
Education graduates are recognized during a new teacher reception which occurs the night prior to graduation. Graduates are given a small token courtesy of the School of Education, Leadership and Public Service to show recognizing the student's dedication to pursuing an education degree. The School of Education, Leadership and Public Service also gives out small awards each year.

The reception is by invitation to graduates who have completed their student teaching. Graduates are welcome to bring family and friends. The graduate's mentoring adviser and the principle of the graduate's student teaching school are invited to attend. The reception will include a slide presentation of the graduate student teaching and a quote concerning their experience as a student teacher.


Graduates receiving a B.S.N. or an M.S.N. will participate in a pinning/hooding ceremony the night prior to the commencement ceremony. This is typically held at 4:30 p.m. in Jamrich 1100. During the ceremony, the graduates are recognized for their achievements and dedication to the profession of nursing. Graduates will have presentations where they are able to send their appreciation to the people who have assisted them during their years at Northern.

The ceremony will consist of individual introductions of the graduates, flower distribution and then the pinning for B.S.N students or the hooding for M.S.N. students. After the distribution of pins and hoods, there will be a candle light ceremony where the graduating class is able to reflect on its education. There will be class pictures taken, which will be available for the graduating students to purchase.

ROTC Seniors

ROTC Commissioning

R.O.T.C. Commissioning Exercises will be held directly following the commencement ceremony in the Whitman Commons area, Room 136.