Northern Promise Middle College emphasizes hands-on learning to develop practical skills and creative thinking. It can serve as a pathway to college education or an apprenticeship en route to gainful employment in a wide range of high-demand, high-skill and relatively high-wage technical-career occupations.
A Marquette-based career-technical education (CTE) collaboration in which Northern Michigan University is one of the participants that helped create the Marquette-Alger Technical Middle College (MATMC) pilot program in 2014-15. Northern offers a discounted tuition rate for the MATMC.

The MATMC enables students to earn a high school diploma and a significant number of college credits toward an NMU associate degree at no cost to students. Students commit to a three-year program in one of three academies: health sciences, professional trades or information technology. Some of the course credits count for both high school and college while others are solely for the associate degree. Class sessions are held at the high school and on the Northern campus.
The MATMC is one model of career-technical programs NMU offers. While more logistically complicated to deliver to schools across the region, as part of the Northern Promise, NMU is available to discuss opportunities for more middle college and other career-technical programs at high schools throughout the Upper Peninsula.
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