Top 20 Best Public University in the Midwest!
Ranked by U.S. News & World Report

2nd Most Affordable Public University in Michigan
We believe a college education should be excellent and accessible for all

Best Online Colleges in the Midwest
Ranked by Abound
Guinness World Records at NMU
We're experts at going above and beyond!
Largest Game of Freeze Tag (on NBC Today Show), 2017
Largest Skateboard Parade, 2011
Largest Game of Musical Chairs, 1977
World’s Largest Sauna, 1996 & 2005
World’s Largest Pasty, 1978 (unofficial)
We also have the Largest Wooden Dome in the World!

Northern's Magical Hometown: Marquette
Best Small Town for Outdoor Adventure, USA Today
Best Small Cities in America, Nerd Wallet
Midwest’s Most Adrenaline-Charged Playground, Lonely Planet
Best Trails in the U.S., Bike Magazine
Best College Town for Skiers, Powder
Best Paddling Towns, Men’s Journal
25 Up and Coming Small Towns, Reader’s Digest
Top 50 Best U.S. Winter Vacations, Men's Journal
Home of the annual U.P. 200 Dog Sled Race, a qualifying event for the Iditarod