to the Title IX Office staff.

Harger Boal
Associate Director of Equal Opportunity and Title IX Coordinator
105 Cohodas 
phone: 906-227-2416

Janet Koski
Executive Director of Equal Opportunity and Title IX, and Equal Opportunity Officer
105 Cohodas

Chad Allard
Equal Opportunity/Title IX Specialist
105 Cohodas 
phone: 906-227-2417

NMU Resident Advisers, Community Advisers, Resident Directors, and all other Housing & Residence Life staff are considered Mandatory Reporters. This means they have the duty to report a disclosure of relationship violence (dating violence and domestic violence), sexual misconduct (sexual assault, sexual exploitation, and sex discrimination(which includes harassment based on gender identity, sexual orientation, sex stereotypes, pregnancy status, and sex-based harassment, which is harassment on the basis of sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or pregnancy status)), and stalking incidents to the appropriate university officials. If you choose to report an incident to your Resident Adviser, Community Adviser, or Resident Director, they will be able to assist you in getting information and support, and will also be required to report the disclosed incident to the Title IX Coordinator. If you wish to make a confidential report, seek assistance from a confidential resource at NMU's Counseling & Consultation Services or Health Center.

All NMU faculty and staff members are designated as Mandatory Reporters, meaning they are required to report relationship violence (dating violence and domestic violence), sexual misconduct (sexual assault, sexual exploitation, and sex discrimination(which includes harassment based on gender identity, sexual orientation, sex stereotypes, pregnancy status, and sex-based harassment, which is harassment on the basis of sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or pregnancy status)), and stalking incidents to the appropriate university officials. If you choose to report a Prohibited Conduct incident to an employee, know that they will be able to assist you in getting information and support, and will also be required to report the disclosed incident to the Title IX Office and Title IX Coordinator. If you wish to make a confidential report, seek assistance from a confidential resource at NMU's Counseling & Consultation Services or Health Center.