Suggested Course Sequence for Postbaccalaureate Students Interested in Pursuing Graduate Studies in Communication Sciences and Disorders
A one-year sequence of coursework can provide students with a bachelor’s degree in a field other than Communication Sciences and Disorders with a foundation of knowledge in speech, language, and hearing. Successful completion of these courses may assist the student in application to graduate programs in speech-language pathology and audiology. The following sequence of two semesters of leveling coursework is suggested (please note that a fall start date is recommended due to course prerequisites):
Fall Semester (16 credits)
- SL 160 Anatomy of the Speech and Hearing Mechanism
- SL 200 Phonetics
- SL 351 Introduction to Audiology
- SL 355 Language Development
Winter Semester (14 credits)
- SL 370 Observation in Speech, Language, Hearing Sciences
- SL 220 Speech and Voice Science
- SL 400 Speech Sound Disorders
- SL 451 Aural Rehabilitation
It is up to the individual post-baccalaureate student to be aware of leveling requirements at the universities where he or she wishes to apply for graduate training. The above suggested sequence can be individualized depending upon leveling requirements at those universities.
*In addition, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association requires a course in each of the following areas: biological sciences, physical sciences (Physics or Chemistry), statistics, and social/behavioral sciences (Psychology or Sociology). These courses should be completed prior to application to graduate programs. Further information regarding certification standards can be found at the following link: