About the Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic
Welcome to the Northern Michigan University Speech-Language and Hearing Clinic. Our state-of-the-art facility is located in room 1513 of The Science Building on the campus of NMU. The Speech-Language and Hearing Clinic is part of NMU’s Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences Program and the School of Clinical Sciences where we train undergraduate students to become Speech-Language Pathologists.
All services at the clinic are provided by our students under the direct supervision of faculty who are certified by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Our policies and procedures have been put into place to assure that each client’s experience in the clinic is highly productive and that we are able to offer the very best quality services to our patients.

Our Services
We offer a variety of services related to the difficulties persons can have in communicating with others, including:
- Speech, language, and hearing screenings
- Speech and language evaluations
- Individual and group speech-language therapy
- Consultations with schools, physicians and employers
- Services for infants, children and adults
- Public information regarding speech, language, hearing and related disorders
Requesting an appointment
Patients or parents must contact the NMU Speech-Language and Hearing Clinic at 906-227-2125 to request an
appointment. When you contact the clinic, you will be asked to provide:
- A case history
- Release of information form
- Permission for NMU students to observe sessions
- Additional preliminary info
Case History Forms and Authorization to Release Information
- Child case history form
- Adult case history form
- Authorization to release information
- NMU consent form
Submit your completed form(s) via email, fax or mail:
Fax: 906-227-2178
Northern Michigan University
Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences Clinic
1401 Presque Isle Avenue
Marquette, MI 49855
Patient information
When we have all the information needed to schedule your appointment, a faculty supervisor and student clinician are assigned to the case. Supervising faculty contact individual patients or parents for diagnostic evaluation appointments after the case history form has been received.
At times we must maintain a waiting list for the clinic because we have had more referrals than we can handle. Our faculty will keep in contact with the patient or parents and inform them when space is available. We do reserve the right to prioritize services based on educational levels of our students, availability of space in our schedule and the severity of the circumstances surrounding individual cases.
Clinic Location
We are housed in The Science Building of the Seaborg Science Complex, located on Center Street (see campus map). See our department secretary in The Science Building, room 1513, across the hall from the clinic, for a parking permit when you arrive for your first appointment. You must display this permit in your front windshield to be entitled to park in one of the “Speech-Language and Hearing Clinic” spaces in the lot adjacent to the clinic while you are receiving clinic services. If these slots are filled, you may feel free to park in any marked parking space in the lot with your permit displayed. If you follow these procedures and get a parking ticket, give the ticket to the department secretary so it can be voided.
Please note that only one parking permit will be issued for each family car per semester. Individuals needing a replacement must go to Public Safety in the Services Building on Sugarloaf Avenue. When a client is discharged from the clinic program, the parking permit must be returned to the department secretary.
Sessions and Cancellations
Because the clinic is part of Northern Michigan University, we operate on the university schedule, offering services three semesters per year: winter (January - April), summer (May - July) and fall (September - December). We are closed during times the university is closed, including certain holidays, semester breaks and due to inclement weather. Your student clinician will advise you of the schedule for the semester during which you receive services.
In the event the clinic must cancel your appointment due to student clinician illness or other unexpected events, we will contact you and reschedule. If you must cancel your appointment for any reason, please notify us ahead of time by calling 906-227-2076 or email: nmuspeechclinic@nmu.edu. Please give us the name of your faculty supervisor and student clinician, as well as the reason for the cancelation.
Upon arrival for your appointment, patients and family members are to remain in the clinic waiting room until your student clinician comes to escort you to your treatment area. In no case should you enter the clinic area unescorted; this is to protect confidentiality of our services and to allow us to work uninterrupted.
Parents are invited to observe their child’s work with the student clinician. At these times, siblings are allowed in the observation area under parental supervision as long as they do not disrupt the work of the clinic. It is absolutely necessary to maintain these areas as dark, quiet, clean environments. Therefore, no food or beverages are allowed in the observation areas. Disruptive persons will be asked to leave.
