Michigan State University College of Human Medicine has entered into an agreement with Northern Michigan University that provides an opportunity for early selection for entry into its medical school through the Early Assurance Program. While the application is open to all students, the Early Assurance Program primarily targets students from under-served rural or urban areas, first-generation college students, graduates from low-income high schools, students who are PELL grant-eligible, or who have a strong interest of practicing medicine in a high-need specialty where there are health care shortages.
Students who are part of NMU’s premedical program their freshmen year may be identified as possible candidates for this program, but other students may show an interest in attending medical school later in their college career and also apply for the program. The premedical adviser will advise students in coordinating their academic programs and activities. All students would need to show success in the science courses required for entry into MSU College of Human Medicine and participate in other activities such as volunteer work and physician observation experiences that all premedical students must typically participate in. Qualified students can apply for the Early Assurance Program during their junior year at NMU after consultation with the premedical adviser.
A key feature of the program focuses on the word ‘early’ in that successful candidates are accepted into MSU College of Human Medicine at the end of the year before they graduate from NMU. This early admission relieves them of having to go through the standard medical school application process, interviews and hopeful selection during their senior year of college. Please see the criteria and timeline for details.
MSU College of Human Medicine has reserved three slots for NMU students, but this does not imply a guarantee for admission. MSU College of Human Medicine would reserve the right to select endorsed NMU Early Assurance Program students for an interview and possible selection.
Endorsed candidates who are not selected for entry into MSU College of Human Medicine through the Early Assurance Program, would then go forward with the standard medical school application process without having been delayed or disadvantaged in any way.
Program Criteria
In order to be considered for endorsement for the Michigan State University College of Human Medicine and Northern Michigan University Early Assurance Program, students must meet the following criteria:
- Have attained at least a 3.0 grade point average overall as well as in the science courses they take while an undergraduate at NMU. (See list below).
- Complete the following courses required by MSU College of Human Medicine for admission by the time they graduate. Students must be of junior standing with at least 70 earned credit hours to be eligible to apply.
- Introductory Biology Principles BI 111
- Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology BI 218
- General Chemistry I and II CH 111 and CH 112
- Organic Chemistry I and II CH 321 and CH 322
- Introductory Biochemistry CH 450
- Two upper-level biology courses
- College Composition I and II EN 111 and EN 211
(Honors Program Curriculum may be substituted) - NMU liberal studies completion (humanities, social science, formal communications and visual/performing arts).
- Mathematics at the college algebra or above level: MA 104, MA 105 or greater.
- Note that probability and statistics would work MA 171
Advanced Placement credit at the MA 104 level or above will also work.
- Participate in community service activities, including medically-related experiences. Demonstrated leadership is recommended.
- Participate in observation experiences with physicians.
- Take the MCAT between January and early May of the year before they graduate and earn a score of at least 25 with the biological science section score of at least 8.
- Have an interest in practicing family medicine in an underserved, urban or rural environment and/or as a primary care physician (internal medicine, family medicine, pediatrics).
- Complete an AMCAS application (see more details on the timeline).
Program Application
The application for the Northern Michigan University Early Assurance Program with the MSU College of Human Medicine is on the MSU admissions server, click the button below to access it.
Students will submit the application to MSU College of Human Medicine and the NMU premedical adviser will receive it from there in order to determine if the applicant can be endorsed based upon the requirements for the program (see the criteria).
Program Timeline
Students who are part of NMU’s premedical program their freshmen year may be identified as possible candidates for the NMU-Michigan State University College of Human Medicine Early Assurance Program (MSU-EAP), but other students may show an interest in attending medical school later in their college career and also apply for the program. The premedical adviser will advise students in coordinating their academic program and activities. Qualified students can apply for the Early Assurance Program during their junior year at NMU after consultation with the premedical adviser
January through May 1: Students should take the MCAT by May 1 so that scores will be available to MSU College of Human Medicine by sometime in late May or early June at the latest. Students must notify MSU College of Human Medicine of their MCAT scores (created from a notification e-mail students will receive from MCAT/AAMC services).
Mid to Late February: Online application (located at the Michigan State University College of Human Medicine website) is due. Both MSU College of Human Medicine and the NMU premedical adviser will receive this application.
March 15: Notification of endorsed students (those students who qualify based on the criteria and evaluation of their application by the NMU premedical adviser or advisory board) to MSU College of Human Medicine. MSU College of Human Medicine will select students to be interviewed in April.
Early April: Selected students will be interviewed, either on campus in East Lansing (April 8) or in Marquette (student’s choice) on a similar date.
June: Selection and notification of students admitted under the Early Assurance Program.
June: Admitted students who accept the offer will notify MSU College of Human Medicine and complete and submit the AMCAS application designating the MSU-CHM-EAP (on the application) and pay the standard, refundable deposit to hold their seat within two weeks of acceptance of the offer.