For all university-sponsored youth programs, the program administrator will:
- Register the program: the program administrator will plan appropriately to ensure completion of the registration process before the program begins (up to 60 days);
- Ensure proper criminal background screening, including a check of the sex offender registry(ies);
- Ensure proper driving history screening;
- Ensure the established Minors on Campus Code of Conduct is distributed and followed;
- Use Northern Michigan University approved handbooks, forms, and handouts;
- Adhere to all reporting obligations; and
- Ensure that faculty, staff, students, volunteers, and applicable third parties complete required training.
Parents & Guardians
"Program staff should be positive role models for minors and act in a responsible manner."

Young Wildcat Sports
NMU has opportunities for young cats to participate in and learn about healthy exercise and sportsmanship. There are opportunities involving swimming, hockey, and other sports.