General Education - Health Promotion Requirements

The university believes that an important part of a liberal education is providing students with knowledge about their health and well being and the opportunities to acquire leisure-time skills that will enrich their quality of life.

Maximum Health Promotion Credit
Students in baccalaureate degree programs may count up to six credits of health promotion (HP) courses toward graduation. (Exception: management of health and fitness majors and physical education majors and minors may apply ten credits of HP courses toward graduation.) Students in associate degree programs may apply three credits of HP courses toward graduation, and those in certificate programs may apply two credits of HP courses toward graduation.

Medical Exemption
Students who, in the opinion of the NMU Health Center physician, cannot benefit from any of the health promotion courses may be exempted from either or both of the health promotion courses. Students who receive medical exemption must meet the minimum credits required for their degree, certificate or diploma. The exempted credits are added to general electives.

Health Promotion Credit for Students Who Have Served in the Military
Students who have completed basic training and have a recommendation on their military transcripts for physical well being, physical ­ fitness or other descriptions of material covered in NMU’s HP 200 Physical Well Being will receive transfer credit for that course. In general, NMU does not grant HP activity credit for military experience. Official military transcripts must be sent to the Registrar's Office for evaluation and the awarding of credit.

HP 200 Physical Well Being is the core course that all baccalaureate degree, associate degree and one-year certificate program students must complete. It is devoted to the theories and proofs associated with maintaining physical wellness.

Baccalaureate degree students complete the second course in the health promotion requirement by selecting from a wide variety of activity courses.

Bulletin Year: 2010 - 2011 Undergraduate Bulletin | View the current NMU Catalog.