Questions About Evaluation or Treatment
Questions about any of the procedures we use in the diagnosis or treatment of communication problems or any of the other services we provide should be directed to the faculty member supervising the student clinician who will be working with you or your family member. Questions about the procedures and policies of the clinic should be addressed to the clinical coordinator. It is our goal that your contact with the NMU Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences Program and Speech, Language and Hearing Clinic are pleasant and productive.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who do I contact if I have a question about speech, language or hearing problems?
How many times per week and for how long do therapy sessions last?
This varies for each client. It will depend on recommendations from the diagnostic evaluation report, the client's ability to attend to the tasks that need to be done, and the availability of the client, supervisor and student clinician. Generally, the more times and days during the week the family has available, the easier it is to schedule that client. A typical therapy schedule is twice weekly for 50 minute sessions.
Who is eligible to receive services from the NMU Speech-Language and Hearing Clinic?
Children and adults of any age with any type of communication disorder are welcome to inquire about services. Persons inquiring about services are encouraged to call the Clinic Coordinator, Diane Jandron at 227-2085 with specifics about the case to determine if the clinic will be able to meet the client's special needs.
Is there a chance that someone will not get services when they are requested?
There are occasions when services are unavailable on the days or times they are requested, and clients may be put on a waiting list. In addition, individuals who are medically fragile or who display behavioral problems that are beyond our students' capabilities will be monitored by our faculty supervisors. Any areas of difficulty will be discussed with the client or parent/guardian.
What is your policy on cancellations?
If the client must cancel for any reason, the clinic can be contacted at 906-227-2125. Please provide the client's name, day and time of the session to be cancelled, the name of the faculty supervisor and student clinician, and the reason for the cancellation. If clinical personnel must cancel the session, the secretary or student clinician will contact the client or parent/guardian. NOTE: The NMU Speech-Language and Hearing Clinic is closed during all times that NMU is closed, such as snow days, semester breaks, etc.
Regular attendance is vital for all concerned. For the client, missing sessions decreases the therapeutic value; for our student clinician, cancelled sessions mean fewer clock hours toward the requirements of American Speech-Language and Hearing Association certification; for the faculty supervisor, this is time that could have been spent with another client. If your faculty supervisor has any concerns about attendance, he or she will discuss them with you.
Who gets a copy of the reports the students write?
Can I still get services at the NMU Speech-Language and Hearing Clinic even if I'm getting them from another place?
Can I drop my child off for therapy while I run errands or go back to work?
We do not recommend it for young children. It can happen that they get upset during the course of their therapy and need consolation, and it can be devastating to a child to end the session and find his/her parent has left the building. In addition we do not have the capacity to baby-sit. If children must wait at the end of the session, a student clinician or faculty supervisor must wait with them and attempt to contact the parent/guardian. If we are unable to do so, we must contact Public Safety and Police Services on campus to assist us. Generally, it is best for all involved if parents are on the premises during the session.
How can I contribute to the NMU Speech-Language and Hearing Clinic?
Monetary contributions can be made through the NMU Foundation. Persons wishing to do so may make out a check payable to the NMU Foundation; if you wish the money to be used for the NMU Speech-Language and Hearing Clinic, please indicate that in writing. Mail it to the Northern Michigan University Foundation, 1401 Presque Isle Avenue, Marquette, MI 49855. Contributions can also be made with a credit card online. The department and clinic gratefully accept these donations for equipment, materials and toys.
Non-Discrimination Policy and Procedures
The speech-language pathology program is committed to the principle of equal opportunity. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national or ethnic origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, genetic information, citizenship, and status as a covered veteran. Questions pertaining to discrimination may be directed to the NMU MS-SLP Program Director at NMU 1401 Presque Isle Ave., Marquette, Michigan 49855, (906) 227-2095.
Non-discrimination policy
Any person wishing to register a complaint related to the NMU MS-SLP program's compliance with accreditation standards should follow the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology complaint policy and procedures, which can be found at:
Before filing a complaint, it is strongly recommended that you read Chapter XIII: Complaints in the Accreditation Handbook .