You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Nearly all general use classrooms are equipped with a doc cam, gooseneck mic, Blu ray player, audio amplifier, speakers, a hi def projector or television and Wi-Fi. Instructor Name Name e.g. John DoeAchatz, MartinAdair, KristiAddison, JonAdebiyi, JeliliAlbee, MalorieAlbert, GraceAldred, TanyaAndary, Michael Anderson, Derek L.Andriacchi, MichelleAndriacchi, Michelle Andriacchi , Michelle Appleton, RandyArenillas, MariaArnold, DavidAsadi, Majid Aumann, AntonyBable, JillBaek, Jaeseung Barch, JonBarnsley, AmyBath, MichaelBeaulieu, AndrewBell, CarolBelles, LexieBelton, RobertBergh, BethneyBergner, EvaBerry, KevinBertucci, AprilBertucci, AprilBetzinger, BonnieBillman, JonBiolo, TinaBlanck, HeidiBoal, HargerBodeman, CorinneBoe, DavidBohjanen, SharonBolen, KyleBond, RobinBond, RyanBoyer-Davis, StacyBrady, DwightBrahm, GabrielBroadway, WilliamBruggink, JohnBrumm, MargaretBrundage, MaryBrunswick, GaryBubolz, BryanBudesky, RebeccaBurr, SandraByrnes, PaulCameron-Standerford, AbbyCamilli, TheresaCanfield, BrandonCarlson, JoshuaCarlson, SarahCarroll, ErikCheng, CarolineCherry, BrianChristensen, RossChristian, DaricChu, Heng-Hsuancinelli, MarisCiupak, YanCleary, TimClemens, RandiClisch, LaraCollins, AlliColwitz, ErinCompton, TimothyConlin, JamesContois, CameronCopenhaver, MelissaCrabb, JaimeCrandell-Williams, AnnCree Dunn, AimeeCrowley, PatrickCrum, MichaelCumberlidge, NeilDaar, AndreaDaar, Jacobdahlman, AnneDaniels, SaraDeFonso, ChetDellangelo, MarkDelpier, TeresaDemel, ScottDettloff, TylerDigneit, WilliamDing, YunhuaDobson, JulieDomina, LynnDonovan, DavidDowns, JulieDupras, NickEdelson, SteveEdge, ChristiEllis, Keith CElowe, CoryErickson, FritzEstelle, RebeccaEtchison, MaryEwalt, JoshuaEyzaguirre, HugoFang, LinFarkas, WendyFarkas-Lasich, KariFekete, AlexFerguson, RonnieFigler, SethFladung, KendallFlaherty, MarkFlitton, RebeccaFlood, LisaFornwald, RyanFoster, TaraFranczek, MaryFrank, MatthewFriisvall-Ayres, VioletFroelich, NormaGalbreath, KurtGillespie, TomGiroud, SylvainGlendening, LoganneGocella, DanGold, NancyGoodrich, RobertGould, LeeGoymerac, AddieGraves, BrentGreene, TaylorGreer, Christine Gregorich, RenaGrugin, StephenGrundstrom, JillGrunert, MichelleGuckenberg, KirkHaltof, MarekHamilton, AmyHanson, RobertHanycz, JaneceHarrington, MichaelHarris, JaneHasan-Jones, NaimaHaskell, JasonHenderson, SusanHendrickson, PetraHenry, BreanaHenry, KathleenHerbig, MattHeslip, DougHeslip, PatriciaHibbard, MeganHightower, LaMartHill, AndyHines, RyanHolder, K. C.Holman, RachelHoltrey, NathanHopper, CaceyHornbogen, SusanHoward, JenniferHsieh, Hsin-Ling Hudson, DeniseHughes, StevenHummell, AustinIngber, JoshuaIngersoll, Braeden Isaacson, HeatherIsaacson, ThomasIsleb, Kathleenisleib, Kathleenisleib, LilaIvanovic, MladoJacobs, MarkJacobson, KayceeJamdron, DianeJandron, DianeJeevar, VincentJennings, MatthewJennings, SarahJohnson, CarolJohnson, ChristyJohnson, KarinaJohnson, KarlJohnson, KathrynJohnson, LucyJohnson, LynneJones, SarahJordan, AndreaJordan, ScottJoshua, EwaltJoubert, LanaeJoy, MichaelKakas, BrianKennedy, LauraKent, ElissaKeso, CrystalKhaledi, MaryamKilgas, MatthewKilgren, RyanKill, DanKillelea, PatriciaKimball, MichelleKippola, AaronKirakosyan, AraKirk, ChristopherKlawitter, LukusKlett, MitchellKlitzke, RandyKobie, DarylKonku, Daniel