What is a purchase requisition?
A purchase requisition is a form that is used to submit a request to procure goods and services in excess of $2,500. It is necessary for you to give detailed information regarding your request on this form such as quantity, manufacturer, part number, description, estimated price, suggested vendor, etc. It is also necessary to list the account number(s) to be charged for the purchase and have the account financial manager sign the requisition.
Purchasing card vs. purchasing order; why one or the other?
What is a purchase order and why do I need one?
Why can’t I submit a purchase requisition for purchases under $2,500 instead of using my purchasing card?
There are large costs to the university in processing requisitions/PO’s/invoices and checks. This includes data entry, printing, mailing and reconciliation tasks, etc. For this reason, the most economical method of payment is use of the purchasing card. If for some reason a credit card is not accepted by a vendor, a check request should be issued for the purchase.
When is a competitive bid required and how long will it take?
How do I dispose of surplus equipment no longer required by our department?
All surplus equipment requests can be made by completing the following work request.
Purchasing Card
Why has my card been declined?
There could be a variety of reasons. Your single transaction/monthly limit has been exceeded; the (merchant category code (MCC) has been blocked, incorrect expiration date, etc. Call the 800-number on the back of your Bank of America card for clarification of the decline and follow up with the Purchasing Department, if necessary.
A fraud charge has appeared on my credit card statement.
Are departments required to use the purchasing card for their purchases under $2,500?
Yes. The card can be a more convenient and efficient way of ordering items under $2,500. Departments are required to use the purchasing card if the vendor will accept it as a means of payment. If the vendor does not accept credit cards, a check request should be issued and can be processed through the Controllers Office. Purchase orders will only be issued for purchases over $2,500.
May departments use the card for repairs?
May departments use the cards for advertising purchases?
Can the card be used to purchase laboratory chemicals and cleaning supplies?
Yes, provided the Hazardous Material Management Policy is followed.
How will payments be processed to the bank?
Upon receipt of a monthly billing statement from the bank to Accounts Payable, one monthly payment will be automatically processed for the University. The purchases made on each cardholders purchasing cards during that billing period will be able to be viewed in Concur. Cardholders should verify and reconcile all credit card charges through Concur.
Will departmental purchases be subject to audit?
Yes. The Purchasing Department will review monthly itemized statements from the credit card company to ensure compliance with procedures. Unauthorized usage will be flagged and violation notices sent to those cardholders that have used their cards. Repeated violations may result in the suspension or termination of the card.