Began working with EEGS in September 2002
About Jana
As Principal Administrative Assistant, Jana collaborates with the department head, faculty, and students. She greet visitors, including prospective students and their families, community members, and alumni. Jana monitors student progress toward their degrees, which helps with advising and streamlining each student’s program. Another task is overseeing the paperwork when students want to complete GC 491 Internship for credit that can count toward their major or minor. In that role, Jana works closely with each student and their internship supervisor to make sure that tasks are completed on time. To prepare for course registration for upcoming semesters, Jana helps the department estimate how many seats our majors will need in required and elective GC courses so that we can plan how many sections to offer and how frequently the courses are needed.
The most interesting and rewards aspects of Jana's job involves working with the students. Helping them graduate in a timely fashion is very satisfying for her. Jana enjoys getting to know our majors when they stop by the department to say "hi" or to share their accomplishments like landing an internship or job. She also like the atmosphere of working for a small department. The connections with faculty and students are meaningful.
Outside of work, Jana enjoys walking the family dog, Buddy, on trails on a daily basis. Her family also spend a lot of time at sporting events. [Jana was an All-UP basketball player in high school, and that is one of the many local sports that she follows.] Going to camp with family is a frequent summertime activity.