After a relationship violence, sexual misconduct or stalking occurs, the most important step is to get to a safe place. Your safety is the number one concern.

It is also important to preserve any evidence.  Should you decide now or at a future date to report a crime or policy violation, seek a protective/restraining order, or file a civil lawsuit, the preservation of evidence is important.

To preserve evidence it is recommended you do not bathe, change clothes, douche, use the toilet (if possible), smoke, urinate, or clean the bed/linen/area where the assault occurred. Even if you did any of the above, you are encouraged to seek prompt medical attention, as evidence may still be recoverable. Being examined as soon as possible, within 120 hours, is important in the case of sexual assault or rape as it assists with the preservation of evidence. 

If you have any physical injuries, take photos and date stamp the photos. Save texts messages, emails, and other information that may assist with an investigation.

Please notify the NMU Police Department if you have obtained external orders of protection, (personal protection order, restraining order, etc.) so a no contact order can be established on campus.

Please note, although preservation is encouraged, you have the right to choose to preserve or decline to preserve evidence.