Individual Appointments, 1:1 with a tutor, are available!

Check out the option to set up an individual appointment with a tutor, 1:1. Some tutors have time set aside in their block to meet with one student at a time. Appointments are 45 minutes and meet during the regularly scheduled open times for the center. Just sign up for an appointment and check in at the reception desk. 

All Campus Tutoring appointments generally meet during the center's regular open times of 4pm-10pm, Monday-Thursday and 4pm-8pm on Sunday.  However, there are a few options outside regular times that are shown in the table below.  Subjects here include: Accounting, CIS222, Biology, Chemistry, PSY 201. 

Some appointments for ACT 230, 240, 301, 240, CIS 222 are offered as ZOOM ONLY, 1:1 Appointments available. 

All Appointments are made by visiting our appointment link in ESP.   Head over to your ESP Dashboard to book an appointment or simply click here. 

Book an Appointment
Subjects            SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday

ACT 230, 240

zoom only


ACT 301, 302

zoom only


CIS 222

zoom only

BI 111, 112 4:30pm-6pm 8pm-10pm6pm-7:30pm 
BI 213, 214  5pm-6:30pm8pm-10pm7:30pm-9pm 
CH 111, 112  5pm-8pm 7pm-10pm 
EC 201, 202  4pm-5:30pm 2pm-3:30pm 

PSY 201. Email for

an appointment.

Ben Troutman.