The services offered by NMU Career Services don’t end at graduation!
Alumni are encouraged to complete their free registration with Handshake. This system allows you to:
- Search and apply for job opportunities online, 24/7
- Manage multiple resumes, cover letters, and other employment-related documents
- Sign up for on-campus interviews
- View and RSVP for job fairs, workshops, and other career events
- Much more!
NOTE: Graduating students who have an existing account in Handshake do not need to re-register. Simply enter your existing login information.
To register:
- Head to the log in page:
- Log in using your information.
- Complete all profile information – you will need to scroll down to the end of the page to fill out all required fields.
NMU alumni are also welcome to attend any job fairs that are held throughout the year. Alumni are also encouraged to make an appointment for job search strategies, mock interviews, resume reviews, and more. To set up an appointment, call us at (906) 227-2800, chat with us (green circle in the lower right corner of our website), or set it up in Handshake (click on 'Career Center,' then 'Appointments' and follow the steps).
Are you looking to recruit more NMU alumni?
Many alumni return to NMU year after year in order to recruit future graduates for full-time jobs and internship opportunities with their company. If you are in a position to recruit for your company, we invite you to work with NMU Career Services staff and return to campus for a day of interviewing or register to attend one or more of our job fairs.
Career Services has the following services and facilities available to employers:
- Private interview rooms
- Conference rooms for group testing or information sessions
- Advertising for your job vacancy
- Resume Collection and Interview Scheduling prior to your visit
While companies are welcome to visit any time in order to recruit, NMU Career Services appreciates at least four weeks’ notice so we can ensure that your interview day is as productive as possible.
Employers interested in on-campus interviewing should let Career Services know about their recruiting interest by logging in to Handshake and filling out a request.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Posting a Job
Alumni who are in a position to recruit NMU graduates and other alumni into their company are encouraged to post these vacancies for consideration. Two options are available if you wish to post a position:
Employers may post a job with NMU Career Services through Handshake. There is no fee to post a job with the NMU Career Services office. At your request, our office can forward postings to specific on-campus departments, as well as advertise openings on our Facebook page and Twitter feed. We can also forward positions to the Alumni Association for posting on their LinkedIn page.
Alumni Association & LinkedIn
Join the Northern Michigan University Alumni Linked-In group for more recruitment and employment opportunities.
The NMU Alumni Association can be contacted at 906-227-2610.
Connecting with Students
Alumni Mentor Program
Mentor a current NMU student through the Alumni Mentor Program. Past mentors report gaining improved communication skills, an expanded professional network, and amazing self-reflection opportunities as they tell their story and give advice. Mentoring can be as short as one virtual meeting or periodic check-ins over time while working toward a long term goal.
A short training will help you get the most out of mentoring a student while helping the next generation of Wildcat get the most out of their NMU degree. Fill out this short application and we may contact you if a student with similar professional interests or major applies for the Alumni Mentor Program.
The Wildcats Connect is bringing alumni and students together to enhance their personal and professional success. You can help students in the following categories:
Specific Industry Q&A/Knowledge Share - answer questions regarding an industry, field or special topic area in which you are interested
Mock Interviews - conduct mock interviews - in person, by phone or virtual
Resume & Cover Letter Review - review and offer advice on resume and cover letter development
Welcome Wagon - answer questions about the city/region where you live
Grad School Prep Assistance - share your experience and offer advice on navigating the graduate school process
Money Management Life Skill Share - help on such topics as setting up a personal budget, managing monthly living expenses, paying down debt, planning for larger purchases, and preparing for retirement, while also living a little
If you are interested in helping students on these topics, please contact Alumni Relations at, (906) 227-2610 or 1-877-GRAD-NMU.
This program is a partnership between the NMU Alumni Association and Career Services.
Questions? Contact Us

Staying Connected
The Northern Michigan University Alumni Association serves all alumni of NMU - currently more than 50,000 individuals! Alumni are much more than a university’s former students; they are the stakeholders and partners with their alma mater. Alumni of an institution don’t come and go, they remain part of their university for a lifetime.
Help us keep you informed of alumni events, university progress, student success, Wildcat achievements, and more.
You can update your contact information, share important life changes, or personal and professional achievements with the Alumni Association.
Northern Michigan University Alumni - LinkedIn Group
Utilize the power of networking - join the Northern Michigan University Alumni LinkedIn group for recruitment, networking, and employment opportunities.
Free Email for Life
Access to your email address won't expire if you keep it active (log in at least once/year).
For more information about the Alumni Association, visit their website or call 906-227-2610.
The Northern Michigan University Foundation
NMU's Foundation works with individuals, groups, and organizations to support Northern programs and students, mainly through raising private funds for scholarships, endowments, academic departments, and affinity clubs. For more information, or to get involved with the NMU Foundation, please visit: