Northern Promise Concurrent Enrollment is designed for high-achieving high school students, those already on a college-prep track with strong grade point averages who have demonstrated past academic success. The courses offered are predominantly geared toward college general education requirements, which will make the credits applicable to most university degrees and easily transferable to most post-secondary institutions.
High School and College Credit
The Northern Promise program's concurrent enrollment path offers a 2-for-1 course delivery mode. Students take classes that can count simultaneously for high school and college credit. These courses are provided at the high school facility and, normally, during the regular school session. Grades from the course are included on a student’s official Northern Michigan University transcript with no distinction indicating that the course was taken at a satellite high school site. The only difference in the two delivery modes is who delivers the instruction.
Taught by an NMU Instructor
In this model, NMU hires the faculty to teach the course while the school district addresses the facility and equipment needs.
Taught by High School
In this model, courses are college-credit bearing but are taught by high school teachers who are approved by Northern Michigan University faculty to teach NMU classes. The high school instructors will be required to use Northern course curricula as well as university-approved assessment tools and procedures. In this model, the instruction is paid for by the school district. Northern is responsible for vetting the credentials of the high school teachers providing the course curricula and assessing the instruction.

Contact Extended Learning and Community Engagement if your school is interested in participating in Concurrent Enrollment.
» Contact ELCE
» Admissions Information and Concurrent Enrollment Applications