To study history is to study the experience of human beings during the past ages in order to obtain a better understanding of the nature of the human condition. Northern’s History department promotes the viewpoint that, while it’s impossible to predict the future, it is essential to be aware of the views, aspirations and struggles of the past to better understand the problems and promises of today.


Experience learning

At Northern, we strongly believe in learning by doing. With guidance from caring, engaged instructors, you will be challenged to do high-quality research, improve your communication and quantitative skills, and develop an understanding of societal and individual factors that motivate human action—all skills desired by employers in many fields.


Career excellence

The traditional path of a history graduate is a professional who researches and analyzes the past, such as an archivist, biographer, curator, educator, genealogist or historian. History graduates also often find employment as bankers, FBI/CIA agents, genealogists, lawyers, legislative aides, librarians, managers, politicians, research analysts, personnel directors, sales representatives and writers—or other positions that require good communication and research skills.


Degrees offered

Bachelor’s Programs
(4-year degrees)

Secondary Education - History

Secondary Education - Social Studies

Secondary Education – History

For complete details on the classes you’ll take and other considerations in earning your degree, please visit our online Undergraduate Bulletin at


What you’ll do at NMU

As an NMU student, your opportunities to get involved on campus and in the community are boundless. You can get involved in creating public historical displays for the Beaumier Upper Peninsula Heritage Center, Marquette Regional History Center, and Michigan Iron Industry Museum. You might do in-depth research for the NMU and Central Upper Peninsula Archives. You could become a history TA, participate in Reacting to the Past, or participate in the area school's history days. 

Many Northern history graduates have used their hands-on experience to become museum curators, historical park managers, and history educators. What will you do?



History Department • • 906-227-2512


If you have college credit and want to find out what will transfer to NMU, please visit