
eegs courses


EEGS offers a variety of courses spanning the geosciences, environmental science, environmental studies, sustainability, and Geographic Information Systems and remote sensing. The department is committed to excellence in teaching and preparing students for professional careers in education, governmental service, the private sector, and graduate study through hands-on and service-learning experiences.

Download our informational flyers for all courses.

dr. van grinsven and students

We prepare students for their future careers by cultivating critical thinking and science-based inquiry skills. Students develop foundations in earth, environmental, and geographical sciences to analyze local and global issues challenging the human‒environment relationship. EEGS faculty members engage in active research, professional development, and service to enhance quality teaching and provide an interdisciplinary curriculum.

Contact Information

To contact the Earth, Environmental and Geographical Sciences Department, e-mail or call 906-227-2500. The fax number is 906-227-1621.

University Business Hours

University business hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. during the fall and winter semesters (late August through early May) and 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. during the summer (early May through late August). Northern Michigan University is located in the Eastern time zone.

Campus Location

The Earth, Environmental and Geographical Sciences Department is located at 3001 Weston Hall. Weston Hall is located in the Seaborg Science Complex on NMU’s academic mall. It is connected to The Science Building and sits across from Harden Hall. Parking areas for the complex can be reached off of Elizabeth Harden Drive.

Mailing Address

Earth, Environmental and Geographical Sciences Department
Northern Michigan University
1401 Presque Isle Avenue
Marquette, MI 49855