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Feature Article: Space Rangers

'Northern Now' on Artificial Intelligence and the Job Market

Learn more about Kall Morris from Adam Kall in this special Northern Now session on artificial intelligence and the job market. Also featured in this segment are alumna Anna Martin ’20 BS, and professors Jeff Horn and J.D. Phillips.

Northern Now, is a monthly digital event series for alumni and friends hosted by the NMU Alumni Association.

Sam M. Cohodas Professorship Recognition Ceremony: Dr. Gary Brunswick

Dr. Gary Brunswick ’81 AB, ’84 BS, College of Business marketing professor, has been awarded the Sam M. Cohodas Professorship. He has been a faculty member at NMU for 30 years, being honored with the Excellence in Teaching Award in 2018 and Distinguished Faculty Award in 2005, among other accolades, starting with the NMU Outstanding Young Alumni Award in 1994.