Students admitted to NMU and begin taking classes prior to the Fall of 2017 should follow the requirements in the Liberal Studies section of previous bulletins. Those requirements are also outlined below. Students who are admitted to NMU as of the Fall 2017 semester or later should follow the General Education requirements.  Questions about these requirements should be directed to an adviser.

The liberal studies requirements are based on the principle that well-educated people need to know more than can be learned from their areas of academic specialization. To that end, the faculty, through the Academic Senate, developed the Liberal Studies Program requirements. The liberal studies are divided into six areas, or divisions, of inquiry. In order to earn a baccalaureate degree from NMU, students must meet the minimum requirements of each of the six divisions (six credit hours in divisions one through four and three credit hours in divisions five and six).

Foundations of Communication Generally 2 Courses 6-8 credit hours
Foundations of Humanities Generally 2 Courses 6-8 credit hours
Foundations of Natural Sciences/ Mathematics Generally 2 Courses 6-8 credit hours
Foundations of Social Sciences Generally 2 Courses 6-8 credit hours
Formal Communication Studies Generally 1 Course 3-4 credit hours
Foundations of Visual and Performing Arts Generally 1 Course 3-4 credit hours
  10 Courses 30-40 credit hours*

* Students who complete liberal studies requirements with less than 40 credit hours must complete their liberal studies divisions with the minimum number of credit hours stated above. The difference between the minimum credit hours required and 40 credit hours are added to general electives

Laboratory Requirement

Each student must complete one course of three or more liberal studies credits that has a laboratory component. Laboratory courses are defined as those that are listed specifically in the liberal studies section as having a laboratory.

Upper Division Course Requirement

At least three credits in liberal studies must be at the 300-level or above chosen from the liberal studies list of electives. All such courses have the prerequisite of sophomore standing and completion of the composition requirement.

World Cultures Requirement

Each student must take at least one course of three or more credits designated to meet the world cultures requirement.

Substitute Courses

Students who wish to substitute un-designated courses to meet specific liberal studies divisional requirements should consult their academic adviser. If the adviser approves the request, a written recommendation should be submitted to the Degree Audits Office, which will handle routine matters directly. In other cases, this office will confer with the appropriate college dean.

The liberal studies course checklist is an easy-to-use checklist that breaks down each of the liberal studies divisions onto a single page of course listings.  Use this checklist to track your progress through the liberal studies program at NMU.