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End Date

Social Work Major

Majors receive the bachelor of social work degree, which is recognized as the entry level credential for social work practice. Graduates are prepared as generalists for careers in mental health, health care, the court system, substance abuse and spouse abuse programs, among others.

Student interested in this major should refer to the program’s admission and professional standards, retention policy and field instruction guidelines outlined above.

Students must maintain a cumulative 2.50 grade point average in all course work applicable to the social work curricula, defined as all courses in the major and the required minor(s).

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Social Work department page.

For related information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Total Credits Required 120
General Education
Required Courses in Major 48
SW 100 Exploring Social Work 4
SW 230 Human Behavior in the Social Environment I 4
SW 308 Methods of Social Research II [SCII] 4
SW 331 Human Behavior in the Social Environment II 4
SW 341 Social Welfare Policy 4
SW 370 Generalist Practice Methods I 4
SW 372 Generalist Practice Methods II 4
SW 440 Social Work Policy Analysis 4
SW 472 Social Work Practice with Diverse Populations 4
SW 473 Integrative Seminar I 2
SW 474 Integrative Seminar II 2
SW 480 Senior Field Placement I 4
SW 481 Senior Field Placement II 4

Human Behavior Cluster Minor* 28
AN 100 Introduction to Socio-Cultural Anthropology [SOCR] or 4
     NAS 204 Native American Experience (4 cr.) [SOCR] or
     HS 233 Native American History (4 cr.) [SOCR] or
     HS 273 LGBT History (4 cr.) or
     HS 283 American Women's History (4 cr.) [PERS]
BI 100 Biological Science (4 cr.) [SCII] or 3-5
     BI 104 Human Anatomy and Physiology (4 cr.) or
     BI 207 Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 (4 cr.) or
     BI 208 Human Anatomy and Physiology 2 (4 cr.)
EC 101 Introduction to Economics [PERS] or 4
     EC 201 Microeconomic Principles (4 cr.) or
     EC 202 Macroeconomic Principles (4 cr.) or
     EC 337 American Economic History (4 cr.) [INTT]
PSY 100 Introduction to Psychological Science [SCII] 4
SO 101 Introductory Sociology [PERS] 4
SO 208 Methods of Social Research I [QUAR] or 4
     DATA 109 Introduction to Statistics (4 cr.) [QUAR]; or
     PSY 201 Psychological Research I: Statistical Applications (4 cr.) [QUAR]
SO 372 Minority Groups [SOCR] or 4
     SO 322 Social Class, Power and Mobility (4 cr.) [SOCR] or
     SO 362 Gender and Society (4 cr.) [PERS]

*Transfer courses must be at least two-credit equivalents for each course. Transfer students can use electives from any discipline in the cluster to satisfy the 28 credit hour minimum.

Military Science Minor

This minor is open to students of any major. It is especially appropriate for students intending to enter public service at the local, state or federal levels. The program requires two classes at each level (100-400) for a total of 20 credits. Additional military science courses are offered to broaden the experience and perspective of the students. Refer to the “Course Descriptions” section of this bulletin.

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Military Science department page.

For related information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Total Credits Required 24

*Contracted cadets are required to take MS 339 and MS 359.

*MS 339 and MS 359 are only available to contracted cadets.

Sociology Major

This major is for students interested in careers that require an understanding of human social behavior. The program emphasizes both theory and methodology, and the major offers an opportunity to investigate a variety of areas such as crime and deviance, family, minority groups, religion and social change. The major is valuable in a variety of fields, including business, community work, corrections, government services, health services, public relations, research and social services. Students who hold this degree are also well prepared for graduate study.

Students majoring in sociology must earn at least a "C-" in any sociology course counted toward the major and achieve at least a 2.50 cumulative grade point average in all sociology courses (NMU and transfer).

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Sociology and Anthropology department page.

