Filing a Complaint

You have options if you decide to report and file a complaint. A criminal complaint may be filed if you choose. You also have the option to move forward with an internal university investigation. You have the option to move forward with both or you have the right to file separately. A criminal complaint may be filed before, during or after the university’s internal investigation. Also, an internal investigation may be initiated before, during or after a criminal complaint has been filed.

Online Reporting Form - Relationship Violence, Sexual Misconduct & Stalking Reporting Form

Criminal Complaint

Individuals have the right to file a criminal complaint that occurred on campus with the NMU Police Department at 100 Services Building, 906-227-2151. Criminal complaints that occurred off campus may be filed with the local law enforcement agency where the Prohibited Conduct (Relationship Violence, Sexual Misconduct or Stalking) occurred. 

University Title IX Complaint

Complaints against a University employee, student, or third party should be made with staff in the Title IX Office. The complaint will be handled in accordance with the complaint/grievance procedures outlined in the NMU Relationship Violence, Sexual Misconduct and Stalking Polcy/Procedures.

Harger Boal
Associate Director of Equal Opportunity and Title IX Coordinator
105 Cohodas Hall
phone:  906-227-2416, email: 

Janet Koski
Executive Director of Equal Opportunity and Title IX, and Equal Opportunity Officer
105 Cohodas Hall
phone: 906-227-2420, email: