Blue sky over NMU's Jamrich Hall

23.00 Wildlife

23.00 Wildlife

The Northern Michigan University Board of Control has determined that ordinances for the protection, benefit, government and control of persons and property within the boundaries of lands under the jurisdiction of the Board of Control are essential to secure the successful operation of the University, maintain good order, promote the designed objectives of the University, and obviate unnecessary and improper interferences with University activities and the lawful activities of those coming upon such lands.  The Board of Control, therefore, adopts the following ordinances.


Applicability: All Students, Faculty, Staff and Community/Visitors

23.00              WILDLIFE

The campus of Northern Michigan University is hereby designated as a wildlife, fish, and bird sanctuary, and the shooting or taking or molesting of wildlife is prohibited.


Date Approved:8-3-2001
Last Revision:9-15-2023
Last Reviewed:9-15-2023
Approved By:Board of Trustees