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In the past several years, EEGS students have presented at national conferences such as the Society for Wetland Scientists. The experience they develop supports their professional development and network.
Below is a listing of presentations at recent regional conferences given by students who were mentored by EEGS faculty.

Kelly, M., Naito, AT, O'Donnell, M., and Van Grinsven, M. 2023. Use of Aerial LiDAR Survey to Support Restoration and Management Objectives for Mitigation Wetlands in Marquette, MI, USA. June 2023. Society for Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Spokane, Washington, United States.
O’Loughlin, C., O'Loughlin, E., Kemner, K., and Ziegler, S. 2023. Chemical Inhibitor of Methanogenesis: How Does It React in Different Environments? March 2023. American Association of Geographers Annaul Meeting, Denver, Colorado, United States