Wildcat Statue


Student Organizations

The Communication and Media Studies Department supports several student organizations that help students develop the skills they need to be successful in their future careers. Click on the links below to learn more about each organization. Visit The Hub for more organizations around campus.


Student DJing for radio x

Radio X 91.5 FM (WUPX)

Students operate a radio station that provides programming 24 hours per day.


Public Eye News logo

Public Eye News

Students produce a daily news program on WNMU-TV.


Students working at the Northwind

The North Wind

Students produce an independent, weekly newspaper.

CAMS Student Resources


Form Download link
Internship forms Download here (PDF)
Approval for Directed Studies Download unavailable
Change of Grade Download unavailable
Course Substitution Download unavailable
Course Waiver Download unavailable
Special Project Funding Request Download Here (DOCX)
Unpaid Blank Affiliation Agreement Download Here (PDF)
Paid Blank Affiliation Agreement Download Here (PDF)
Mac Lab and Media Studio Hours Download unavailable
Reserve Lab Time Request Download Here (DOCX)


Job & Internship Opportunities

Internships are a great way to earn credits and gain valuable, entry-level experience while still attending school. The CAMS department wants to help make your internship and employment search a little easier. Please speak to your adviser for valuable internship references/suggestions both on and/or off-campus.

NMU Employment Opportunities

Scholarship Opportunities for communication students

Yes, you will need to participate in an internship or practicum to finish our major degrees. Please speak with your advisor to figure out what course is best for you.

(Note: internship/practicum not required for minor degrees.)

No it doesn't! It can be either paid or unpaid. Unless it is an internship with an office on campus, however, an Affiliation Agreement (paid or unpaid) has to be completed and approved through Risk Management between the corresponding NMU department and the internship organization.

Learning Objectives

  • To adapt and apply knowledge and skills gained in the collegiate major in a workplace environment.
  • To gain experience managing multiple tasks and interpersonal relationships related to careers in a desired field of employment.
  • To obtain new perspectives and abilities in the process of managing tasks coordinated by the on-site supervisor for the internship.

Job Description

  • Outline the planned responsibilities (e.g. tasks and activities) expected of the student and the learning opportunities provided to the student that will help achieve the learning outcomes.

Outcome Reports

  • Site Supervisor to evaluate the student both halfway through the internship and again at the end on the following criteria:
    • Quality of work
    • Written communication
    • Oral communication
    • Problem solving/critical thinking
    • Information and technical literacy
    • Ability to learn
    • Team work
    • Leadership
    • Initiative
    • Judgment
    • Work habits
    • Personal attitudes
    • Ability to work in field
    • Overall performance of student

Any details of the job that may relate to the student’s field of study and career goals

  • One credit = 50 hours of work
  • A completed Work Experience Learning Agreement
  • A completed and approved Course Registration form
  • To receive a satisfactory grade for the internship, students must:
    • Complete the number of hours they signed up for
    • Submit a brief site-supervisor progress report halfway through the internship establishing that at least satisfactory progress is being made by the student in fulfilling responsibilities and meeting learning objectives.
    • At the end, submit a completed employer’s evaluation form again stating the student has satisfied the responsibilities of the internship.
    • Complete a self-evaluation form.
    • Write a brief student reflection paper outlining what was accomplished during the internship and the extent to which each of the learning objectives was met.
  • The Site-Supervisor and the NMU Adviser work with the student throughout the process.
  • See our Forms above to obtain the proper paperwork to start your internship today.
  • Reach out to our Executive Secretary, Michelle Inman, for additional assistance:  minman@nmu.edu; 906-227-2045

Contact Information

Email: caps@nmu.edu

Phone: 906-227-2045

Facebook: www.facebook.com/NMUCommAndMediaStudies

If you have college credit and want to find out what will transfer to NMU, please visit www.nmu.edu/transfercredit.