Wildcat Statue

Department Head Feedback

Academic department heads perform a number of important administrative functions as well as engaging in typical faculty activities such as teaching, professional development and service. They submit self-evaluations of their performance in these areas on a schedule and following a form established by the dean of their college, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and Student Success, and administrative policy

Feedback from departmental faculty on their perception of the effectiveness of their department head's performance of administrative duties is to be provided using this standard form developed by a balanced committee of administrators and faculty in accordance with Article III, Section of the NMU-AAUP Master Agreement. The following administrative functions, as appropriate to the department, should be reviewed in a manner determined by the faculty, and reported to the department head and the dean on a regular basis as specified in the department head's letter of appointment and/or as requested by the dean.

Administrative Review Questions

Not later than May 1, departmental faculty should submit to the dean and to the department head a statement addressing the following questions.

How well did the department head:

  1. plan, organize and provide leadership to achieve departmental objectives?
  2. facilitate curriculum assessment, analysis and development?
  3. coordinate activities and budget resources?
  4. carry out faculty recruitment, mentoring and evaluation responsibilities?
  5. handle staff supervision?
  6. communicate with faculty, staff, students, other departments, administrators and constituencies external to NMU?
  7. handle student recruitment, problems and needs?
  8. handle routine administrative responsibilities?
  9. perform other administrative tasks and responsibilities unique to your department?