2024 Award Winners

Undergraduate Lower Division

First Place

  • Grace Robinson: Effects of Precipitation on Relative Abundance of Northern Raccoons, Striped Skunks, and Virginia Opossums on the East Coast of the United States
    • Advisor: Dr. Diana Lafferty

Second Place

  • Alexandra Bowman: Does Forest Cover Impact Relative Abundance of the North American River Otter, American Mink, and Fisher?
    • Advisor: Dr. Diana Lafferty

Third Place

  • Karleene Maschke: Percent Urban Landcover Impact on Coyote, Chipmunk, and Mice Populations
    • Advisor: Dr. Diana Lafferty

Peoples’ Choice Award

  • Alexandra Bowman: Does Forest Cover Impact Relative Abundance of the North American River Otter, American Mink, and Fisher?
    • Advisor: Dr. Diana Lafferty



Undergraduate Upper Division

First Place

  • A'Mariya Peterson: Capacity for Thermal Selection in Larval Burbot
    • Advisor: Dr. Jill Leonard and Alexis Pupo

Second Place

  • Sam Shudarek: Impact of habitat enrichment on the development of coping styles in brook trout, lake trout, and splake
    • Advisor: Dr. Jill Leonard

Third Place

  • Mia Strazny: Implications of Urbanization on the Relative Abundance of Coyotes, Domestic Cats, and Eastern Cottontails in the Midwest
    • Advisor: Dr. Jill Leonard and Rylee Jensen

Peoples’ Choice Award

  • Anna Hill: Spottin’ Sallies: A look into the behavioral responses of blue-spotted salamanders (Ambystoma laterale) when presented with light stimuli.
    • Advisor: Dr. Jill Leonard


Graduate Projects

First Place

  • Rylee Jensen: Interspecific variation in gut microbiome diversity across the Etosha National Park herbivore community
    • Advisor: Dr. Diana Lafferty

Second Place

  • Alexis Pupo: Embryonic and Larval Development of the Lateral Line in Burbot (Lota lota)
    • Advisor: Dr. Jill Leonard

Third Place

  • Brendan Zak: Pilot Study: Suture Healing Rates of Walleye (Sander vitreus)
    • Advisor: Dr. Jill Leonard

Peoples’ Choice Award

  • Emily Greenman - Bartonella Prevalence in Small Mammals of Montana and Idaho
    • Advisor: Dr. Josh Sharp and Dr. Kurt Galbreath


Group Projects

First Place

  • Hosanna Brindle, Ahna Larson, Chase Stahl, and Emily Soukup: Establishment of a cold water wound healing model using Lake Superior burbot (Lota lota)
    • Advisor: Dr. Danny LeBert and Dr. Jill Leonard

Second Place

  • Paige Dolph, Elijah Nieman, Jayden Kennison, and Landon Strzelewicz: Motivational Orientation, Explicit Bias, Implicit Bias, and 5-Weeks of Distributed Exposure to Counter Stereotypic Videos
    • Advisor: Dr. John Barch

Third Place

  • Megan Wells, Jayme Pomper, Isabella Enger, and Lily Briggs: Drug Treatments for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in a Mouse Model
    • Advisor: Dr. Amber LaCrosse

Peoples’ Choice Award

  • Megan Wells, Jayme Pomper, Isabella Enger, and Lily Briggs: Drug Treatments for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in a Mouse Model
    • Advisor: Dr. Amber LaCrosse


Student Tech Innovation Award

Harrison Bouche and Morgan Helmle for "CTL Course Scheduling App"


Past Award Winners

Undergraduate Lower Division


1st Place

  • Jason Andary, Freshman, Clinical Laboratory Science - Faculty Mentor: Dr. Paul Mann, Dr. Matt Jennings, and Dr. Robert Winn
    • Comparitive analysis between colorimetric LAMP and RPA diagnostic methods to detect IDH1 R132H mutation in GBM

2nd Place

  • Skylar Grubb, Sophomore, Biology (concentration in Zoology) - Faculty Mentor: Dr. Diana Lafferty
    • Relative Abundance of Black Bears, Bobcats, and Coyotes in Relation to Human Modification

3rd Place

  • Gabriela Moreno, Freshman, Biology - Faculty Mentor: Dr. Diana Lafferty
    • Unbanization in the Southwest and Its Effects on the Relative Abundance of Competing Species and Their Prey


Undergraduate Upper Division


1st Place

  • Leah Gibbons, Senior, Biology - Faculty Mentor: Dr. Diana Lafferty and Rylee Jensen
    • The Relative Abundance of Gray Wolves, Coyotes, and Red Foxes in Urbanized Areas of the Great Lakes

2nd Place

  • Calandra Bungart, Junior, Biology - Faculty Mentor: Dr. Diana Lafferty
    • The Impact of Urban Landcover on Coyotes (Canis latrans), Red Foxes (Vulpes Vulpes), and Eastern Cottontails (Sylvilagus floridanus) Within the Northeast Region of the U.S.

