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Appointing Endowed Professorship/Chair Policy

Appointing Endowed Professorship/Chair Policy

To establish a policy to standardize eligibility and procedures for appointing endowed professorship/chair nomination and selection.

I. Criteria

a. Eligibility

  • i. Full-time, tenured, and continuing contract faculty members
  • ii. Rank: associate or full professor

b. Standards

  • i. Must have a proven record of exceptional scholarship and an active scholarly agenda
  • ii. Must have a documented record of exceptional teaching (for chairs/professorships that include instructional responsibilities)

II. Nomination and Selection Procedure/Guidelines

a. Internal candidates

  • i. The associate dean or department head (AD/DH) identifies internal candidates through internal review or nomination process at the department level.
  • ii. Nominations may be made by external or internal colleague.
  • iii. If the AD or DH is a candidate, the dean or designee leads this process.
  • iv. The provost consults with the AD/DH and appoints a college-level committee to review the candidates.

1. Review committee members shall generally consist of (at a minimum):

a. Dean of the college
b. Tenured and/or continuing-contract faculty (in a number greater than the number of administrators on the committee)
c. Faculty from the same discipline of the candidate(s)
d. Faculty from a discipline other than that of the candidate(s)

2. The review committee solicits three external letters of evaluation for the nominee(s).

a. Evaluators should be senior faculty members in the candidate's field.
b. When possible, evaluators should include those who are in an endowed position (chair, professorship), members of national/professional academies related to the candidate's discipline, and/or other recognized scholars and academic leaders.

3. The review committee makes a recommendation to the provost. The recommendation must include:

a. Names of review committee members
b. Summary of review process
c. Brief description of each external evaluator
d. Copy of each external evaluation letter
e. Recommendation and, if applicable, ranking of nominees
f. Justification of recommendation and ranking

  • v. The provost reviews the recommendation and supporting documentation and makes a decision regarding the appointment and its terms.

1. Once an offer is extended and accepted, the provost makes the recommendation to the president and informs the NMU Foundation CEO.

  • vi. The recommendation then goes to the BOT for final approval.

b. External candidates

  • i. If recruiting externally, the usual protocols for faculty recruitment for tenured or continuing contract positions shall generally be followed. The endowed/named chair or professorship shall be highlighted in the recruitment materials.
  • ii. The formation and membership of the review committee is the same as that for internal candidates (see a., iv., 1., above).
  • iii. The recommendation and review process is the same as that for internal candidates (see a., iv., 2. and 3., above).
  • iv. If a nominee is accepted by the provost, appropriate authorization to hire papers are completed by the dean.
  • v. The dean or associate dean/department head, as appropriate, extends the offer and the terms to the candidate.
  • vi. Once an offer is extended and accepted, the provost makes the recommendation to the president and informs the NMU Foundation CEO.
  • vii. The recommendation then goes to the BOT for final approval.


III. Role and responsibilities

a .Shall be outlined clearly in a letter of appointment
b. Shall generally include the following minimum expectations:

  • i. Pursue a program of high quality research, creative endeavors and/or scholarship commensurate with the position of an eminent scholar
  • ii. Disseminate results of production to students, faculty, staff, and the community through presentations, publications, seminars, and/or other appropriate forums
  • iii. Engage with the campus and regional community
  • iv. Maintain current professional relationships external to the department and university
  • v. Develop new professional relationships external to the department and university
  • vi. Other responsibilities as outlined by the specific named chair/professorship

IV. Review and reappointment procedures/process

a. The Office of the Provost maintains endowed chairs/professorship appointments, including review dates and renewals.
b. Terms of endowed professorship/chair shall be three years at the associate rank and five years at the rank of professor.
c. Endowed professor/chair shall be evaluated every year at the associate rank and every five years at the rank of professor.
d. Evaluations shall follow procedures and processes as they are outlined in the Master Agreement for the appropriate unit.
e. Recommendations are made to the provost regarding renewal of endowed appointment.


Date Approved:5-15-2018
Last Revision:5-15-2018
Last Reviewed:5-15-2018
Approved By:President