To report a problem or unsafe conditions, contact the Call Center at 227-2292. View the snow removal map here.
Snow Removal
It is the general policy of NMU Facilities to provide for safe travel on campus roads, parking lots and sidewalks during the winter months. To efficiently and effectively clear these areas of snow and ice the Grounds Department uses a combination of large dump trucks, front end loaders, pickups and snow blowers. The primary focus of custodial personnel is the removal of snow/ice from building entrances.
Ice Control
To control ice and reduce the risk to vehicles and pedestrians the application of salt and/or sand is used for primary roads/parking lots and sand for sidewalks.
Campus Priorities
In the event of a snow occurrence priorities have been established for clearing the campus.
The priorities are as follows:
1. Primary roads and parking areas serving academic and administrative buildings
2. Student apartment areas
3. Student dormitories
4. Outlying parking areas
If the University is closed due to inclement weather, priorities change to emergency routes and occupied buildings (dormitories and apartments).