For related information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Total Credits Required 120
General Education
Required Courses in Major 36
Core Course  
SO 101 Introductory Sociology [PERS] 4
Research Methods  
SO 208 Methods of Social Research I [QUAR] 4
SO 308 Methods of Social Research II [SCII] 4
Theory Cluster  
Choose two courses from the following: 8
SO 322 Social Class, Power and Mobility (4 cr.) [SOCR]
SO 351 Social Change (4 cr.) [PERS]
SO 353 Globalization and Asian Societies (4 cr.) [PERS]
SO 372 Minority Groups (4 cr.) [SOCR]
SO 407 Sociological Theory (4 cr.)
Sociology Electives 16
At least two courses (8 cr.) must be at the 300 level or above.
Minor 16

Psychology Major

On-Campus and Online through NMU Global Campus

The psychology major educates students on the primary fields of the science of psychology. The major prepares students for occupations in psychology and for graduate degree programs in psychology by providing advanced coursework and laboratory experiences. The major provides a core curriculum, breadth courses, and concentration areas within psychology. Students majoring in psychology must complete all psychology courses, both transfer and NMU, with a grade of “C-” or higher.

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Psychological Science department page.

For related information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Total Credits Required 120
General Education
Required Courses in Major 36-43
Core 12-13
PSY 100 Introduction to Psychological Science [SCII] or 4
     PSY 101 General Psychology (3 cr.) [PERS]
PSY 160 Seminar for Psychology Majors 1
PSY 201 Psychological Research I: Statistical Applications [QUAR] 4
PSY 202 Psychological Research II: Experimental Design and Methodology 4
PSY 489 Graduate Assessment for Psychology Majors 0
Breadth Areas 16
PSY 210 Lifespan Developmental Psychology 4
PSY 220 Social Psychology 4
PSY 230 Learning and Cognition 4
PSY 250 Brain and Behavior [SCII] or 4
     PSY 251 Topics on Brain and Behavior (4 cr.)
Concentration Areas 8-14
Choose one of the following concentration areas (Interdisciplinary Psychology Concentration, Brain and Behavior Concentration, Developmental Psychology Concentration, Mental Health/Pre-Clinical Psychology Concentration, Social/Personality Psychology Concentration or Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology Concentration. All courses require completion (C- or higher) of PSY 201 and PSY 202. Some concentration areas have additional requirements.  
    Interdisciplinary Psychology Concentration 8
    One PSY or ABA course at 300 level or higher 4
    One PSY or ABA course at 400 level 4
    Brain and Behavior Concentration 10
    Courses in this concentration require completion of PSY 250 with a C- or higher.  
     PSY 460A Practicum/Research: Brain and Behavior 2
    Choose two of the following: 8
         PSY 350 Neuropsychology (4 cr.)
         PSY 450 Methods in Psychophysiology (4 cr.)
         PSY 451 Sensation and Perception (4 cr.)
         PSY 453 Affective Neuroscience (4 cr.)
         PSY 457 Psychopharmacology (4 cr.)
    Developmental Psychology Concentration 10
    Courses in this concentration require completion of PSY 210 with a C- or higher.  
     PSY 460B Practicum/Research: Developmental Psychology 2
    Choose two of the following: 8
         PSY 312 Child Psychology (4 cr.)
         PSY 314 Adolescent Psychology (4 cr.)
         PSY 316 Psychology of Adulthood and Aging (4 cr.)
    Mental Health/Pre-Clinical Psychology Concentration 14
     PSY 240 Abnormal Psychology 4
     PSY 460C Practicum/Research: Mental Health/Pre-Clinical Psychology 2
    Choose two of the following: 8
         PSY 340 The Ethics and Practice of Clinical Psychology (4 cr.)
         PSY 342 Health Psychology (4 cr.)
         PSY 350 Neuropsychology (4 cr.)
         PSY 440 Psychological Assessment (4 cr.)
         PSY 445 Positive Psychology (4 cr.)
         PSY 457 Psychopharmacology (4 cr.)
    Social/Personality Psychology Concentration 10
    Courses in this concentration require completion of PSY 220 with a C- or higher.  
     PSY 460D Practicum/Research: Social / Personality Psychology 2
    Choose two of the following: 8
         PSY 322 Social Cognition (4 cr.)
         PSY 325 Psychology of Personality (4 cr.)
         PSY 420 Psychology of Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Culture (4 cr.)
Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology Concentration 10
         PSY 460E Practicum/Research: Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology 2
    Choose two of the following 8
         ABA 205 Experimental Analysis of Behavior (4 cr.)
         ABA 320 Conceptual Analysis of Behavior (4 cr.)
         PSY 322 Social Cognition (4 cr.)
         PSY 333 Animal Behavior (4 cr.)
         PSY 350 Neuropsychology (4 cr.)
         PSY 423 The Psychology of Organizational Behavior (4 cr.)
         PSY 451 Sensation and Perception (4 cr.)