3rd Place

  • Mary Kelly, Junior, Environmental Science - Faculty Mentor: Dr. Diana Lafferty
    • Assessing the effects of forest land cover change on nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus), bobcat (Lynx rufus), and coyote (Canis latrans) populations in the southeastern United States




1st Place

  • Garrett Lundteigen, Graduate, Psychology - Faculty Mentor: Dr. Vincent Jeevar
    • Effect of Positive Imagery on Self Efficacy

2nd Place

  • Kristian Choate, Graduate, Biology - Faculty Mentor: Dr. Danny LeBert, Dr. Josh Sharp, and Dr. Paul Mann
    • Optimization of Lysis for Detection of Staphylococcus aureus via Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification

3rd Place

  • Mandy Joslyn, Graduate, Biology - Faculty Mentor: Dr. Josh Sharp and Dr. Jane Harris
    • How Does Human Decomposition Affect the Soil Microbiome?




1st Place

  • Nicole C. Thomas, Graduate, Psychology, Bella Enger, Sophomore , Neuroscience, Peyton Osborn, Sophomore, Biology, Rebecca Balinski, Senior, Psychology, Andrew Donar, Junior, Psychology - Faculty Mentor: Dr. Amber LaCrosse
    • Genetic Alterations Associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactiviy Disorder

2nd Place

  • JD D. Payne, Senior, Behavioral & Cognitive Neuroscience, Ender Harris, Junior, Cognitive Neuroscience, Lily Briggs, Junior, Interdisciplinary Psychology, Brandon Godin, Graduate, non-degree seeking - Faculty Mentors: Dr. Cory Toegel, Dr. Forrest Toegel, and Dr. Amber LaCrosse
    • Discrimination Reversal Task Training in C57 and CD1 mice strains

3rd Place

  • Christina Ferrera, Senior, Biology (concentration in Physiology) and Anne Carrier, Freshman, Biology (concentration in Microbiology) - Faculty Mentor: Dr. Josh Sharp
    • Utilizing Digital Droplet PCR to Detect Mpox Virus in Wastewater


People's Choice Award


1st Place

  • Teni Ajayi, Sophomore, Biology (concentation in Physiology) - Faculty Mentors: Dr. Diana Lafferty and Laura Whipple 
    • Human-Wildlife Interactions in the context of Population Density: A Study of Three Species

2nd Place

  • Grace Robinson, Freshman, Biology - Faculty Mentor: Dr. Neil Cumberlidge
    • A New Collection of Freshwater Crabs from Northern Madagascar that Includes a Possible New Species (Brachyura: Potamoidea: Deckeniidae)

3rd Place

  • Brady Rudh, Senior, Fisheries & Wildlife Management - Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jill Leonard
    • Waterbody Type as a Determinant of Contiguous Balsam Fir Growth Rate

Jacob Houseman for "Programmed Portraits"

Matthew Vogt for "Interactive virtual automotive hacking classroom activity"

Undergraduate Lower Division (Freshman and Sophomore)

1st Daily Activity Patterns Among Apex Predators in the Northwest United States
Sydney M. Romps, Sophomore - Biology
Faculty Mentor: Diana Lafferty

2nd Effect of rearing container volume on rotifer colony success
Bianca Wiegerink, Freshman - Chemistry
Faculty: Jill Leonard  

3rd Genetic analysis of CRISPR/cas9 basigin knockout T98 glioblastoma clones
Mia J. Strazny, Robert J. Belton Jr, and Amy Abel, Freshman - Biology
Faculty Mentor: Robert Belton    

Undergraduate Upper Division (Junior and Senior)

1st Development of a Nucleic Acid Based Fluorescence ATP Biosensor
Aleah N. Edwards and Philip Yangyuoru, Senior - Chemistry
Faculty Mentor: Philip Yangyuoru    

2nd Importance of reference points in orientation in a current by juvenile mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus)
Ryan C. Heines and Jill Leonard, Senior - Biology
Faculty Mentor: Jill Leonard

3rd Passing Through Beringia: Enhanced Sampling Resolves the History of Intercontinental Dispersal
Annika Desai, Senior - Biology
Faculty Mentor: Kurt Galbreath    

Graduate Student Projects

1st Plasma and fecal cortisol metabolite concentrations following an ACTH challenge in captive brown bears (Ursus arctos).
Justin A. Pinero, Graduate Student - Biology
Faculty Mentor: Diana Lafferty    

2nd Ischemic Preconditioning Improves Time Until Failure During Rock Climbing Specific Tasks
Nahir Negron-Fernandez and Ian Koskinen, Graduate Student - Health and Human Performance, School of
Faculty Mentor: Matthew Kilgas    

