About Us

Welcome to the Engineering Technology Department at Northern Michigan University. Our department has many opportunities for students interested in working with technology. We offer one, two, and four-year programs with “laddering” options. By laddering from one program to the next, you can progress from a one-year certificate to a two-year associate degree and then to a four-year bachelor’s degree without losing any time repeating courses or receiving unnecessary credits.

Explore Our Programs

Engineering Technology vs. Engineering

Engineering focuses more on theoretical concepts and math-intensive coursework, while Engineering Technology (ET) emphasizes hands-on applications. ET programs often include lab components and practical skills like machine shop work and circuit construction. In terms of employment, engineering graduates typically take on project management roles, while ET graduates often fill technician positions. Professional Engineer licensure typically requires an engineering degree, though some states accept ET degrees. ET programs may be better suited for individuals who enjoy hands-on work, while engineering programs may appeal more to academically inclined students.

Read more about the difference between Engineering Technology and Engineering here.

Accredited Programs

The Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Technology and the Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering are accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET under the General Criteria and the Program Criteria for Electrical/Electronic(s) Engineering Technology and Similarly Named Programs.

ABET accreditation provides assurance that a college or university program meets the quality standards of the profession for which that program prepares graduates.

male student working on a machine

Hands-On Experience

Nearly all of our courses require a lab component, which means that you will not just read the material in a book, you will gain the hands-on experience we are known for by working with the applicable technology—from oscilloscopes to milling machines to computers to wind turbines or solar arrays to rapid-prototyping equipment. It just depends on what interests you. 

NMU SAE Baja Club_2023

Outside the Classroom

Outside of the classroom, you will have the opportunity to be involved with our student organization, the Society of Automotive Engineers, with local and national competitions involving the Solidworks computer-design program, and the Mini-Baja vehicles, which NMU engineering technology students built. 

W24 NMU Engineering Tech students presented their senior project to faculty, staff, and fellow students.

Senior Projects

Students in both Electrical and Mechanical Engineering programs spend their senior year working on their capstone projects.  At the end of winter semester, they present their projects to faculty, staff, parents, and fellow students. 

Watch the 2024 presentations
CNC lab at Northern Michigan Unvieristy, a large rooms with tables and machines

Many classes in your major will be held in the Jacobetti Complex, which could be the definition of “hands-on” learning, with more than 40 specialized laboratories and classrooms, many of which are authentic recreations of real-world businesses and shops. This state-of-the-art facility includes labs for CAD, CNC programming and production, data acquisition, electronics, hydraulics, machine tooling, materials testing, process control, robotics, and PLCs. When you graduate, you’ll be well acquainted with the machinery, tools, and skills needed to succeed.

Visit Us

Think you might be interested in joining one of our programs?  Schedule a campus visit  to see what we're all about!

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Contact Us

engtech@nmu.edu | 906-227-2141

If you have college credit and want to find out what will transfer to NMU, please visit www.nmu.edu/transfercredit