
NCN Logo

Northern Climate Network (NCN)

The Northern Climate Network is a campus and community organization dedicated to providing opportunities to discuss and learn about climate change in our region.

The Northern Climate Network is sponsored by Marquette’s Climate Adaptation Task Force, which is a collaborative effort led by Marquette County, the Superior Watershed Partnership and Northern Michigan University.



Our Mission

  1. Share current climate change research relevant to our region from a range of disciplinary perspectives 
  2. Build an interactive database of people interested in working on and teaching about climate change in our community. 


Climate @ Noon

Climate @ Noon

Climate @ Noon is a Northern Climate Network series that brings informative lectures about climate change related issues, relevant to our community to campus. This event is free and open to the public.


Climate March 2018


For more information on climate change and how it affects our community, click down below:

Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments or want to learn how you can be more involved please reach out to Isabelle Honkomp at

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