Blue sky over NMU's Jamrich Hall

DRAFT Gender Inclusive/Family Spaces Policy

DRAFT Gender Inclusive/Family Spaces Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide safe and accessible campus restroom facilities.

Faculty, staff, students and visitors.

Northern Michigan University is committed to having safe and accessible campus restroom facilities. The University affirms the right of all people to use the public restroom of the gender with which they identify. The University will be encouraged to include gender inclusive/family spaces in all future construction of University buildings.

The University will make reasonable accomodations upon request. Accomodation requests are handled:

  • if you are a student, please contact the Dean of Students, 2001 Hedgcock, 906-227-1700
  • if you are an employee or applicant, please contact Equal Opportunity, 105 Cohodas, 906-227-2420

Please click the following for the location of gender neutral restrooms on campus.

Approved By:President