This major does not require a minor.

Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences Major

This program provides the necessary preparation for graduate programs accredited by the Council for Academic Accreditation of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.

The department requires a 2.5 grade point average in the major.

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Clinical Sciences, School of department page.

For related information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Total Credits Required 120
General Education
Required Courses in Major 62
SL 150 Introduction to Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences 4
SL 160 Anatomy of the Speech and Hearing Mechanism 4
SL 200 Phonetics 4
SL 320 Speech and Voice Science 4
SL 351 Introduction to Audiology 4
SL 355 Language Development 4
SL 356 Language Disorders 4
SL 359 Introduction to Neurogenic Communication Disorders 4
SL 257 Fluency Disorders 4
SL 370 Observation in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences 2
SL 400 Speech Sound Disorders 4
SL 451 Aural Rehabilitation 4
SL 459 Cognitive Neuroscience 4
SL 460 Cognition, Communication and Aging 4
SL 464 Methods of Diagnosis 4
SL 465 Introductory Practicum in Speech-Language Pathology 4

Other Required Courses 15
PSY 100 Introduction to Psychological Science [SCII] 4
PSY 201 Psychological Research I: Statistical Applications [QUAR] or 4
     DATA 109 Introduction to Statistics (4 cr.) [QUAR]
Physics (PH) or Chemistry (CH) Elective 3-4
Biology (BI) Elective in Human or Animal Science 3-5
Choose from following courses:
     BI 104 Human Anatomy and Physiology (4 cr.)
     BI 111 Introductory Biology: Principles (4 cr.) [SCII]
     BI 203 Medical Microbiology (3 - 5 cr.)
     BI 207 Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 (4 cr.)
     BI 208 Human Anatomy and Physiology 2 (4 cr.)
     BI 221 Comparative Anatomy (4 cr.)
     BI 312 Genetics (4 cr.)
Recommended Elective Courses
SL 470 Professional Issues in Speech Language Pathology (2cr.)
SL 475 Clinical Practicum in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences (4cr.)

Note: Students interested in pursuing Speech-Language Pathology Assistant Certification should take SL 470 and SL 475.

This major does not require a minor.

Public Administration Minor

Students with a public administration minor must maintain a grade of a “C” or above in required courses for the minor.

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Political Science and Public Administration department page.

For related information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Total Credits Required 20

Secondary Education Political Science Minor (currently not accepting students)

New students will not be accepted into the program at this time. Contact department for more information.

Students with a minor in secondary education political science must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or greater overall, in the major, and/or minor(s) with no grade below a "B-" in the professional education sequence and no grade below a "C" in the major and/or minor(s).

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Political Science and Public Administration department page.

For related information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Total Credits Required 20

*Subject to waiver with adviser’s approval.

**HS 350 double counts if major is geography education, history education or social studies education.

***Double counts if social studies education major or economic education minor.

****Double counts if social studies education major or geography education major or minor.

Political Science Minor

Students with a minor in political science must maintain a grade of a “C” or above in required courses for the minor.

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Political Science and Public Administration department page.

For related information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Total Credits Required 16
Political Science Electives (Any Level) 12
Political Science Electives 300-400 Level 4

International Studies Major

This major gives students a broad view of the world with an emphasis on developing regions. The core ensures that students have broad exposure to major world religions, international politics and government, recent global history and relationships between geography, culture, arts and society. This major is a good point of departure for pursuing an international-related master’s degree and/or many careers, including international business, diplomacy and fields related to human development. 

Please note that in addition to the course requirements listed below, International Studies majors must also meet the following requirements:

1. Study Abroad
International Studies majors must have a study abroad experience, normally in a non-English speaking country, for at least ten weeks, including a minimum of eight weeks of study through an approved college-level institution. Many of the credits earned can be applied to the major. Students who attended high school in another country may petition the international studies advisory committee for exemption from the requirement for study abroad.

