
"Pelkie" TV Premiere

image shows loggers in Pelkie


As part of WNMU-TV13's Festival 21, the Beaumier UP Heritage Center co-sponsoring "Pelkie: 100 Years of Finnishness in Michigan's North Woods", a 3-episode series produced by Dr. Michael M. Loukinen. The series premieres on TV this coming Monday, March 15, at 8pm on WNMUTV 13 PBS, where it can be watched in its entirety. 

Through the oral history of its residents, "Pelkie" focuses on the multigenerational Finnish migrant communities in the Western Lake Superior region, areas called 'havens in the woods'. In these havens, Finnish immigrants formed communities while working in the mines. As the mining industry faced labor strikes, Finnish immigrants started logging and establishing small dairy farms. 

Episode 1. From Copper Miners to Farmers, 1hr 6 min
The Sturgeon River in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. had deposited rich soil in the Pelkie area for eons. Lumberjacks and farmers cleared the land to make way for farms and the railroad connected them to the world. Mutual helping traditions led to a farmer's co-op, Finnish Lutheran churches sprang up and even a socialist hall was built. It was a thriving dairy farming and logging community.

Episode 2. Third Generation: Cows, Kids, and Barns, 58 min
Second and third-generation Finns worked on the farms as kids, which instilled in them a good work ethic and good social responsibility values. They had the freedom to run and play, and there was a strong culture of visiting and sauna among neighbors. Kids initially spoke Finnish in one-room schools. As the second and third generations matured, by seeking work and education, they migrated.

Episode 3. A Farewell to Dairy Farming, 44 min
Children and grandchildren of the Finnish immigrants move away to go to school and many found work in Detroit. They married non-Finns outside of the community and many did not return. Finnish culture weakened in Pelkie. At the same time milk prices bottomed out and big box stores outside of Pelkie outcompeted the Co-op. Mennonites and strangers moved in while some Finnish Americans remained.

The producer of “Pelkie” Dr. Michael M. Loukinen taught sociology at NMU for 40 years while he also worked intermittently on this series.

The Beaumier UP Heritage Center is a museum and educational center on the campus of Northern Michigan University. It celebrates the history and culture of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan

Monday, Mar 15, 2021

Start Time:  8:00 pm
End Time:  11:00 pm

Event Place


Event Status


Primary Contact

Dan Truckey

Contact Phone Number

906 227 1219

Contact Email

Event Type

UP Association of Behavior Analysis - March Webinar

UPABA March Webinar Flyer


UPABA is proud to be hosting Dr. Ryan Speelman, BCBA presenting Philosophical and Conceptual Foundations in Gambling Research on Friday, March 19, 2021 from 3:00pm to 5:00pm. 

Abstract: This talk will outline foundational components of the 5th edition task list and correspondence to gambling research, including specific exemplars. While gambling treatment/research is an uncommon career avenue for certified practitioners, an understanding of how this research shares philosophical underpinnings and procedures with more common job duties will provide attendees with a broader understanding of these applications.  Outlining these commonalities will help practitioners generalize/apply experimentally verified learning principles across clientele, contexts, and presenting problems.    

Learning Objectives: At the completion of this event, participants will be able to use radical behaviorism as a philosophical orientation of science to describe/analyze behavior across a multitude of settings and use gambling literature to provide examples for each of the “concepts and principles” listed under section 1B of the BACB’s 5th edition task list. 

Friday, Mar 19, 2021

Start Time:  3:00 pm
End Time:  5:00 pm

Event Place

Zoom link provided after registration

Event Status


Event Website


Upper Peninsula Association of Behavior Analysis

Primary Contact

Morgan Angel

Contact Phone Number


Contact Email

Event Type

Ticket Cost


Ticket Link

Heritage Documentary Series: Sirkka

Image shows the movie poster, an image of Sirkka with her arm raised


The Beaumier UP Heritage Center is showing "Sirkka" on Friday, February 26 at 9pm as the next installment in our Heritage Documentary Series. This showing is in collaboration with WNMU-TV, to celebrate UP culture and history safely during the ongoing pandemic. You can catch the film live at 9pm on February 26, or stream it for 30 days on WNMU's passport app, found here.

"Sirkka" documents the life of Sirkka Tuomi Holm, a first generation American and child of Finnish migrants. During her century of life, Sirkka witnessed a momentous Finnish-American history. Sirkka was a lifelong progressive activist: she sparked attention from the FBI and also became an accomplished writer. The film, produced by Kristin Ojaniemi and the Finnish American Heritage Center, is a testament to her life, and is a capsule of Finnish-American culture and history over the past 100 years. 

