Planning for a new semester always seems like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Whether you’re an on- or off-campus student, athlete, or involved in a club, you’ll want to be wise when planning a schedule. If you commute, how long does it take for you to get to and from campus? Have you considered what the weather might be like now or later in the semester that could affect your commute? Hey athletes… What time is your practice each day? Are you going to miss practice because of that 2:00-3:40 class you just scheduled?
Read the other advice below
Meet with your advisor! My first step in the scheduling process is this. Whether I reach out for a meeting via Zoom or in person, I always make setting up meetings a priority. I start thinking about my class schedule way ahead of time, but whether you want to or not, you’ll want to get a headstart on meeting with your advisor, as they get busy as class registration grows closer and closer. Waiting until the last minute to make an appointment will not allow much option when it comes to appointment times, so it’s best to meet early. Once you’ve met with your advisor, they’re always there to answer questions that may come up after the fact.
Use your Northern resources! Course scheduling books are released before the registration period on the NMU Office of the Registrar's website. This resource, alongside meeting with your advisor is a great step, but MyNMU is another useful tool for all students. Utilizing the “Degree Evaluation - CAPP” link, under Student Resources, on MyNMU will show what credits you have taken and give you an idea of options for the upcoming semester. Your GPA and current credit count can also be found in the Degree Evaluation. Your advisor can help you find and use this valuable feature of MyNMU.
Planners and online calendars are the keys to success! When the majority of my classes were online, I found that using a physical planner worked well for me. While in my dorm, at my desk, as well as in class, I could have my planner sitting open with a pen nearby to jot down any important dates, but once the Fall 2021 semester was in full swing, I began to use Google Calendar. Within the calendar, I keep assignments as tasks to be marked off when completed, but in my opinion, the most important part is my schedule. When designing a class schedule, I start with a rough draft within Google Calendar. I write down the times of each class I’m interested in taking and throw them into my calendar. Once they’re blocked out on my screen, I can effortlessly see what may or may not work, or what I might want to change. Once I’ve visualized the potential schedule for my upcoming semester, I feel like I have a better grasp on my planning.
If Google Calendar just isn’t for you, advisors may have a schedule handout on paper which will allow students to plan out their future semester’s weeks the traditional way.
Registration for Winter 2023 Courses begins Oct. 31 for Global Campus Students. For all other students, Registration begins on Nov. 4 and is based on earned credit hours. Reach out to the Office of the Registrar if you have questions.
Planning for an upcoming semester is one of the first steps to success in college. Use your resources and good luck in your future planning endeavors!