K.Korf, SkylarKoval, JeffKowalczyk, MichaelKrzakowski, CarolineKuehnl, JamieKumar, VikashKupper, NellyKurmis, LucasKusek, WeronikaKyto, DarleneLabron, JanetLaCrosse, AmberLafferty, DianaLaforest, AbbyLakenen, PatLanguell, AmoretteLanguell-Pudelka, Amorette LaPorte, CarolineLara, ClischLarkin, LesleyLarson, AimeeLarson, StephanLaskowski, Elizabeth Laurin, Jenny Lawton, LindaLeBert, DannyLegg, Robert J.Lehmberg, Z.Z.LeMire, YvonneLenzen, ChristineLeonard, JillLetts, MichaelLeuthold, StevenLiang, JennyLinczeski, ZakLindala, AprilLindsay, AlecLingle, BrianLinna , Jared Lippert, AnnieLiu, YuLoehr, NikkiLogan, GabeLorens, TerriLove, KenLubig, JosephLucas, EvanLudemann, Donald Ludwig, JamesLudwig Williams, Kristen BethLynn, NyanMacDonald, AldenMacMaster, ChristopherMaki, DonnaMandeville, LizMann, PaulMarie, StaceyMarkovcich, DominicMarlor, RobertMarquardson, JimMarquardt, DonaldMarr, DerekMartin, JefferyMartin, Michael WMartinez, MarlinaMatthys, EmilyMattson, LisaMaurier, SamanthaMay, RachelMaynard, AdamMcClure, KristiMcCormick, FrankieMcCune, MeghanMcDonough, KevinMcFawn, MonicaMcNally, GabrielleMedina, JacquelineMenard, KatieMengyan, RickMenhennick, TinaMenze, DakotaMesloh, CharlesMiao, Murong Milkie, JaneMittlefehldt, SarahMohrman, AngelaMonske, LizMoore, MaggyMoschetti, JohnMurray, AllysaNaito, AdamNaito, AdamNelson, DanielNelson, LoriNelson, MeganNewton, KathrynNicholls, JanaNye, Rachel M.O’Neill, TimothyOba, MitsutoshiOlk-Szost, LehrenOlson, AndrewOrf, AmyOttem, Erich N.Oysti, HeatherPark, HeejungParkkonen, MarciaPaulsen, MarkPhillips, J. D.Pierce, DavidPoe, AndrewPolkinghorne, CalePotter, SaraPotticary, Ahvi Potulny, GrantPowell, DarylPozega, DeannaPrather, RussellPratt, EvanPrice, DaciaProvost, AshleyPrus, AdamPrychitko, DavidRastall, JonathanRebertus, AlanReinhardt, MartinReissner, LauraReynolds, KaylaRhyneer, BarbaraRichmond, KiaRiipi, SheridaRiley, AlexRiley, SteveRitari, PaulaRobertson, CarolynRobinson, MonicaRobyns, MarcusRochester, JulieRoecker, LeeRomeo, EmilyRomero, MelissaRomero-Quintana, LauRosewall, KimRoss, ThomasRossi, EmRouthier, JosephRowe, DanielRoydes, GabrielRudisill, MichaelRussell, NeilRyman, SalSadhu, SatyaSantiago, JoshSarasin, SydneySarjeant, BruceSarkela, JohnSassi, KellySavoie, PaulSchneider, Jason Sharp, JoshSherman, JonShevy, Markshoup, NicoleSirois, LindaSmith, KristenSmith, ScottSmock, MattSojourn, JudSolka, KathyrnSprenkle, AbigailSt Cyr, CarolynStachowicz, NicoleStanderford, ChrisStark, GaryStebelton, JeanetteStein, AnneStock, RyanStoner, AlexanderStrahan, MichaelStrain, JamesStrand, Roger “Mac”Stunkard, MaryTay-Song, SelahTaylor, KatieTeeter, KatherineTeichman, JonTessman, KristinThompson, JessicaThompson, JoshuaThorburn, RussellThunell, ShaunTillotson, GeorgiaTireman, WilliamToegel, CoryToegel, ForrestTreado, AudreyTruckey, DanTruckey, PaulTruong, Bao Q.Ulland, Rebeccavan