2. Language Proficiency
International studies majors must demonstrate proficiency in a language other than English at the 202 level or higher. This can be accomplished by completing a 202 (or 300 or higher) course in a language or by verification through the Languages, Literatures and International Studies Department (i.e. determined by examination or through some other means of confirming proficiency). Alternatively, if a student studies a language abroad that is not offered at NMU and only achieves proficiency in that language through the 102 level, the student may demonstrate proficiency in a second language other than English through the 102 level.

3. Program Approval
A program approval for international studies majors must be prepared and approved by an academic advisor from the Languages, Literatures and International Studies Department and a copy forwarded to the Registrar’s Office. A degree evaluation will not be performed until approval is received. 

For department information or additional degree requirements, go to the Languages, Literatures and International Studies department page.

For related information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Total Credits Required 120
General Education
Required Courses in Major 36
Major Core 16
GC 164 Human Geography [SOCR] 4
IP 190 Introduction to International Studies [SOCR] 4
IP 490 International Studies Seminar [INTT] 4
PL 270 World Religions [SOCR] 4

Concentration* 20

Global Concentration 20
Required Course 4
HS 201 World History to 1520 [SOCR] 4
Electives 16
No more than 12 credits may come from any prefix. Choose 16 credits from the following:
    IP 285/IP 286/IP 485/ IP 486 Study Abroad (1-12 cr.)
     AD 230 History of World Art: Ancient to Medieval (4 cr.)
     AD 240 History of World Art: Renaissance to Modern (4 cr.)
     AD 265 Art and Architecture of Japan (4 cr.)
     AD 300 Art and Ideas in Asian Civilizations (4 cr.)
     AD 330 History of Renaissance Art (4 cr.)
     AN 100 Introduction to Socio-Cultural Anthropology (4 cr.) [SOCR]
     AN 210 Ecological Anthropology: People, Culture and Nature (4 cr.)
     BC 415 Intercultural Communication (4 cr.) [SOCR]
     BC 420 Global Communication (4 cr.)
     CHN 210 Chinese Culture and Customs (4 cr.)
     CJ 426 International Crime and Comparative Criminal Justice Systems (4 cr.)
     EC 201 Microeconomic Principles (4 cr.)
     EC 425 International Economics (4 cr.)
     EC 460 Economic Development (4 cr.)
     EN 225 History of World Cinema (4 cr.)
     EN 311 World Literature in English (4 cr.) [SOCR]
     EN 326 National Cinema (4 cr.)
     EN 360 Modern British Literature (4 cr.)
     EN 382 British Literature 1960 to Present (4 cr.)
     EN 411 Topics in World Literature (3 - 4 cr.) [SOCR]
     FR 310 Introduction to French Civilization and Culture (4 cr.) [PERS]
     FR 438 Cultural and Artistic Heritage of Europe (4 cr.)
     GC 220 Economic Geography (4 cr.)
     GC 300 Regional Studies: World Cultures (4 cr.) [SOCR]
     GR 310 Introduction to German Civilization and Culture (4 cr.) [PERS]
     GR 311 Central European Culture and Civilization (4 cr.) [PERS]
     GR 319 Death in Vienna (4 cr.)
     GR 411 Der Krimi (4 cr.)
     GR 412 Identity and Belonging in German Literature (4 cr.)
     HL 322 International Health Issues (4 cr.) [SOCR]
     HL 386 Interdisciplinary Study in Global Health Care - Latin America (3 cr.) [SOCR]
     HN 362 Cultural Food Patterns (4 cr.) [PERS]
     HS 251 Latin American History (4 cr.)
     HS 252 History of the Middle East since 600 (4 cr.) [SOCR]
     HS 254 History of Africa (4 cr.) [SOCR]
     HS 308 Themes in Modern Europe (4 cr.)
     HS 311 Central European Culture and Civilization (4 cr.)
     HS 314 Modern Britain,1485-Present (4 cr.)
     HS 315 Imperialism (4 cr.)
     HS 316 The Holocaust (4 cr.)
     HS 359 Themes in Global History (4 cr.)
     HS 362 History of Mexico (4 cr.)
     LG 317 World Studies through Literature in Translation (4 cr.) [PERS]
     MGT 475 International Business (4 cr.)
     MKT 466 International Marketing (4 cr.)
     MU 325 World Music (4 cr.) [HUME]
     NAS 342 Indigenous Environmental Movements (4 cr.) [INTT]
     PS 203 Comparative Government and Politics (4 cr.)
     PS 206 International Relations (4 cr.)
     PS 299 Model U.N. (2 cr.)
     PS 312 War and Peace in the 21st Century (4 cr.)
     PS 321 Politics in Islamic Nations (4 cr.)
     PS 340 International Organizations (4 cr.)
     PS 404 Politics of East and Southeast Asia (4 cr.)
     PS 415 Politics of American Foreign Policy (4 cr.)
     PS 416 Genocide (4 cr.)
     PS 417 International Law and Human Rights (4 cr.)
     SN 214 Contemporary Latin America Through Film (3 cr.)
     SN 310 Introduction to Spanish Civilization and Culture (4 cr.) [PERS]
     SN 312 Introduction to Spanish America (4 cr.) [PERS]
     SN 325 Noticias en español (4 cr.)
     SO 351 Social Change (4 cr.) [PERS]
Other Courses as Approved by Languages, Literatures and International Studies

