You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Request Tutoring Name Phone Number Email Contact Preference Phone Call Text Email SSS Adviser Name Course(s) to be tutored Instructor(s) Specific Areas of Concern (Check all that apply) Need to improve study skills Teaching methods are not aligned with my learning styles Lack of motivation Pace of the class Complex course material Procrastination Stress/Fear of Failure Distracted/Struggling to focus Difficulty managing all commitments Lack of interest in the subject matter Other… Enter other… Best days and times in your weekly schedule for tutoring sessions Agreement I will work hard to be prepared for tutoring sessions, whether virtual or in person. This includes: attending classes, completing reading assignments and homework, and asking specific questions of the tutor on materials that I do not understand.If I am a no-show to scheduled tutoring sessions or I cancel frequently, for any reason, I understand that my tutor will report this and then be reassigned to other students who may be waiting.I will notify Student Support Services if I no longer need tutoring services or I have dropped the course.By checking the box below and filling in my full name and today's date, I agree to these statements in their entirety and I will take tutoring seriously and take an active role in my academic success. I agree to the terms of tutoring services. Full Name Date Leave this field blank