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High school sophomores, juniors, and seniors during the 2024-25 academic year are invited to join us to explore the scenic vistas and natural resources of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula! Students will experience firsthand how scientists incorporate technology and field experiences to study the changing environment and sustainability issues. Camp will take place on July 20-26, 2025.
- Hike geological landmarks.
- Explore the science vistas of the Upper Peninsula.
- Discover local natural resources.
- Experience sustainable community development.
- Paddle the AuTrain River.
- Study environmental issues in the Lake Superior watershed.
- Make lasting memories.
- Interact with professors and students from Northern Michigan University and stay on campus.
Camp Logistics
This camp covers lodging in a residence hall, three meals per day in the dining hall or box lunches on field trips, and all necessary fees and transportation associated with field experiences. Campers will use the facilities and technology of Northern Michigan University. The registration fee is $849 (increases to $949 on June 1).
Former Camper Experiences
- "I really enjoy hands-on learning and field trips, those are the ways that I learn and understand things best. I also really enjoyed evening activities, I got to see what college students at Northern do for fun and I got to connect with fellow campers."
- “I loved camp, and I was super impressed by how thoughtfully the schedule was put together….I enjoyed every aspect of my experience and wouldn’t change a thing.”
- “I really enjoyed learning about watersheds and how we can conserve land. The focus on long term solutions instead of short term was interesting to me. Also, the importance of local plants and how they can help the environment was interesting.”
- "I liked the watershed conservation topic because we got to plant beach grass and remove invasives. It was also cool to be able to see the physical difference between a living coastline with green infrastructure vs one without it."
- "My favorite part was listening to the different professors and experts about their fields of expertise and [engaging in] the activities…."
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
- The registration fee of $849 (increases to $949 on June 1) includes all costs associated with meals, lodging, and field experiences. Access to the facilities and technology needed for the learning exercises is provided by Northern Michigan University. Students are transported by vans to field sites and back to campus. Limited needed-based aid may be available.
- Each day faculty members including from the Department of Earth, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences, share their expertise with the camp attendees.
- Most meals are eaten in a dining hall on campus. Lunches are provided during field excursions. Dietary restrictions can be accommodated with advance notice.
- Students stay in a residence hall on the campus of NMU.
- Residence halls provide bed linens, pillows, blankets, small towels and washcloths. No electronics (e.g., alarm clocks, computers, TVs, radios, fans) are included. A packing list will be provided.
- College students serve as camp counselors.
- Breakfast is served at approximately 8:00 a.m. Learning experiences are planned from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Dinner in the dining hall follows the daytime field trips. Camp attendees participate in after-dinner group activities. Quiet time back in dorm rooms begins by 10:30 p.m.
- The showcase of learning on the Saturday morning that the camp ends is a chance for families to find out what the students experienced during the week
- Students who wish to go in the water will need to pass a swim test in the NMU pool.
- Families may tour campus the Friday before camp begins or the Monday after camp ends by contacting the Campus Visit Program Office at or 906-227-1709.
Questions? Please contact the Seaborg Center for more information.