3rd Integration of Multiple Datasets to Evaluate Red Fox Distribution
Laura Whipple and Diana JR Lafferty, Graduate Student - Biology
Faculty Mentor: Diana Lafferty    

Group Projects

1st Ecological Impacts of Invasive
Nadia S. Finley, Lorie L. Thompson, Shannon A. Ehrlich, and Kendall J. Phillips, Junior - Biology
Faculty Mentor: Jill Leonard

2nd Bystanders’ Ability to Provide High Quality CPR Through Fatigue
Samantha Nelson and Madison Eddy, Senior - Health and Human Performance, School of
Faculty Mentor: Marguerite Moore    

3rd Lake Superior Drowning in Microplastics
Grace Krajenka, Mackenzie Jonas, Aaron Busiel, and Jordon Brown, Junior - Biology
Faculty Mentor: Diana Lafferty    

Lydia M. Olson Library and Central Upper Peninsula & NMU Archives Research Award

Making a New American Identity: The Associated Press and Nazi, 1933-1938 Germany
Jakob Lippert, Junior - History and German Studies
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Nick Dupras – History

2021 Student Technology Innovation Award

Human recreation impacts seasonal variation in American black bear (Ursus americanus) activity and occupancy across the urban-wildland interface
Tru Hubbard, MS Graduate Program – Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Dianna Lafferty – Biology

Comparison of Betulin Concentration in Betula papyrifera in Presence of Fomitopsis betulina, and Pharmacokinetic Analysis of Betulin Derivatives Binding Affinity to Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA)
Gino Pacifico, Junior - Biochemistry
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Lesley Putman - Chemistry

Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Winners

Graduate 1st Place Winner: Emily Griffith, Biology
Graduate Runner-Up: Xochitl Delgado, Psychological Sciences
Graduate People's Choice: Emily Klinkman, Exercise Science

McNair Scholars Research Competition Winners

McNair 1st Place Winner: Stephanie Baklarz, Medicinal Plant Chemistry
McNair Runner-Up: Ashley Martinez, History
McNair People's Choice: Jalen Sims, Graphic Design

Undergraduate Lower Division (Freshman and Sophomore)

1st Hormone-Induced Decidualization of Human Endometrial Stromal Cells
Margaret Lynch, Sophomore – Chemistry
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Robert Belton – Biology

2nd Natural History of Small Mammal Use of Human Cadavers
Jordon Brown, Freshman – Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Dianna Lafferty – Biology

3rd Daily Activity Patterns of Michigan Forest Squirrels
Nicole Cash, Freshman – Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Dianna Lafferty – Biology

Undergraduate Upper Division (Junior and Senior)

1st Variation of activity patterns of American beaver, North American porcupine, and muskrat
Raquel Green, Junior – Earth, Environmental and Geographical Sciences
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Dianna Lafferty – Biology

2nd Determining Performance of the SD Biosensor Rapid Test for Covid-19 Antibodies as a Point of Care Test in an Urgent Care Setting
Nicholas Stoyanoff, Senior – Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Josh Sharp – Biology

3rd Assessing Underground Pumped Hydro Energy Storage Potential in the United States
Hilde Eide, Senior – Earth, Environmental and Geographical Sciences
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Matt Van Grinsven – Earth, Environmental & Geographical Sciences

Undergraduate Group Projects

1st SARS-CoV-2 Detection in Wastewater Samples via Digital Droplet Polymerase Chain Reaction
Molly Cormier, Senior – Microbiology
Bailey Gomes, Junior – Forensic Biochemistry
Ashley Dunneback, Junior, Biology
Katie Cothran, Junior, Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Josh Sharp – Biology

2nd Identification and Ecological Significance of Endoparasite Load in Martes americana of Michigan and Alaska
Cassidy Downing, Senior – Biology
Zack Van Huysen, Senior – Biology
Claire Jorgensen, Freshman - Art and Design
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Kurt Galbreath – Biology

3rd Arctic Change: Drivers and Solutions
Lindsey Walter, Sophomore  – Fisheries and Wildlife Management
Alyssa Zelakiewicz, Junior – Fisheries and Wildlife Management
Alexandria Crosby, Junior – Zoology
Reese Dorroh, Applied Ecology - North Carolina State University
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Diana Lafferty – Biology

Graduate Student Projects

1st Brown Bear Gut Microbiomes: A Micro-Approach to Wildlife Management
Sarah Trujillo, MS Graduate Program - Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Diana Lafferty – Biology

2nd Human Recreation Influences American Black Bear Occupancy and Activity Across the Rural-Highland Interface
Tru Hubbard, MS Graduate Program – Biology
Mitchell Hawthorne, Junior - Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Dianna Lafferty – Biology

3rd Characterization of the P2D7 Monoclonal Antibody Specific for Basigin-2
Jeannine Barna, MS Graduate Program – Biology
Mitchell Messing, Non-Degree Seeking Graduate Student
Lauren Clausen, Junior - Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Robert Belton – Biology


No awards were given this year. 


