Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (Report to Students)

URL: https://ope.ed.gov/athletics/#/institution/search
Regulation Reference Cite 20 U.S.C. § 1092(g): 34 C.F.R. § 668.41; 34 C.F.R. § 668.47
Report Due Date (Actual) 10/15/2019 Annual
Level Compliance Report
Person Responsible Laura Ingalls
Secondary Person Responsible Rebecca Schneiderhan
President / VP Level President

Each coed institution of higher education that participates in Title IV programs, and has an intercollegiate athletic program, must no later than October 15th of each year, make available on request to enrolled students, prospective students, and the public, the report required to be produced under this law. Within 15 days of making the report available to students, prospective students, and the public, (i.e., no later than October 30th of each year) the school must submit the report to the Secretary of Education.

The Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act requires co-educational institutions of postsecondary education that participate in a Title IV federal student financial assistance program and have an intercollegiate athletic program, to prepare an annual report to the Department of Education on athletic participation, staffing, and revenues and expenses, by men's and women's teams.

Contacts and Data Sources

Laura Ingalls, Controllers Office; Robin Burke - INTERCLGT ATHLETICS/REC SPORTS https://www2.ed.gov/finaid/prof/resources/athletics/eada.html

Internal Notes

This compliance item has notes that are available internally to the oversight unit. Please contact the Risk Management Department for more information