Regional Concentration: Africa 20
Required Course 4
HS 254 History of Africa [SOCR] 4
Electives 16
Choose 16 credits from the following:
    IP 285/IP 286/IP 485/ IP 486 Study Abroad to Africa (1-12 cr.)
     EN 311 World Literature in English (4 cr.) [SOCR] (African Topics)
     HS 359 Themes in Global History (4 cr.)
     LG 317 World Studies through Literature in Translation (4 cr.) [PERS] (Africa)
     PS 299 Model U.N. (2 cr.) (African Focus)
    Non-Regional Courses from List (4-8 cr.)
Other Courses as Approved by Languages, Literatures and International Studies

Regional Concentration: Asia 20
Required Course 4
SO 353 Globalization and Asian Societies [PERS] 4
Electives 16
Choose 16 credits from the following:
    IP 285/IP 286/IP 485/ IP 486 Study Abroad to Asia (1-12 cr.)
     AD 265 Art and Architecture of Japan (4 cr.)
     AD 300 Art and Ideas in Asian Civilizations (4 cr.)
     CHN 210 Chinese Culture and Customs (4 cr.)
     EN 311 World Literature in English (4 cr.) [SOCR] (Asian Topics)
     EN 411 Topics in World Literature (3 - 4 cr.) [SOCR] (Asian Topics)
     GC 300 Regional Studies: World Cultures (4 cr.) [SOCR] (Asian Topics)
     PS 299 Model U.N. (2 cr.) (Asian Focus)
     PS 404 Politics of East and Southeast Asia (4 cr.)
    Non-Regional Courses from List (4-8 cr.)
Other Courses as Approved by Languages, Literatures and International Studies

Regional Concentration: Europe 20
Required Course 4
HS 202 World History since 1400 [SOCR] 4
Electives 16
Choose 16 credits from the following:
    IP 285/IP 286/IP 485/ IP 486 Study Abroad to Europe (1-12 cr.)
     AD 330 History of Renaissance Art (4 cr.)
     EN 311 World Literature in English (4 cr.) [SOCR] (European)
     EN 326 National Cinema (4 cr.)
     EN 360 Modern British Literature (4 cr.)
     EN 382 British Literature 1960 to Present (4 cr.)
     FR 310 Introduction to French Civilization and Culture (4 cr.) [PERS]
     FR 438 Cultural and Artistic Heritage of Europe (4 cr.)
     GR 310 Introduction to German Civilization and Culture (4 cr.) [PERS]
     GR 311 Central European Culture and Civilization (4 cr.) [PERS]
     GR 319 Death in Vienna (4 cr.)
     GR 411 Der Krimi (4 cr.)
     GR 412 Identity and Belonging in German Literature (4 cr.)
     HS 308 Themes in Modern Europe (4 cr.)
     HS 311 Central European Culture and Civilization (4 cr.)
     HS 314 Modern Britain,1485-Present (4 cr.)
     HS 315 Imperialism (4 cr.)
     HS 316 The Holocaust (4 cr.)
     LG 317 World Studies through Literature in Translation (4 cr.) [PERS] (Europe)
     PS 299 Model U.N. (2 cr.) (Europe)
     SN 310 Introduction to Spanish Civilization and Culture (4 cr.) [PERS]
    Courses taught in French, German and Spanish dealing with Europe  
    Non-Regional Courses from List (4-8 cr.)
Other Courses as Approved by Languages, Literatures and International Studies

