Blue sky over NMU's Jamrich Hall

Jacobetti Center Food Service Activities Policy

Jacobetti Center Food Service Activities Policy

It is the policy of Northern Michigan University to provide food service to the campus and, for special events, to the public. It does so through the department known as Food Services.

In addition, Academic Affairs has food service academic programs in its Department of Technology and Occupational Sciences. This department offers food service as part of the instructional programs to meet the demands of applied learning. Food service students need a series of practical experiences that are progressive in nature. The Department of Technology and Occupational Sciences and the College of Technology and Applied Sciences have determined that three kinds of experiences are required to meet the demands of its instructional programs.

  1. The first kind of experience is operating a cafeteria and a restaurant. Accordingly, each Fall and Winter Semester after the third or fourth week of class, the Jacobetti Center operates a cafeteria four days a week where the public is served. Each Winter Semester after the fourth or fifth week of class, the Jacobetti Center operates a restaurant two days a week where the public is served.
  2. The second kind of experience is preparation of foods for banquets and catered events. Initially, students are required to participate in three of five limited events serving approximately 12-30 people. Subsequently, on 10-12 occasions different students are required to prepare fancy or elaborate hors d'oeuvres and dessert trays to provide the distinctive experience this kind of assignment requires.
  3. The third kind of experience is providing food service at 1-2 special events at which students can pull together the varied experiences learned in the total program. It is understood that these events will involve crowds of 50-100 or more.

Technology and Occupational Studies and the College of Technology and Applied Sciences will limit the food services they provide to those services needed for instructional purposes. It is understood that the instructional programs do not engage in advertising or promotion that would put them into competition with the Food Services Department or off campus food services businesses. Groups wishing to provide occasions for the instructional food service programs to serve their needs shall contact the department Faculty who will obtain written approval from the Dean of the College.

Date Approved:10-11-1989
Last Revision:12-18-2002
Last Reviewed:12-18-2002
Approved By:President