

Graduation is the awarding of the degree, after completion of all degree requirements, as recorded on the official transcript.  Degrees are awarded three times a year, May, August and December.

MIDYEAR Graduation is Saturday, December 14th, 2024.

To register for graduation, add the graduation course when adding your final semester classes no later than the fourth calendar day of the semester.  There are unique registration codes for undergraduate and graduate students and those who wish to participate in the commencement ceremony and for those who do not.  On your MyNMU record, search for Graduation, course code CA 000, Section 01-Ceremony or Section 02-No Ceremony.

On-line registration for graduation closes on the first Thursday of the semester.  If you decide later in the semester that you want to graduate that semester, you must complete a Request to Add Graduation form and email the form to Degree Evaluation at degaudit@nmu.edu.  

You must register for graduation whether you want to participate in the commencement ceremony or not.

GRADUATION FEE:  The $40 mandatory fee is tied to graduation, not to whether or not you are participating in a commencement ceremony. It covers a variety of costs, assessment of program completion, evaluation of credentials, posting of degrees, diploma production and mailing, etc.


Commencement is the ceremony that celebrates the completion of a degree.  There are two commencement ceremonies, one after each of the fall and spring semesters.  August graduates can participate in the May commencement if completing the requirements during the summer or after graduating in the December commencement.

The MIDYEAR Semester Commencement Ceremony will be held on Saturday, December 14th, 2024 at 10:30 a.m.

Participation in the commencement ceremony does not imply that you have officially graduated.

Information regarding the commencement ceremony will be emailed to all students registered for Graduation-Ceremony.

If you have restricted information such as your name, you cannot participate in the ceremony and your name will not be printed in the commencement program. You must contact Records at records@nmu.edu or in the Registrar's office, 2202 Hedgcock, no later than one month prior to graduation, in order to make your information available for the commencement ceremony.