Undergraduate Lower Division (Freshman and Sophomore)

1st Primer Assessment for a Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Assay for Glioblastoma Multiforme
Isabella Oldani, Sophomore – Forensic Biochemistry
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Paul Mann – Clinical Laboratory Sciences

2nd A Phylogenetic Analysis of the Parasitic Pinworm Eugenuris sp. in Ochotona sp.
Annika Desai, Freshman – Biology - Zoology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Kurt Galbreath – Biology

3rd Finish Time Gaps in Elite Athletes: Gender Comparisons in Cross Country Running and Nordic Skiing
Tara Myers, Freshman – Secondary Education English
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Carl Wozniak – Education, Leadership & Public Service

Undergraduate Upper Division (Junior and Senior)

1st Comparing Trends in Solar Radiation over the Laurentian Great Lakes
Myles Walimaa, Senior – Environmental Science
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Norma Froelich – Earth, Environmental & Geographical Sciences

2nd Population Structure of Graphidiella ochotonae, a Parasite of American Pikas (Ochotona princeps) Reveals Geographic Expansion
Erin Brino, Senior – Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Kurt Galbreath – Biology

3rd Geospatially Tracking the Placement of African Americans in the Redlined Neighborhoods of Detroit, Michigan
Garrett Raubinger, Senior – Geomatics
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Robert Legg – Earth, Environmental & Geographical Sciences

Undergraduate Group Projects

1st Can Animal Personality Facilitate Adaptation to Climate Change?
Brooke Krysiak, Senior – Biology
Grace Freitag, Senior – Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Diana Lafferty – Biology

2nd Should You Shower Before Getting in the Pool?
Janean Fabino, Senior – Forensic Biochemistry
Stephanie Parks, Senior – Microbiology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Suzanne Williams – Chemistry

3rd Chris Kailing, Senior – Biology
Sierra Gillman, MS Graduate Program – Biology
Lane Jeakle, Junior – Biology
Myles Walimaa, Senior – Environmental Science
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Diana Lafferty – Biology

Graduate Student Projects

1st Feeding The Beast: Are Human Foods Another Pressure on Wildlife Health?
Sierra Gillman, MS Graduate Program – Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Diana Lafferty – Biology
Dr. Erin A. McKenney – North Carolina State University

2nd West Nile Virus: Applying a Novel Genetic Assay to Blood and Tissue Samples from Wild Birds
Carly Paget, MS Graduate Program – Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Alec Lindsay – Biology
Dr. Josh Sharp – Biology

3rd A Preliminary Investigation on the Trophic Ecology of Sport Fish in Little Bay de Noc
John Whitinger, MS Graduate Program – Biology
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Brandon Gerig – Biology


Undergraduate Lower Division (Freshmen and Sophomores)

1st Place Award: Rapid Colorimetric Detection of Pathogenic Escherichia coli Utilizing Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification
Author: Riley Morley, Faculty Mentor: Dr. Josh Sharp - Biology

2nd Place Award: Climate Change Messages for the Next Generation: A Focus on Health Impacts
Author: Amanda Newton, Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jes Thompson - Communication and Media Studies

3rd Place Award: Tissue Dwelling Nematodes
Author: Alec Kauschaar, Faculty Mentor: Dr. Kurt Galbreath - Biology

Undergraduate Upper Division (Juniors and Seniors)

1st Place Award: Exploring Place Waste Reduction at Campus Dining Halls
Author: Joseph Dodd, Faculty Mentor: Dr. Sarah Mittlefehldt - Earth, Environmental, & Geographical Sciences

2nd Place Award: Land Use and Land Change Implications on Hydrological Processes of Adjacent Watersheds from 1975-2016
Author: Ryan Diederichs, Faculty Mentor: Dr. Matt VanGrinsven - Earth, Environmental, & Geographical Sciences

3rd Place Award: The Impact of Rock Climbing on Lichen in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
Author: Georgia Harrison, Faculty Mentor: Dr. Alan Rebertus - Biology

Graduate Student Division

1st Place Award: The Roles of Muscle-Synthesized Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Presynaptic Tyrosine Receptor Kinase B in Motor Neuron Axonal Transport
Author: Luke VanOsdol, Faculty Mentor: Dr. Erich Ottem - Biology

2nd Place Award: Evolution of Freshwater Crabs in Lake Malawi in the African Rift Valley
Author: Emily Johnson, Faculty Mentor: Dr. Neil Cumberlidge - Biology

