All abstracts must be submitted online through the link on the Celebration of Student Scholarship homepage. To revisit your abstract submission responses for edits prior to the deadline, use the link provided with your original submission confirmation message. Deadline for the 28th Annual Celebration of Student Scholarship - Abstract submission will close Friday, March 29th, 2024!

Attendance at the 28th Annual Celebration of Student Scholarship is open to all members of the NMU and Marquette communities.

Abstracts should:

  1. Clearly state the central research question and/or purpose of the project.
  2. Provide relevant context that demonstrates a unique contribution to the field.
  3. Provide a brief description of the research design and methodology.
  4. Abstracts for visual art should be a brief artist's statement.
  5. State conclusions or expected results and the context in which they will be discussed.
  6. Include text only (no images or graphics)
  7. Be well-organized and proofed for errors.
  8. Be an original work created solely by the author(s).

Other formatting guidelines:

  1. References may be included, but are not required.
  2. The form will not process all formatting and special characters (e.g., scientific symbols). Use plain text format for your abstract. (Paste your abstract into a simple text editor, like Notepad, to remove formatting, then copy and paste from the text editor into the submission form.)
  3. The abstract limit is 250 words.

Have the following information available when submitting your abstract:

  1. Name and e-mail address for each faculty mentor and co-author(s), as well as the academic major for each co-author.
  2. Presentation type: 10-minute oral presentation and poster.
  3. Field of study.

One abstract per primary author is permitted. There is no limit on the number of abstracts submitted per co-author.

Note: The title and author(s) of your abstract will appear EXACTLY as they are entered in the abstract submission form. Please proofread for correct punctuation and spelling before submitting. Capitalize your title. 

This slide set provides a quick overview and tips about writing an abstract. Contact your research mentor or the NMU Writing Center for help to write an effective abstract.