Purchasing Card
NMU uses purchasing cards for departmental purchases that are under $2,500. Using a purchasing card for flexibility of acquiring goods and services on an "as needed" basis without processing a purchase requisition. Learn more about NMU's purchasing card program, departmental spending limits and who is allowed to have a card.
Using Purchasing Requisitions
A purchase requisition is a form used to request the purchase of supplies, equipment, and services. These purchases usually exceed the $2,500 spending limit allowed on NMU's purchasing cards. Learn more about the purchasing requisition process. If you have questions about when to use a purchasing card versus when to use a purchase requisition, contact the Purchasing Department at 227-2360. Download a Purchase Requisition.
Surplus items for sale
NMU is now listing surplus items for auction on the Public Surplus website, www.publicsurplus.com. Initially, items will be listed for 14 days on an internal site for NMU departments to claim for university-use only. After which, the items will be listed on the public site for anyone to bid on. All bid instructions can be viewed at the website.
Ordering supplies online
NMU has online office supplies purchasing program with Staples Business Advantage. Participating in the program increases university discounts and provides NMU with campus-wide reports on category-type spending. Departments can contact the Purchasing Office for the university's vendor access code and password.

Mission Statement
The mission of the Purchasing Department and related areas, including shipping & receiving, mail, copier and surplus programs, is to provide the maximum service and administrative support levels to faculty and staff who are directly responsible for student learning and development. All of the above areas strive for cooperation in dealing with the Northern Michigan University community in order to better accomplish that goal.