The Beaumier UP Heritage Center is a museum and educational center on the campus of Northern Michigan University. It celebrates the history and culture of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

Friday, Feb 26, 2021

Start Time:  9:00 pm

Event Place

Event Status


Primary Contact

Dan Truckey

Contact Phone Number

(906) 227 1219

Contact Email

Event Type

Equal Opportunity Policies and Procedures

NMU Logo on bricks


Members of the University Community:

We are committed to providing an educational and work environment that is free from illegal discrimination and Prohibited Conduct (collectively referred to as relationship violence (dating violence/domestic violence), sexual misconduct (sexual assault, sexual exploitation, and sexual or gender-based harassment), and stalking.)  NMU's vision includes a commitment to be an inclusive community where differences are recognized as assets of the institution, respected attributes of the person and a valuable part of the University experience.

While reading the policies below, consider the contribution that you make in creating a productive and collaborative educational and work environment.

  • Non-Discrimination Policy and Discrimination/Complaint Procedures, (
  • Relationship Violence, Sexual Misconduct and Stalking Policy (
  • Consensual Relationship Policy (
  • ADA/Section 504 Non-Discrimination (

If you have any questions or have difficulty viewing any of the policies, please call the Equal Opportunity and Title IX Offices at  227-2420.

Friday, Feb 5, 2021

Event Status


Primary Contact

Janet Koski

Contact Phone Number


Contact Email

Event Type

"Songs of Labor": A Virtual Concert

image features Robert Jones and Matt Watroba performing


The Beaumier UP Heritage Center collaborates with Hiawatha Music co-op to present "Songs of Labor" a virtual concert featuring Robert Jones and Matt Watroba. The musical duo boasts more than 20 years of partnership, with a love and respect for traditional American music that reflects history, social change, migration, hopes, and dreams. Find this concert on the Beaumier Facebook page at 7pm on February 11. The link to watch will also be on the Hiawatha Facebook page. The concert is free and donations are appreciated. 
"Songs of Labor" reflects the Beaumier Center's current exhibition on labor history in the UP. The exhibition is open to the campus community, but closed to the public due to covid-19 restrictions. The concert is also the next chapter in the "Live at the Fold" concert series, coordinated by Hiawatha Music co-op.

The Beaumier UP Heritage Center is a museum and educational center on the campus of Northern Michigan University. It celebrates the history and culture of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. 

Thursday, Feb 11, 2021

Start Time:  7:00 pm
End Time:  8:00 pm

Event Place



Event Status


Primary Contact

Dan Truckey

Contact Phone Number


Contact Email

Event Type

Conflict and Resolve: Labor in the U.P.

Image features a group of striking steel laborers.


The Beaumier UP Heritage Center announces its new exhibit, which portrays labor in the Upper Peninsula. Through the use of artifacts, images, and interpretive text, the exhibit portrays facets of the labor industry, including the Knights of Labor, development of unions, strikes in mining and labor industries, the role of corporate paternalism, service to the community, and safety in the mines.

Due to COVID-19 safety protocols, the exhibit is currently only open to students, faculty, and staff at NMU. A maximum of 10 people can view the exhibit at once. Call Dan Truckey at 227-1219 to schedule a campus group or class visit. The exhibit is open from Saturday January 30th until Saturday May 29th, Monday through Friday 10am to 5pm and Saturdays 12pm to 4pm.

Development of the exhibit is credited to the UP Regional Labor Federation, Ishpeming Area Historical Society, History department at NMU, Cliffs Natural Resources, Central UP and NMU Archives, and the Beaumier Center. 

The Beaumier Center thanks the students in HS342 - Intro to Museum Studies, for their assistance in installation. The Center also thanks the Construction Management students from CN459 in fall 2020, who crafted three new display cases for the gallery. 

Saturday, Jan 30, 2021

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Start Time:  12:00 pm
End Time:  4:00 pm

Event Place

Beaumier U.P. Heritage Center




Corner of 7th and Tracy

Event Status


Primary Contact

Dan Truckey

Contact Phone Number


Contact Email

Event Type

Northern now on Lifelong Learning

Northern Now Lifelong Learning


Join us on Wednesday, February 10 at 7 p.m. ET as we welcome NMU Extended Learning staff and Global Campus students and alumni for a panel discussion on Lifelong Learning: when to explore the right education at the right time. The panelists include NMU's Director of Global Campus Operations, Brad Hamel (BS ’99, MPA ’14, Ed.S. '19), NMU's Director of Continuing Education and Workforce Development, Stephanie Zadroga-Langlois (BA ’96, MA ’98), and former Global Campus student and young emerging executive with S&P Global, Morgan Waller (BS '16, MPA '18).

Each with different perspectives on the topic, the panelists will share their experiences and discuss “The 60-Year Curriculum”, a book NMU's Global Campus program is modeling their division strategic plan after. Global Campus Assistant Director Carly Harrington (MPA ’11) will moderate the event and take audience questions LIVE. Once you register, you will receive the link to the live stream.