3rd Place Award: Phylogenetic Influence on Climate-Driven Range Shifts in North American Small Mammals
Author: Katie Nehiba, Faculty Mentor: Dr. Kurt Galbreath - Biology

Group Poster Division

1st Place Award: Implications of Bear Bile Farming on Conservation
Authors: Devon Hains, Ryan Mclaren, Emma Piper, & Kayla Traylor, Faculty Mentor: Dr. Diana Lafferty - Biology

2nd Place Award: Antibacterial Activity of Syzygium aromaticum and Cinnamomum zeylanicum Essential Oil and Thieves Oil
Authors: Claire Dobry, Claire Smith, Danielle Fawaz, & Jenny Klemm

3rd Place Award: Testing the Reliability of Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) Readers Used for Monitoring Wild Birds in Banded Passerine Populations
Authors: Cody Selewski & James VanOrman

People looking at posters

People looking at posters

People looking at posters

People looking at posters

People looking at posters

People looking at posters

People looking at posters

People looking at posters

People looking at posters

Group Poster Award Competition:

1st place: “Use of self-relevant stimuli in the dot-probe task”
Authors: Jailin Kaiser, Erin Wylie, Lydia Morgan, & Grant Dorian
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Josh Carlson – Department of Psychology

Jailin Kaiser

2nd place: “Identification of Bacterial Cells by Cellular Light Scattering”
Authors: Maggie Bohm, Kaylagh Hollen, Anthony Treloar, & Nicole Shoup
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Josh Sharp – Department of Biology

3rd place: “The Development of a Co-Culturing System to Study the Phenomenon of Cancer-Associated Thrombosis”
Authors: Dustin Degrave, Melanie Flaherty, & Nick Shortreed
Faculty Advisor: Dr. John Lawrence – Upper Michigan Brain Tumor Center

Lower Division Undergraduate Poster Competition:

1st place: “Effects of soil conditions on cutaneous bacteria of the red-backed salamander”
Author: Tyler DeVos
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jill Leonard – Department of Biology

Tyler Devos

2nd place: “The Characterization Of LN229/mKate Glioblastoma Multiforme Cells Cultured in vitro Utilizing Artificial 3D Chitosan-Alginate Scaffolds”
Author: Nick Shortreed
Faculty Advisor: Dr. John Lawrence – Upper Michigan Brain Tumor Center

3rd place: “Inter-Comparison of Off-Shore Weather Buoys: An Analysis of Weather and Wave Data Collection Equipment off the Southern Shores of Lake Superior”
Author: Holly Roth
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Norma Froelich – Earth, Environmental, & Geographical Sciences Department

Upper Division Undergraduate Poster Competition:

1st place: “Temperature variability along the southern coast of Lake Superior”
Author: Marissa Gillet-Behrens
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Norma Froelich – Earth, Environmental, & Geographical Sciences Department

Melissa Gillet-Behrens

2nd place: “Pollen preference of Osmia lignaria (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) in a commercial blueberry field”
Author: Maggie Hartman
Faculty Advisor:

3rd place: “Habitat Characterization and Vegetation Diversity Analysis of Flowering Rush (Butomus umbellatus) Infestations on the Au Train River”
Author: Zach Dykema
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jill Leonard – Department of Biology

Graduate Student Poster Competition (including a 5-way tie for 3rd place):

1st place: “Political Socialization in the Trump Era”
Author: Joan Toivonen – School of Education, Leadership, and Public Service
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Derek Anderson

Joan Toivonen

2nd place: “Ecological drivers of plant community composition in the Seney Wilderness Area, Upper Michigan”
Author: Alex Graeff – Department of Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Alan Rebertus

3rd place: “A comparison of Prefrontal Cortex Activity across emotional Stroop and dot-probe tasks of attentional bias: A Near-infrared spectroscopy study”
Author: Keara Kangas – Department of Psychology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Josh Carlson

3rd place: “Changes in Perceived Importance of Physical Activity and Nutrition for Health Following (S)Partners Intervention”
Author: Rachel Greco – School of Health & Human Performance
Faculty Advisor: Breanne Carlson

3rd place: “Characteristics of Sites Where Wolves Kill Fawns in Northern Minnesota”
Author: Austin Homkes – Department of Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. John Bruggink

3rd place: “Soil Microbial Interactions with Agricultural Plants in Depleted Urban Soils Amended with Various Organic Fertilizer Treatments”
Author: Andrew Adamski – Department of Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Donna Becker

3rd place: “Functional changes in early latency medial prefrontal cortex activity following attention bias modification training: A near-infrared spectroscopy study”
Author: Jake Aday – Department of Psychology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Josh Carlson

Undergraduate Posters

First Place - Tie
Manuel Arafat, Senior - Biology/Zoology major
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kurt Galbreath
Title: Craniometric Variation in Canis lupus from Alaska to the Great Lakes. 

