NMU Orchestra Concert

Close-up on NMU Orchestra

Department of Music

NMU Department of Music presents the NMU Orchestra in their first concert of the semester. Come watch their performance in Reynolds Recital Hall on Tuesday, October 24. The concert starts at 7:30 p.m. and is free!

Tuesday, Oct 24, 2023

Start Time:  7:30 pm
End Time:  9:30 pm

Event Place

Reynolds Recital Hall

Event Status




NMU Orchestra

Primary Contact

Music Department

Contact Phone Number

(906) 227-2563

Contact Email


NMU Jazz Concert

Dr. Mark Flaherty directs one of the NMU Jazz Ensembles

Department of Music

NMU Department of Music presents the NMU Jazz Ensembles in their first concert of the fall semester! Join us in Reynolds Recital Hall at 7:30 p.m. for performances from the NMU Jazz Band and Jazz Combo. Admission is free and open to the public.

Wednesday, Oct 4, 2023

Start Time:  7:30 pm
End Time:  9:30 pm

Event Place

Reynolds Recital Hall

Event Status




NMU Jazz

Primary Contact

Music Department

Contact Phone Number

(906) 227-2563

Contact Email


NMU Orchestra Auditions

NMU Logo on bricks

Department of Music

AUDITIONS are Wednesday, Jan. 18th from 4:00-7:00pm at the Reynolds Recital Hall. The NMU orchestra is open to all NMU students, staff, high school students, and community members with a background in performance. Auditions are primarily for Dr. Rhyneer to make informed seating arrangements, and to personally connect with you and to retrieve contact information.

Sign up for an audition time on the bulletin board across from Thomas Fine Arts room 102; You can also show up backstage anytime between 4-7pm on the 18th- and we will fit you in.

· Prepare: 1) 60 second solo or etude which displays your ability, 2) a  4 bar excerpt on the TFA bulletin board

· Submit: a personnel form (on the TFA bulletin board), or fill one out at the audition

REGISTER: Everyone is asked to register for the class:

· MU116 for .5 credit 

· MU116A for 0 credit (if you are at your credit limit) Please email Dr. Rhyneer to get added

SCHEDULE: Rehearsals take place 5:00-6:50 Mondays and Wednesdays during the NMU semester (no rehearsals 3/6 and 3/8) at the Reynolds Recital Hall. The first meeting will be Monday, January 23rd.


  • Wednesday, March 1st 6:30pm; Children’s Concert-featuring the Children’s Museum celebrity auction winner, conductor Sonia Stucco, Reynolds Recital Hall
  • Wednesday, April 26th 7:30pm; Final Concert- featuring Danzon No. 2 by Marquez (pending rental availability), Reynolds Recital Hall


· Sign out a locker for your instrument at the Music Department Office TFA (Thomas Fine Arts) room 102 

· First come, first serve practice rooms are available to non-majors on floor 1A

Please contact Dr. Barbara Rhyneer should you have questions regarding the orchestra or auditions! 

I look forward to seeing everyone! -Dr. Rhyneer


January 11, 2023

January 14, 2023

January 17, 2023


Primary Contact

Dr. Barbara Rhyneer

Contact Phone Number


Contact Email


NMU Orchestra Auditions - Aug. 30

NMU Logo on bricks

Department of Music

The NMU orchestra is open to all NMU students, staff, high school students, and community members interested in performing in an orchestra setting. Sign up for an audition spot on the bulletin board across the hall rom Thomas Fine Arts room 102. Auditions take place 3:15-6:30pm at the Reynolds Recital Hall on August 30th. We are especially in need of violinists so pass the word!

· Prepare: 60-90 second solo or etude which displays your ability, and a 2 octave chromatic scale. There may also be sight-reading.

REGISTER: Everyone is asked to register for the course:

· MU116 for .5 credit

· MU116A for 0 credit (if you are at your credit limit) Please email Dr. Rhyneer

SCHEDULE: Rehearsals take place 4:00-5:50 Tuesdays and Thursdays during the NMU semester at the Reynolds Recital Hall. The first meeting (or rehearsal) will be Thursday, September 1 at 4:00.


· Sat., September 17th, 7:30; Perform w/Finnish folk group Kardenmimitt 

· Sun., October 16th 3:00; NMU Choir and Orchestra perform “The Unarmed Child” by Michael Bussewitz-Quarm

· Wed. October 19th 7:00pm Strings Only; Big String Concert at Marquette Senior High School

· Wednesday, December 1st, 7:30pm, Final Festive Concert featuring student conductors 


· Sign out a locker for your instrument at the Music Department Office TFA (Thomas Fine Arts) room 102 (during 1st week)

· First come, first serve practice rooms are available to non-music majors on floor 1A

NMU Orchestra

August 30, 2022

August 26, 2022

August 29, 2022


Primary Contact

Dr. Barbara Rhyneer

Contact Phone Number


Contact Email


NMU Trombone Choir Concert


Department of Music

Coming to Reynolds Recital Hall this month is NMUs very own trombone choir! Headed by our director of bands, Dr. Stephen Grugin, listeners can look forward to hearing all sorts of brass madness!

Tuesday, Apr 25, 2023

Start Time:  7:30 pm

Event Place

Reynolds Recital Hall

Event Status



Primary Contact

Linda Popovic

Contact Phone Number


Contact Email


Ticket Cost


Superior String Alliance Players Concert


Department of Music

On April 6th, some of Marquette's Superior String Alliance players are coming together on the Reynolds Recital Hall stage! Members include Danielle Simandl, Ria Hodgson, Eric Marta, Adam Hall, and NMU strings and orchestra professor, Barbara Rhyneer. Come down to Reynolds on Thursday, April 6th, to hear some beautiful chamber strings music!

This event is free and open to the public.

Thursday, Apr 6, 2023

Start Time:  7:30 pm

Event Place

Reynolds Recital Hall

Event Status



Primary Contact

Linda Popovic

Contact Phone Number


Contact Email


Open Mind Ensemble


Department of Music

Open Mind Ensemble (OM Ensemble) is a mixed instrument chamber ensemble that creates music and sonic spaces formed out of improvisational techniques.  Utilizing spoken word, found instruments, standard musical language as well as non-standard, OM creates a space for creativity, acceptance, and togetherness.
Joining OM for a portion of this performance is Alley Oops Improv, an improv theater group based in Marquette.

This event is free and open to the public.

Saturday, Apr 22, 2023

Start Time:  3:00 pm

Event Place

Black Box Theatre

Event Status



Primary Contact

Linda Popovic

Contact Phone Number


Contact Email


NMU Orchestra Concert

NMU Orchestra

Department of Music

Join us at Reynolds Recital Hall April 26th at 7:30 p.m. to enjoy the first orchestra concert of the season! This concert is free and open to the public.

Wednesday, Apr 26, 2023

Start Time:  7:30 pm

Event Place

Reynolds Recital Hall

Event Status



Primary Contact

Linda Popovic

Contact Phone Number


Contact Email


Siril Concert Series - Calmus


Department of Music

This April, Reynolds Recital Hall is hosting one of Germany's most successful vocal groups, Calmus. With their wide range of tonal colors, the passionate joy the singers convey on stage, their sound culture and their varied and imaginative programs never fail to inspire. Calmus will be performing on April 21, 2023 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets can be found with the link below.

Friday, Apr 21, 2023

Start Time:  7:30 pm

Event Place

Reynolds Recital Hall

Event Status


Event Website


Primary Contact

Linda Popovic

Contact Phone Number


Contact Email


Ticket Cost

General Admission $12, NMU Students and Youth (18 and under) $0

Ticket Link

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