Ceremony Rehearsal: Seating assignment for commencement will be e-mailed to you. Rehearsal is on Friday, December 13th, 2024, and begins promptly at 2:15 in the Superior Dome. Please have your seat assignment email (hardcopy or phone) available at rehearsal to locate your seat. Rehearsal is approximately 1 hour.
Ceremony Report Time: ASSEMBLE IN VANDAMENT ARENA, PEIF BUILDING, SATURDAY, December 14th, 2024, NO LATER THAN 9:15 A.M. It is important to be on time. We will begin to march to the Superior Dome just after 10:00 a.m.
Commencement Attire
Cap and Gowns: The approved commencement attire consists of the NMU cap, gown and tassel, available through the NMU Bookstore. Cap, gown and tassels will be available for purchase at the NMU Bookstore through Saturday of Commencement.
Honor Cords: Undergraduate students receiving NMU scholastic recognition are also entitled to wear an NMU honors (yellow) cord which is obtained at the NMU Bookstore. Students graduating with full honors from the NMU Honors Program are entitled to wear the white honors cord. Students completing the Superior Edge program are entitled to wear the blue cord.
Commencement Guests
Guest seating is not limited and the ceremony is open to the general public. Child care is not provided and children are welcome to attend the ceremony. Guests may want to send family at 9:30 a.m. to save chairs for family members who cannot sit or move freely in the bleachers. Please inform guests the Superior Dome opens at 9:30 a.m. If hotel reservations are needed please make them soon! To find a listing of area hotels please visit Travel Marquette.
Accommodations Request: If you have a need for disability related accommodations or services during commencement, contact Degree Evaluation at 227-2257. Reasonable and effective accommodations and services will be provided to students if requests are made in a timely manner, with appropriate documentation, and in accordance with federal, state, and university guidelines.
Commencement Services
Photographs: The university has retained the services of a professional photographer from Grad Images to take your picture as you shake the President's hand. Instructions for ordering will be sent to your NMU email address by the photographer with a "proof" print. If you have restrictions on directory information that prevents us from giving the photographer your address, it will be your responsibility to contact the company. Their contact information is 1-800-261-2576 or Removal of restrictions and/or address corrections can be made in the Student Service Center, 2201 Hedgcock.
TV Broadcast and Video Streaming: Locally WNMU TV 13 provides a live broadcast of the ceremony. Family and friends from outside the TV 13 viewing area can see you walk across the stage via video streaming on their home computer.
Speech-to-Text: Speech-to-text service for this commencement ceremony is accessible live via smartphone or tablet. Add to the web-browser to access the ceremony.