Manuel Arafat

Rachel Marlatt, Senior - Biology major
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Patrick Brown
Title: Are Human Development and Corruption in a Country Correlated with the Effectiveness of Conservation Policies on Wild Cats? 

Rachel Marlatt

Second Place

Kelsey Huisman, Senior - Biology & Spanish double major
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Joshua Neely
Title: An Ecological Review of Lepanthes Sw. Orchids and Why it is Important

Third Place

Nathan Martineau, Freshman - Biology major
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Alec Lindsay
Title: Creating Scientific Value for a Collection of Eggs from Unidentified Species

Group Posters

First Place

Nicole Shoup, Senior - Biology major
Kaylagh Hollen, Graduate Student, Biology Department – MS in Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Josh Sharp
Title: Rapid Identification of Staphylococcus by Immunomagnetic Capture and Laser Light Scattering

Nicole Shoup

Second Place

Jaclyn Johnston, Senior - Biology/Ecology major
Rochelle Schuch, Sophmore - Biology major
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Alan Rebertus
Title: Hidden Symbiosis: Rotifer Population Dynamics in Plant Container Habitats

Third Place

Rebecca Dangremond, Graduate Student – Biology
Amanda Taisto, Graduate Student – Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Erich Ottem
Title: Assessing the Role of Skeletal Muscle-Synthesized BDNF in the Maintenance of Gastrocnemius Fibers, Neuromuscular Juction Morphology, and Retrograde Transport Along Gastrocnemius-Associated Motorneuron Axons.  

Graduate Posters

First Place
Theresa Durley, Graduate – Doctor of Nursing Practice
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Kristi Robinia and Dr. Maggy Moore
Title: An Overview of Necrotizing Fasciitis

Second Place

Lacey Crabb, Graduate – Doctor of Nursing Practice
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Kristi Robinia and Dr. Maggy Moore
Title: Campylobacter: A Food Borne Illness Case Study

Third Place - Tie

Jake Aday, Graduate – Psychology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Josh Carlson
Title: Neuroplasticity in an Extended Amygdala Network as the Mechanism Underlying Attention Bias Modification Training: A Voxel-Based Morphometry Pilot Study   

Amanda Wigand, Graduate – Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Robert Belton
Title: Analysis of Tumor Specific Protein Expression in Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBMs) Tumors-Through Immunohistochemistry

Technology Innovation Award for Students

Paige Lamb and Molly Smith
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kenneth C. Holder, Professor, School of Education, Leadership & Public Service
Project Title: First Tech Challenge Girls Robotics Team

Paige Lamb

Amy Peterson
Faculty Advisor: Keith C. Ellis, Associate Professor, School of Art & Design
Project Title: Augmented Reality Applications

Amy Peterson

Thursday, April 9, 2015 marked the 20th annual symposium of student presentations highlighting research, creative works and academic service learning by NMU undergraduate and graduate students. Featured below are the winning posters in undergraduate, graduate and group categories. First, second and third place ribbons were awarded in each category.

Poster Ribbon Winners

First place winner pictured with:
Fritz Erickson, NMU President (right)
Jill Leonard, Advisor (left)

Undergraduate Posters

Nathaniel Crane

First Place
Nathaniel Crane, Senior, Biology department - Fisheries and Wildlife Management major
Faculty Advisor:  Jill Leonard
Title:  Effects of Rearing Habitat on Growth and Morphology of Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)

2nd place
Hannah Hawkins, Freshman, Biology/Physiology major (in Freshman Fellows Program)
Faculty Advisor:  Maggy Moore
Title: Study on the Effects of Head Impact on the Brain in College-Aged Divers

3rd place 
Chelsie Vipperman, Freshman, English/Secondary Education major
Faculty Advisor:  Christi Edge
Title: Transition from Student to Teacher: A Phenomenological Study

Graduate Posters

First place winner pictured with:
Fritz Erickson, NMU President (right)
Brian Cherry, Assistant Provost of Graduate Education and Research (left)

Joseph Wagner

Graduate Student 1st Place Poster Winner (pictured above)
Robert Torrence, Graduate Student, Pyschology
Faculty Advisor:  Joshua Carlson
Title:   Variability in Human Insula Gray Matter Volume Predicts Awareness for Peri-threshold Backward Masked Fearful Faces

2nd place
Anna Rice, biology department – biology major
Faculty Advisor:  Katherine Teeter
Title:  Disruptions of Epigenetic Modifications in Mouse Hybrids

3rd place
Andrew Mills, School of Education, Leadership, and Public Service - Learning Disabilities major
Faculty Advisor:  Abby Cameron-Standerford
Title:  Emergent Themes Surrounding the Implementation of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics for Students with Learning Disabilities in Mathematics