Northern Now is a monthly, digital event series for alumni and friends hosted by the Northern Michigan University Alumni Association. Taking place on the second Wednesday of each month, the series provides a behind-the-scenes look at NMU students, departments, athletics, and more on campus with exclusive tours, interviews, and interactive events. Stay connected to your alma mater and learn more at

Wednesday, Feb 10, 2021

Start Time:  7:00 pm
End Time:  8:00 pm

Event Place

Zoom webinar

Event Status


Primary Contact

Kylie Bunting

Contact Phone Number


Contact Email

Event Type

Ticket Cost


Beaumier Heritage Documentary Series: Winter Wonderland

Image showcases a ski jumper


This Friday, January 29 at 9pm EST on WNMU TV check out the next installment of the Beaumier Heritage Documentary Series: Winter Wonderland is a 1995 film written and produced by Ironwood based filmmaker Bill Jamerson about Michigan's many winter sports.

Winter Wonderland showcases a combination of archival footage, old photographs, interviews of athletes and resort owners, and location cinematography to portray this classic Michigan culture. 

Sounds like the perfect way to spend a snowy evening! Winter Wonderland will also be available to stream on the WNMU-TV website for thirty days after the broadcast.

Friday, Jan 29, 2021

Start Time:  9:00 pm

Event Status


Primary Contact

Dan Truckey

Contact Phone Number


Contact Email

Event Type

MoveUP Fitness Program

MoveUP Flyer Winter 2021


The Move UP fitness program is a community outreach service provided by the School of Health and Human Performance that allows the NMU and Marquette communities the opportunity to engage in a variety of exercises at multiple intensities led by our graduate students. Participants attend one-hour sessions three times per week, Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays during the semester, at their designated times detailed below:

** Due to Campus Covid-19 Restrictions, currently MoveUP is available only to NMU Faculty, Staff and Students who are approved to be on campus this semester. When / if restrictions allow, we will offer mid-semester enrollment and prorated cost. Thank you for your understanding **

Winter 2021 Schedule:

February 1st, 2021 – April 22nd, 2021

6:30 a.m.-7:30 a.m., Moderate intensity

5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m., Low intensity

MoveUP Program Fee:

New Participant - $140.00 (NMU Faculty/Staff/Students, Spouses or PEIF Members)

Returning Participant - $100.00

Returning Participant from 2020 (When program was moved online) = $50.00

Instruction is aimed at encouraging individuals to develop healthy lifestyles, which include activities to enhance fitness and relieve stress.  The MoveUP Program is conducted in the exercise science lab located in room 146 of the Physical Education Instructional Facility (PEIF).  The exercise science lab is climate controlled and program enrollment is limited to provide individual attention, as well as access to equipment.  Always talk to your doctor before starting an exercise program.

We will be strictly adhering to social distancing, mask wearing and sanitation to prevent the spread of Covid-19. The workouts will be designed to maximize social distancing and the staff will be regularly disinfecting the equipment and facility before, during and after the sessions.

MoveUP Sessions Format:

Participants may select from sessions that vary from vigorous to low intensity, three days a week for one-hour per session. Each session will have a warm-up, an extended activity portion designed by our graduate students to address muscular endurance, aerobic fitness and/or flexibility along with a cool-down. The specific types of exercise sessions will vary throughout the semester providing participants the fun of experiencing multiple types of fitness activities and allowing our graduate students with valuable experience of designing and instructing many different fitness programs. The fitness sessions may include, circuits, boot camp, yoga, walking / running intervals, resistance training, body weight routines, and many others.

MoveUP Fitness Testing:

In the beginning and ending weeks of the semester, participants will have the opportunity (optional, but included in the cost) to have fitness testing conducted that will include body composition (DEXA), resting heart rate, submaximal VO2 test, flexibility, muscular strength and muscular endurance.

MoveUP Program Staff:

Graduate assistants and interns in Exercise Science and Health and Fitness Management majors

Derek Marr, Ph.D., C.S.C.S., N.S.C.A., Assistant Professor, Coordinator


Contact Christy Johnson at, or call 906-227-2528.

Monday, Feb 1, 2021

Start Time:  6:30 am

Event Place

Exercise Science Lab


PEIF 146

Event Status


Primary Contact

Christy Johnson

Contact Phone Number


Contact Email

Event Type

Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King Junior Day

Photo of Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr with words describing  virtual gathering for MLK day. Scheduled for Monday January 18th from 11am-12pm with zoom webinar ID: 922 3961 6313  and passcode: 010340


Join us for NMU’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration. This virtual gathering will showcase the legacy of Dr. King  and how his life-long work has impacted the equity and social justice movements of today. We ask all participants who choose to  join us in this gathering to reflect on the the following question:

How can we honor the work of Civil Rights Activists of the past/present and commit to our chosen theme of truth, racial healing and transformation within our campus community?


Monday, Jan 18, 2021

Start Time:  11:00 am
End Time:  12:00 pm

Event Place

Zoom webinar


Webinar ID: 922 3961 6313


Passcode: 010340

Event Status


Primary Contact

Office of Diversity & Inclusion

Contact Phone Number


Contact Email

Event Type

Ticket Cost


Ticket Link

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