Applying to the NMU Honors Program is free, and there are no additional tuition fees to being a NMU Honors Program student. In fact, being part of the Honors Program offers special opportunities to our students, such as exclusive scholarships and summer research fellowships.

We do charge a minimal fee to participate in our fall and winter trips to big Midwestern cities, but the Honors Program pays for most of the expenses: The fee is typically $20-30, depending on trip expenses. If students cannot afford the fee, the Honors Program will work with students so they can participate on the trip. 

The NMU Honors Program provides courses that fulfill several general education components; puts you into close contact with students who share your interests, outlook and aspirations; and gives you a head start on building a professional support network on campus.

No. Honors Program students may enroll in any academic major.

Honors Program course work is designed to be qualitatively, not quantitatively, different. As in every university course, you will be asked to read, write papers and take exams. In those courses designated as Honors courses, you will also have professors who design learning opportunities not available elsewhere on campus and invite you to create learning opportunities.

You are automatically a member of HSO upon acceptance into the Honors Program. You do not need to currently be enrolled in an Honors class to be able to participate in the group’s activities.

In brief, the Honors Program is an opportunity to develop more interesting relationships with knowledge, ways of learning, faculty and your fellow students. You will streamline your general education program, earn the Honors Program designation on your transcript, receive additional advisement and be recognized at commencement.

In addition, the Honors Program can help you to expand your mastery of worldwide learning. It will especially challenge you to inquire, evaluate critically what you read, pose problems and solutions, and work together—-all invaluable skills that will aid your future study and career.