Regional Concentration: Latin America 20
Required Course 3-4
Choose one course from the following: 4
HS 251 Latin American History (4 cr.) or
     SN 214 Contemporary Latin America Through Film (3 cr.)
Electives 16
Choose 16 cedits from the following:
    IP 285/IP 286/IP 485/ IP 486 Study Abroad to Latin America (1-12 cr.)
     EN 311 World Literature in English (4 cr.) [SOCR] (Latin America)
     GC 300 Regional Studies: World Cultures (4 cr.) [SOCR] (Latin America)
     HL 386 Interdisciplinary Study in Global Health Care - Latin America (3 cr.) [SOCR]
     HS 251 Latin American History (4 cr.)
     HS 362 History of Mexico (4 cr.)
     LG 317Z World Studies through Literature in Translation (4 cr.) [PERS] (Latin America)
     PS 299 Model U.N. (2 cr.)
     SN 214 Contemporary Latin America Through Film (3 cr.)
     SN 312 Introduction to Spanish America (4 cr.) [PERS]
    Courses taught in French, German and Spanish dealing with Latin America  
    Non-Regional Courses from List (4-8 cr.)
Other Courses as Approved by Languages, Literatures and International Studies

Regional Concentration: Middle East 20
Required Course 4
HS 252 History of the Middle East since 600 [SOCR] 4
Electives 16
Choose 16 credits from the following:
    IP 285/IP 286/IP 485/ IP 486 Study Abroad to Middle East (1-12 cr.)
     EN 311 World Literature in English (4 cr.) [SOCR] (Middle East)
     HS 359 Themes in Global History (4 cr.)
     GC 300 Regional Studies: World Cultures (4 cr.) [SOCR] (Middle East)
     PS 299 Model U.N. (2 cr.) (Middle East)
     PS 321 Politics in Islamic Nations (4 cr.)
    Non-Regional Courses from List (4-8 cr.)
Other Courses as Approved by Languages, Literatures and International Studies

Non-Regional Courses**  
AD 230 History of World Art: Ancient to Medieval (4 cr.)
AD 240 History of World Art: Renaissance to Modern (4 cr.)
AN 100 Introduction to Socio-Cultural Anthropology (4 cr.) [SOCR]
AN 210 Ecological Anthropology: People, Culture and Nature (4 cr.)
BC 415 Intercultural Communication (4 cr.) [SOCR]
BC 420 Global Communication (4 cr.)
CJ 426 International Crime and Comparative Criminal Justice Systems (4 cr.)
EC 425 International Economics (4 cr.)
EC 460 Economic Development (4 cr.)
EN 225 History of World Cinema (4 cr.)
GC 220 Economic Geography (4 cr.)
HN 362 Cultural Food Patterns (4 cr.) [PERS]
HL 322 International Health Issues (4 cr.) [SOCR]
HS 359 Themes in Global History (4 cr.)
MGT 475 International Business (4 cr.)
MKT 466 International Marketing (4 cr.)
MU 325 World Music (4 cr.) [HUME]
NAS 342 Indigenous Environmental Movements (4 cr.) [INTT]
PS 203 Comparative Government and Politics (4 cr.)
PS 206 International Relations (4 cr.)
PS 312 War and Peace in the 21st Century (4 cr.)
PS 340 International Organizations (4 cr.)
PS 415 Politics of American Foreign Policy (4 cr.)
PS 416 Genocide (4 cr.)
PS 417 International Law and Human Rights (4 cr.)
SN 325 Noticias en español (4 cr.)
SO 351 Social Change (4 cr.) [PERS]

*Concentration - Students must choose the global or a regional concentration (Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, or the Middle East) with which to fulfill their electives.

**For students choosing a regional concentration, up to eight of their elective credits may be taken from the list of non-regional courses, while all others must come from within the chosen concentration.

No more than 12 credits per prefix may count toward the major.

This major does not require a minor.

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