Blommestein, LexVan Grinsven, MattVandenAvond, StevenVanEnkevort, JaimeVanOrman, JamesVarney, BryantVickers, JeffVines, JordanVisciano, NicoletteVollenweider, JenniferWarchol, GregWarren, LeslieWascom, TracyWatry, RuthWatson, TylerWedig, DaleWedig, IsaacWedin, Helen “Bitsy”Wetherbee, BenWhalen, RobertWhite, KristenWilliams, LesleyWilliams, LesliWillis, AlanWilson, AlexWilson, CarterWood, DavidWrate, GlennWright, PaulWuorinen, JeffWuorinen, LizYang, RenxinYangyuoru, PhilipYou, JongeunZhang, QinghongZhang, RoxinZiegler, RichardZiegler, SusyZimmer, AnnaZini, DanZinser, BrianOther…e.g. John Doe Enter full name… If your name does not show up in the drop-down above, enter & select Other... and enter your name manually. Department Phone Email Address Course Information Course ID One day or date range One Day Date Range Date Needed Days Of Week Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Beginning Date End Date Time Class Begins Time Class Ends Building Choose one ...Art & DesignBerry Events CenterGries HallHarden HallHedgcockJacobetti ComplexJamrich HallMcClintockNorthern CenterPhysical Ed Inst FacSuperior DomeThe Science BuildingThe Woods: Maple WestThomas Fine ArtsWeston HallWhitman HallChoose one ... Room - Select -- Select - Equipment & Assistance Equipment & Assistance I will not need any equipment with this request for assistance only. Equipment Details Hide lower priority columns Equipment Equipment task -- Select --MEDIA PLAYERSPlay audio compact discs, audio cassette tapes, or vinyl recordsPlay Blu ray discsPlay DVD discs and VHS tapesPlay DVD discs through computerPORTABLE PROJECTIONDeliver portable presentation station (projector, DVD/VHS, speakers)Project 3D & opaque objects using a document cameraProject laptop using HD projectorProject transparencies using overhead projectorProject using 35MM Autoslide ProjectorPRESENTATION AIDSUse adapter (USB-C to HDMI) for connecting laptop to LCD projectorUse an electrical extension cord with multiple outletsUse interactive touch displayUse laser pointerUse portable screenUse portable whiteboardUse stylus (for interactive display)Use wireless presenter for PowerPoint slidesVIDEO CONFERENCINGUse ClearOne USB conference mic + web cam on tripod for ZOOMUse Jabra bluetooth wireless conference mic for ZOOMVideo conference with far-site participants using portable Zoom cartVIDEO RECORDINGUse floor-standing tripod stand (for camera / camcorder)Use table-top tripod stand (for camera / camcorder)Use wireless handheld microphone microphone for recordingUse wireless lavalier microphone with camcorderVideorecord using HD camcorder (for faculty use)Videorecord using HD camcorder (for student use)VOICE AMPLIFICATION & AUDIO RECORDINGUse self-amplified speakerUse sound bar to connect mobile device via bluetoothUse wireless lavalier microphone for large roomUse wireless microphone connected to laptop’s USB to record voice e.g., Deliver portable presentation station (projector, DVD/VHS, speakers) Equipment type Equipment quantity Add more items more items Additional Details Leave this field blank