Group Posters

First place winner pictured with:
Lesley Putnam, Advisor (right)
Fritz Erickson, NMU President (left)

Pershinske Stafford Group Poster

Group Poster 1st Place Poster Winners
Katelyn Pershinske, Sophomore, Neuroscience major
Kaitlyn VanderPloeg, Senior, Biochemistry major
Sara Stafford, 2014 Graduate in Biochemistry
Faculty Advisor:  Lesley Putman
Title: Analysis of Components in Little Bluestem Seed Exudate Responsible for Bisphenol-A Degradation

2nd  place
Grace Orstad, Junior, Biochemistry major
Leslie Schmeling, Senior, Biology/Physiology major
Faculty Advisor:  Suzanne Williams
Title:  A Survey of the Antioxidant Properties of Beta vulgaris (Red Beet)

3rd place
Cole Swiston, Senior, Biology major
Jeff Maniko, Senior, Biology major
Faculty Advisor:  Robert Belton
Title: Identification of Basigin in Glioblastoma Multiforme Stem-like Cells

Student Technology Innovation Awards

Winners pictured with:
Bruce Sarjeant, Secretary, Educational Technology  Resource and Policy Committee (right)
Fritz Erickson, NMU President (left)

Charles Morey

Breanne Kanak – Art and Design/Secondary Education 
Project Title: Vicissitudes
Faculty Advisors:  Michael Donhoust, Brian Kakas and Gypsy Schindler

Sam Morey – Mathematics/Secondary Education 
Project Title: Parametric Equations in Geometer's Sketch Pad
Faculty Advisor: David Buhl

Thursday, April 10, 2014 marked the 19th annual symposium of student presentations highlighting research, creative works and academic service learning by NMU undergraduate and graduate students. Featured are the winning posters in undergraduate, graduate and group categories. First, second and third place ribbons were awarded in each category.

Poster Ribbon Winners

First place winners pictured with:
David Haynes, NMU President (right)
Brian Cherry, Assistant Provost of Graduate Education and Research (left)

Undergraduate Posters

Kelsey Huisman

Undergraduate Student Poster 1st Place Winner (pictured above)
Kelsey Huisman, Senior, Biology-Ecology/Spanish
ADVISER:  David Bogler
TITLE:  Conservation Genetics of the Rare Species Delphinium Exaltatum (RANUNCULACEAE) of the Appalachian Mountains and the Ozark Highlands of Missouri

2nd place
Erica Fraley, Senior, Biology-Biology

ADVISER:  Donna Becker
TITLE:  Exploring Potato Tuber Endophytes

TIE for 3rd place 
Ethan Scott, Senior, Biology-Biology/Ecology
ADVISER:  Katherine Teeter
TITLE:  DNA Methylation in Genomically Imprinted Genes of Hybrid Mice

Rozemary Howard, Senior, Biology-Zoology
ADVISER:  Erich Ottem

Graduate Posters

Joseph Wagner

Graduate Student 1st Place Poster Winner (pictured above)
Joseph Wagner, Graduate Student, Biology-Biology
ADVISER:  Jill Leonard
TITLE:  An In-Depth Analysis of Winter Ice Conditions of Several Streams Located in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula

2nd place
Holly Mathys, Graduate Student, Education, Leadership, and Public Service-Learning Disabilities

ADVISER:  Joan Cowell
TITLE:  Trends in the Delivery of Special Education Services

3rd place
Samantha Conklin, Graduate Student, Nursing-Family Nurse Practitioner

ADVISER:  Nanci Gasiewicz
TITLE:  Using iPod Touch Devices to Assess Quality of Life among Patients with Primary Brain Tumors

Group Posters

Pershinske Stafford Group Poster

Group Poster 1st Place Poster Winners
Katelyn Pershinske, Freshman, Chemistry - Biochemistry
Sara Stafford, Senior, Chemistry - Biochemistry
Cody Bogner, Senior, Chemistry - Biochemistry (not pictured)

ADVISER:  Lesley Putman
TITLE:  Phytoremediation of BPA by Little Bluestem Seeds

2nd  place
Joshua Maxwell, Senior, Psychology - Graduate Preparation
Emily Depetro, Fall 2013 Graduate, B.S. - General Psychology

ADVISER:  Joshua Carlson
TITLE:  Reduced Medial Prefrontal Cortical Volumes Associated with Depressive Traits in Healthy Individuals

3rd place
Andrew Mills, Graduate Student, Education, Leadership, and Public Service-Learning Disabilities
Holly Mathys, Graduate Student, Education, Leadership, and Public Service-Learning Disabilities

ADVISER:  Derek Anderson
TITLE:  What's in a Grade?: Pre-service Teachers' Assessment of 7th Grade Student Learning

