At All Campus Tutoring we have a pool of tutors available to assist in many subjects that are the most requested. But we realize there are instances when we do not have a tutor available for a subject you need help in. We will do our best to work with departments and instructors to add a tutor for your subject. Also, if you generally need help with study skill basics, a study partner to quiz you or help review notes, try to utilize the Study Skill assistance staff. 

NOTE: Please be aware that All Campus Tutoring is not able to provide tutors for subjects that are already covered in the other Specialized Tutor Centers. This includes Math/Computer Science, English Writing Center, and modern languages such as, Spanish, French, German. We have links on the main Tutoring Services page for these department area schedules. Take a look under the "Specialized Tutoring" tab for that information. OR, contact your instructor or department for more specific information. 

In order to get the most out of a tutoring session, here are some helpful tips:

  • Bring your course materials. This may include; computer, notes, study guides, books, and homework you have done so far.
  • Tutors do not “correct” your homework or “spoon feed” the answers. But they will help walk you through questions and review information you need.
  • Students should come to a session having done some preparation. This means you have attended class, started or completed the assignments and reading, you have specific questions on material.
  • Make sure to attend the scheduled appointments. If students repeatedly miss sessions, they may be banned for a period of time.