Student Technology Innovation Awards

Winners pictured with:
David Haynes, NMU President (right)
Michael Kowalczyk, Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Computer Science
Chair of Educational Technology Resources and Policy Committee (left)

Charles Morey

Charles Morey – Aviation Maintenance Technology
Project Title:  Aircraft Engine Overhaul
Faculty Advisor:  Keith Norton

Sophia Thomas

Sophia Thomas – Art and Design/Human Centered Design
Project Title:  Formalist Study of the Abstractions of Communication and Language
Faculty Advisor:  Brian Kakas

Thursday, April 11, 2013 marked the annual symposium of student presentations highlighting research, creative works and academic service learning by NMU undergraduate and graduate students. Featured are the winning posters in undergraduate, graduate and group categories. First, second and third ribbons were awarded.

Undergraduate Posters

Shaley Valentine

Undergraduate Poster winner: "Secrets Revealed: The Real Ingredients of Fish Food"
Shaley Valentine, sophomore, Chemistry
Faculty Adviser:  Suzanne Williams

Second place: "Discovery of a New Exotic Slug Species (A. fuscus) in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and Its Possible Role in the Decline of the Threatened Calypso Orchid (Calypso Bulbosa)"
Rachel Sines, fall 2012 Bachelor of Science graduate, Biology
Faculty Adviser:  Alan Rebertus

Third place:  “Academic Achievement in Montessori vs. Traditional Students: A Modified Meta-Analysis”
Cora Thiele, senior, Biology
Faculty Adviser:  John Lawrence

Graduate Posters

Kristin Denryter

Graduate Poster winner: "Potential Impact of Highways on Coyote Vocal Behaviors and Its Use in Population Estimates in Michigan's Upper Peninsula"
Kristin Denryter, graduate student, Biology
Faculty Adviser: Pat Brown

Second place: "Same-Sex vs Opposite-Sex Athletic Trainers: NCAA Athletes’ Comfort and Preference"
Megan McCullough, graduate student, Health, Physical Education and Recreation
Faculty Adviser:  Maggy Moore

Third place: "Genetic Investigation of Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) Population Structure in Six Lake Superior Tributaries Located in Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Michigan"
Jonathan Pearce, graduate student, Biology
Faculty Adviser:  Katherine Teeter

Group Posters

Melissa Orzechowski Group Poster

Group Poster winner: "Characteristics of Trees Infected with Inonotus Obliquus"
Melissa Orzechowski, sophomore, and Alex Graeff, junior, Biology
Faculty Adviser:  Alan Rebertus

Second place: "From Bibles to Building Blocks: The Obstacles Pre-Service Teachers Face in Planning and Assessing the Teachings of World Religions"
Holly Mathys and Tanya Cook, graduate students, Education
Faculty Adviser:  Derek Anderson

Third Place:  "The Effects of the Neurotensin-1 Receptor Agonist PD149163 on Working Memory Performance in Brown Norway and Long Evans Rats"
Ashley Schmeling and Melissa Esser, seniors; Katelin Matazel, graduate student, Psychology
Faculty Adviser:  Adam Prus

Student Technology Innovation Awards

Ian Fox

Ian Fox – Engineering Technology
Project Title:  Diorama LED/MP3 Driver Printed Circuit Board
Faculty Advisers:  Jack Gumaer and Michael Rudisill

Scott Miljour

Scott Miljour – Nursing
Project Title: Creation of an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) for Nursing
Faculty Advisers:  Lisa Flood and Katie Menard

Thursday, April 12, 2012 marked the annual symposium of student presentations highlighting research, creative works and academic service learning by NMU undergraduate and graduate students. Featured are the winning posters in group, undergraduate and graduate categories.

Poster Awards

Graduate Poster winner: "Vitamin D3 Inhibits the Proliferation of Cultured Glioblastoma Multiforme Cells"
Justine M. Pinskey, graduate student, biology department
Faculty Adviser: Dr. Robert Winn

Undergraduate Poster winner: "Seedling Establishment of the Federally Threatened Pitcher's Thistle Across a Successional Gradient in the Grand Sable Dunes"
Matthew Keiser, undergraduate student, biology department
Faculty Adviser: Alan Rebertus

Group Poster winner: "Substrate Preference of Rhinichthys cataractae in the Absence of High Velocity Water"
Abigail Jacques and Danielle Brough, undergraduate students, biology department
Faculty Adviser: Jill Leonard

Student Technology Innovation Awards

Project title: "Using GIS to Model Least-cost Travel Paths through Wilderness Areas"
Matt Claucherty; undergraduate student; earth, environmental, and geographic sciences department
Faculty Adviser: Robert Legg

Project title: "Order & Chaos (Processing Processes"
Samantha Randolph; undergraduate student; art and design, graphic communications
Faculty Adviser: Keith Ellis